var galleryPLImages = []; FC.vars = { selectors: { COOKIE_POLICY: '.lta-cookie-message', SUBNAV: 'div.lta-subnav', HERO: 'div.lta-hero-image', HERO_IMG: 'div.lta-hero-image img', HERO_LIST: 'ul.lta-hero-list', HERO_DESC: 'div.lta-hero-description', HERO_TEXT: 'div.lta-hero-text', GALLERY: 'div.lta-gallery', GALLERY_CAPTION: 'div.lta-gallery div.lta-caption', RECORDS: 'div.lta-records', HERO_IMG_LINK: 'div.lta-hero-image a', HERO_SLIDESHOW: '.lta-hero', MEMBERS_HELP_BTN: 'a.lta-helpbutton', THUMB_CONTAINER: 'div.lta-thumbnail-container', MAIN_IMG: 'a.lta-main-img', SAMPLE_MENU: 'div.lta-sample-menu', HOSPITALITY: 'div.lta-hospitality, div.lta-tips-advice', HOSPITALITY_IMAGE: 'div.lta-hosp-img img', SELECTED: '.lta-selected', GALLERY_DETAIL: 'div.lta-pg-view-pane', GALLERY_DETAIL_MAIN_IMG: 'div.lta-photogallery-detail div.lta-image a', GALLERY_DETAIL_THUMB_CONTAINER: 'div.lta-tn-nav div.lta-pg-wrapper', GALLERY_DETAIL_CAPTION: 'div.lta-image p', GALLERY_DETAIL_MAIN_IMG_NAV: 'div.lta-m-nav', LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PANELS: '.gallery-frame .latest-gallery', LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES: ".latest-photos-nav .lta-latest-photos-pages", LIST_HOVER: '.lta-detailed-listing ul>li', TABLE_CONTAINER: 'div.lta-live-feed', TABLE_CONTAINER_SM: 'div.lta-live-feed-small', MATCH_TABS: "div.lta-match-tabs", LIVETICKER: ".live-scroller", EXPANDER: "div.lta-expander", RANKING_LISTING: ".lta-ranking-listing", RANKING_GROUP: ".lta-ranking-listing .ranking-group", SITE_SEARCH: ".lta-site-search", FLYOUT_NAVIGATION: ".lta-navigation-flyout", PLACEHOLDER_TEXT: ".lta-placeholder-text", PLACEHOLDER_TEXT_TITLE: ".lta-placeholder-title-text", VERTICAL_SCROLLER: "div.lta-vertical-scroll", MAP_HOLDER : '#lta-map-holder', BOX_HOVER : 'div.lta-box35', BOX_LINK : 'ul.lta-create-goal', GOAL_EXPANDER : 'ul.lta-goal-categories a.lta-btn-add', VERTICAL_NAV_SCROLL : 'div.lta-vertical-nav-scroll', GOAL_TOOLTIP : 'table.lta-create-technical td a', GOAL_DRAG_DROP : 'ul.lta-existing-goals', GOAL_STATUS_RADIOS : 'div.lta-status-radios label', FANCY_SELECTS : 'span.lta-fancy-select', FANCY_SELECT_GROUP: 'span.lta-fancy-select-group', FANCY_SELECT_GROUP_ITEM: 'span.lta-fancy-select-group-item', REVEAL_ADDITIONAL_INFO : 'p.lta-additional-info span', GOAL_PRINT : 'ul.lta-goal-tools', SPONSORS : '.lta-sponsors', SPONSORS_GROUP : '.lta-sponsor-group', SHOW_MORE_LINK: '.lta-show-more a', CONNECTION_SELECT: ".lta-connections-01", TOGGLE_FIELDS: ".lta-map-search input[type=text]", CONFIRM_AUTO: ".lta-confirm-auto", CONFIRM_SWITCH_AUTO: ".lta-confirm-switch", CONFIRM_RETURN_LTA: ".lta-confirm-return", CONFIRM_GIVE_UP: ".lta-confirm-giveup", CONFIRM_WINNER: ".lta-confirm-winner", CONFIRM_MAN: ".lta-confirm-man", CONFIRM_CLICK : ".lta-confirm-click", SIEBEL_ERROR : ".lta-siebel-error", OVERLAY_LINK: "a[rel=confirm], label[rel=confirm], input[rel=confirm]", TOOLTIP_CONTAINER: ".lta-tooltip", AJAX_TABS: ".lta-ajax-tabs", AJAX_DATA_PAGER: "#lta-ajax-tabs-content .lta-data-pager", AJAX_TABS_TARGET: "#lta-ajax-tabs-content", LOCATIONS: "#lta-locations-results", GOOGLE_MAP: "#map-canvas", RESOURCE_READER: ".lta-resources-text a", VENUE_SEARCH: ".lta-finder-tools", NEED_HELP: '.lta-need-help-link', MEDIA_PLAYER: ".lta-jwcontrols", LEVEL_TABS: ".lta-level label", HIGH_VISIBILITY_STYLESHEET: ".lta-main-stylesheet", MAJOR_EVENTS: ".lta-major-event-classic, .lta-major-event-international, .lta-major-event-championships, .lta-major-event-wheelchair", MEDIA_SCROLLER: ".lta-major-event .lta-tab-content,.lta-cardio-tennis .lta-tab-content", P2P_REGISTRATION: ".reg-info", AUTO_REFRESH: '.lta-auto-refresh', CARDIO_TENNIS: '.lta-cardio-tennis', TENNIS_XPRESS: '.lta-tennis-xpress' }, paths: { map: { YAHOO_APP_ID: "pi3XRh_V34F4ILhU.cB37jUPlSVaGtSK_McoN83R6qaEURe27glBg46SeMfbG5g-", GEO_CODE_API: "/handlers/GeoCodeApi.ashx", PLACES_JSON: "/handlers/allplayplacesjson.ashx", VENUES_MAP: "/Search/Find-a-Court/", VENUE_PATH: "/Places-To-Play/Details/Overview/?p2p=", PIN: "/images/allplay/icons/map-pin.png", CLUBMARK_PIN: "/images/allplay/icons/map-pin-clubmark.png" }, GIF: 'images/clear.gif', GOALS_AJAX: '/Handlers/GoalSheetsSequence.ashx' }, map: { timer: { now: null, start: null, elapsed: null }, markers: [], overlayWidth: 350, searchStr: "", searchOpts: "", queryStr: "" }, tennisCounties: ['avon','bedfordshire','berkshire','buckinghamshire','cambridgeshire','channel islands','cheshire','cornwall','cumbria','derbyshire','devon','dorset','durham & cleveland','essex','gloucestershire','hampshire & isle of wight','herefordshire & worcestershire','hertfordshire','isle of man','kent','lancashire','leicestershire','lincolnshire','middlesex','norfolk','northamptonshire','northumberland','nottinghamshire','oxfordshire','scotland','shropshire','somerset','staffordshire','suffolk','surrey','sussex','warwickshire','wiltshire','yorkshire','wales'], hero: [], strings: { SELECTED: 'lta-selected', HOVER: 'hover', ACTIVE: 'lta-active', READER: 'lta-reader' }, current: 0, currentT: 0, regEx: { STATUS_SELECTED: /lta-status-selected/ }, classNames: { STATUS_SELECTED: 'lta-status-selected' }, timeouts: { SHOW_FLYOUT_NAV: '', HIDE_FLYOUT_NAV: '' }, el: 'ul.rating', roles: ['Administrator', 'Ballot Administrator', 'Chairman', 'Welfare Officer', 'Club Main Contact', 'Tennismark Lead', 'Coach', 'Committee Member', 'Competition Organiser', 'Head Coach', 'Junior Contact', 'Match Secretary', 'Membership Secretary', 'Mini Tennis Contact', 'Performance Programme Manager', 'Results Manager', 'Secretary', 'Strength And Condition Coach', 'Treasurer', 'Seniors Contact', 'Volunteer Coordinator', 'Assistant Coach'], rolesLimits: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], rolesRegex: [/Administrator/g, /BallotAdministrator/g, /FABallotAdministrator/g, /CDBallotAdministrator/g, /Chairman/g, /WelfareOfficer/g, /ClubMainContact/g, /TennismarkLead/g, /Coach/g, /CommitteeMember/g, /CompetitionOrganiser/g, /HeadCoach/g, /JuniorContact/g, /MatchSecretary/g, /Member/g, /MembershipSecretary/g, /MiniTennisContact/g, /PerformanceProgrammeManager/g, /ResultsManager/g, /Secretary/g, /StrengthAndConditionCoach/g, /Treasurer/g, /SeniorsContact/g, /VolunteerCoordinator/g, /TennisProgrammeDirector/g, /AssistantManager/g, /AssistantCoach/g, /TennisCoordinator/g ], shortRole: '', currentRoles: '', newRoles: '', rolesObject: { memberId: '', clubId: '', memberRoles: [] }, rolesURL: '/Members-Area/Place-To-Play-Administrator/Volunteers-And-Officials/Roles-Listener/?p2p=', //destination for roles ajax panel data countdownMax: '200' }; FC.cookiePolicy = function(elem) { checkCookieExist(); $j('.lta-cookie-message .close-message').parents('.lta-cookie-message').remove(); } FC.subnav = function(){ var __subnav = $j(FC.vars.selectors.SUBNAV)[0] , __$li, __hoverLi, __allLis = [], __STR = FC.vars.strings; var __$li_a = $j('li a', __subnav); __$li_a.each(function () { var __$li = $j(this).parents('li'), __li; // if 2 LIs, then 'this' is on the dropdown, else 'this' is the 'A' in the top level LI __li = (__$li.length === 2) ? __$li[1] : __$li[0]; // attach a jQ version of the LI to the LI itself __allLis[__allLis.length] = __li.$li =__$li = __li.$li || $j(__li); if (FC.hasIE6) { // if IE6, set the hover class on the parent LI __$li.bind('mouseover', function (e) { var __j = __allLis.length; if ( !== __hoverLi) { while (__j--){ __allLis[__j].removeClass(__STR.HOVER); } __$li.addClass(__STR.HOVER); __hoverLi =; $j('.lta-subnav li:first-child').addClass('nav-first-selected'); __$li_a.parent().is(':last-child').addClass('nav-last-selected'); } }).bind('mouseout', function(e){ __$li.removeClass(__STR.HOVER); __hoverLi = null; }) } else { __$li.bind('mouseover', function(){ // removes keyboard focused LI on rollover var __j = __allLis.length; while (__j--) { __allLis[__j].removeClass(__STR.HOVER); } __hoverLi = this; }); } // create a property on the current anchor that points to the LI's jQ version this.par = __li; }); // for keyboard control if (FC.hasLteIE7) { $j(__subnav).bind('focusin', function (e) { if ( { if ( !== __hoverLi) { var __j = __allLis.length; while (__j--){ __allLis[__j].removeClass(__STR.HOVER); }$li.addClass(__STR.HOVER); __hoverLi =; } } return false; }).bind('focusout', function (e) { if ( === __hoverLi) {$li.removeClass(__STR.HOVER); __hoverLi = null; } }); } else { __$li_a.bind('focus', function(){ if (this.par !== __hoverLi) { var __j = __allLis.length; while (__j--){ __allLis[__j].removeClass(__STR.HOVER); } this.par.$li.addClass(__STR.HOVER); __hoverLi = this.par; } }).bind(' blur', function () { if (this.par === __hoverLi) { this.par.$li.removeClass(__STR.HOVER); __hoverLi = null; } }); } }; FC.fancyNav = function() { $j("div.lta-fancy-nav li a:first-child").hover ( function() { $j(this).parent().css({'z-index' : '999'}); $j(this).find('img').stop().animate ( { marginTop: '-10px', marginLeft: '-46px', width: '233px', height: '100px' }, 200 ); }, function() { $j(this).parent().css({'z-index' : '0'}); $j(this).find('img').stop().animate ( { marginTop: '0', marginLeft: '0', width: '140px', height: '60px' }, 150 ); } ); } FC.heroPanel = function($list) { var __SEL = FC.vars.selectors, __HER = FC.vars.hero, __PTH = FC.vars.paths, __STR = FC.vars.strings; var __list = $list[0], __$hero = $j(__SEL.HERO), __hero = __$hero[0]; var __$lis = $j('li', __list), __$img = $j('img', __hero), __$text, __text, __$desc, __$pDesc, __$h2Text, __$pText; var __css = { left: null }; $j('.lta-hero-list-item', __$lis[0]).addClass(__STR.SELECTED); __$lis.each(function(i) { __HER[i] = { description: $j('.lta-item-description', this).text(), title: $j('.lta-item-title', this).text(), subtitle: $j('.lta-item-subtitle', this).text(), imgsrc: $j('.lta-hero-list-item img', this)[0].src, heroLink: $j('.lta-hero-list-item a', this)[0].href, heroTarget: $j('.lta-hero-list-item a', this)[0].target }; $j('.lta-accessibility', this).remove(); }); __$img .after('

' + __HER[0].title + '

' + __HER[0].subtitle + '

') .after(''); __$text = $j(__SEL.HERO_TEXT, __hero); __text = __$text[0]; __$desc = $j(__SEL.HERO_DESC, __hero); __$pDesc = $j('p', __$desc[0]); __$h2Text = $j('h2', __text); __$pText = $j('p', __text); FC.pngFix(__PTH.GIF, __hero); __$lis.bind('mouseenter', function(e) { __arr = __HER[__$lis.index(this)]; __offset = __$text.width(); $j(__SEL.SELECTED, __list).removeClass(__STR.SELECTED); $j('.lta-hero-list-item', this).addClass(__STR.SELECTED); if (__$pDesc.text() !== __arr.description) { if (!FC.hasLteIE7) { __css.left = -__offset; __$text.animate(__css, 200); __$img.fadeOut(200, function() { $j('a', __hero)[0].href = __arr.heroLink; $j('a', __hero)[0].target = __arr.heroTarget; this.src = __arr.imgsrc; __$img.fadeIn(400, function() { __$pDesc.text(__arr.description); __$h2Text.text(__arr.title); __$pText.text(__arr.subtitle); __css.left = 0 __$text.animate(__css, 300); }); }); } else { __$img.fadeOut(200, function() { __$h2Text.text(__arr.title); __$pText.text(__arr.subtitle); $j(__SEL.HERO_IMG_LINK)[0].href = __arr.heroLink; $j(__SEL.HERO_IMG_LINK)[0].target = __arr.heroTarget; this.src = __arr.imgsrc; __$img.fadeIn(400, function() { __$pDesc.text(__arr.description); FC.pngFix(__PTH.GIF, __hero); }); }); } } }); if (!FC.hasLteIE7) { __$hero .bind('mouseenter', function() { __$desc.slideDown(400) }) .bind('mouseleave', function() { __$desc.slideUp(300) }); } else { __$hero .bind('mouseenter', function() { __$ }) .bind('mouseleave', function() { __$desc.hide() }); } } FC.recordsScroller = function($rec){ var __axis = {axis:'x'}; var __$rec = $rec, __rec = $rec[0]; __$rec.append('
'); var __$left = $j('li.lta-prev', __rec); var __$right = $j('li.lta-next', __rec); var __$container = $j('div.lta-records-container', __rec); var __$contentBoxes = $j('li.lta-records-set', __rec); var __scrollAmount = 1; var __current = 0; var __max = __$contentBoxes.length; //Make sure the scroller is at the start __$container.scrollTo( 'li:eq('+0+')', 200, __axis); if(__max===__$contentBoxes.length){ __max=__max - __scrollAmount; } // show/hide the prev/next buttons __$left.hide(); //Left scroller button __$left.bind("click", function(e){ if(__current>0){ __current -= __scrollAmount; __$container.scrollTo( 'li.lta-records-set:eq('+__current+')', 500, __axis); __$; if(__current === 0){ __$left.hide(); } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); //Right scroller button __$right.bind("click", function(e){ if(__current<__max){ __current += __scrollAmount; __$container.scrollTo( 'li.lta-records-set:eq('+__current+')', 500, __axis); __$; if(__current === __max){ __$right.hide(); } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); } // vertical scroller function */ FC.verticalScroll = function(container){ var __axis = {axis:'y'}, __$divs = container.find("div.lta-tab-content"), __$ul, __j = __$divs.length; while (__j--) { var __$this = $j(__$divs[__j]), __$contentBoxes, __scrollAmount = 5, __current = 0, height = 0; __$ul = __$this.find(">ul.lta-listing"); __$contentBoxes = __$ul.find(">li"); if (__$contentBoxes.length < 5) continue; for (i=0;i<=4;i++) { height += __$contentBoxes.eq(i).height(); } __$ul.height(height); //add controls __$ul.before('Previous'); __$ul.after('More'); var __$right = $j("a.lta-next", __$divs[__j]), __$left = $j("a.lta-prev", __$divs[__j]) __$ul[0].style.overflow = 'hidden'; var __max = __$contentBoxes.length//*__scrollAmount; //Make sure the scroller is at the start __$this.scrollTo(__$contentBoxes[0], 200, __axis); if(__max==__$contentBoxes.length){ __max=__max-1; } // show/hide the prev/next buttons __$left.hide(); //Left scroller button __$left.bind("click", function(e){ if(__current>0){ __current = __current-__scrollAmount; __$ul.scrollTo('>li:eq('+__current+')', 500, __axis); __$; if(__current == 0){ __$left.hide(); } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); //Right scroller button __$right.bind("click", function(e){ if(__current<__max){ __current = __current+__scrollAmount; __$ul.scrollTo( '>li:eq('+__current+')', 500, __axis); __$; if((__max - __current) <= __scrollAmount){ __$right.hide(); } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); } } // scroller function for sample menu/hospitality component */ FC.panelScroller = function(container){ var __axis = {axis:'x'}; container.each(function(){ var __scrollAmount = 1, __current = 0, __hasPNG; var __$this = $j(this), __$container = $j("div.lta-cf-pane", this),__$contentBoxes = $j("div.lta-cf-item", this), __$right = $j("a.lta-next", this), __$left = $j("a.lta-prev", this), __$link = $j("div.lta-cf-item a", this); var __container = __$container[0]; = 'hidden'; __$contentBoxes.css("float","left"); $j("ul.lta-img-nav", this).show(); var __max = __$contentBoxes.length*__scrollAmount; //Make sure the scroller is at the start __$container.scrollTo('div.lta-cf-item:eq('+0+')', 200, __axis); if(__max==__$contentBoxes.length){ __max=__max-1; } // show/hide the prev/next buttons __$left.hide(); // handle links inside the boxes // explicity exclude those coverflows that don't have transparencies //__hasPNG =(this.className.indexOf('lta-winners-scroll') > 0 || this.className.indexOf('lta-sample-menu') > 0) ? true : false; //Link __$link.bind("focus", function(){ // need to detect which image the link being focussed is on, and then scroll to that lta-cf-item __$container.scrollTo($j(this).parents('div.lta-cf-item'), 500, __axis); var __current = $j('div.lta-cf-item').index($j(this).parents('div.lta-cf-item')); //var listItem = document.getElementById('bar'); //$j('li').index(listItem)) }); //Left scroller button __$left.bind("click", function(e){ if(__current>0){ __current = __current-__scrollAmount; __$container.scrollTo('div.lta-cf-item:eq('+__current+')', 500, __axis); __$; if(__current == 0){ __$left.hide(); } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); //Right scroller button __$right.bind("click", function(e){ if(__current<__max){ __current = __current+__scrollAmount; __$container.scrollTo( 'div.lta-cf-item:eq('+__current+')', 500, __axis); __$; if(__current == __max){ __$right.hide(); } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); });// end 'each' statement } // scroller function for images on About Us page */ FC.galleryScroller = function($container) { var __scrollAmount = 8, __current = 0, __axis = { axis: 'y' }; //var __scrolls = (FC.hasLteIE7) ? (function() { var __$tmp = $j("div.lta-scroll-control"); return [__$tmp[0], __$tmp[1]] })() : document.body.querySelector("div.lta-scroll-control"); var __scrolls = $j("div.lta-scroll-control")[0]; var __$container = $container, __$down, __$up; __$down = $j("a.lta-next-img", __scrolls[1]); __$up = $j("a.lta-prev-img", __scrolls[0]); __$container.css('overflow-y', 'hidden'); __$down[0].style.display = __$up[0].style.display = "block"; var __$contentBoxes = $j("li", __$container[0]); var __length = __$contentBoxes.length; var __max = __scrollAmount * Math.ceil(__length / __scrollAmount); //if the number of boxes is the same as the scroll amount - then hide the 'next' arrow - it's not needed if (__length <= __scrollAmount) { __$down.hide(); } //Make sure the scroller is at the start __$container.scrollTo('li:eq(0)', 200, __axis); // show/hide the prev/next buttons __$up.hide(); __$up.bind("click", function(e) {//Left scroller button if (__current > 0) { __current = __current - __scrollAmount; __$container.scrollTo('li:eq(' + __current + ')', 500, __axis); __$; if (__current === 0) { __$up.hide(); } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); __$down.bind("click", function(e) { //Right scroller button if (__current < __max) { __current = __current + __scrollAmount; __$container.scrollTo('li:eq(' + __current + ')', 500, __axis); __$; if ((__current + __scrollAmount) >= __max) { __$down.hide(); } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); }; // scroller function for images on Photogallery- details page */ FC.galleryDetailScroller = function($container) { var __scrollAmount = 6, __scrollIndex = 0, __axis = { axis: 'x' }; //var __controls = (FC.hasLteIE7) ? (function() { var __$tmp = $j("div.lta-tn-nav"); return __$tmp[0] })() : document.body.querySelector("div.lta-tn-nav"); var __controls = $j("div.lta-tn-nav")[0]; var __$container = $container, __$down, __$up, __$mDown, __$mUp; var __$mainImage = $j('img', FC.vars.selectors.GALLERY_DETAIL_MAIN_IMG); var __STR = FC.vars.strings; var __$caption = $j(FC.vars.selectors.GALLERY_DETAIL_CAPTION); __$down = $j("div.lta-next-image a", __controls); __$up = $j("div.lta-prev-image a", __controls); //main image controls __$mDown = $j("div.lta-m-nav.lta-next-image a"); __$mUp = $j("div.lta-m-nav.lta-prev-image a"); __$container.css('overflow-y', 'hidden'); __$down[0].style.display = __$up[0].style.display = __$mDown[0].style.display = "block"; var __$contentBoxes = $j("li", __$container[0]); var __length = (__$contentBoxes.length - 1); var __max = __scrollAmount * Math.ceil(__length / __scrollAmount); var __lastScroll = Math.floor(__length / __scrollAmount) * __scrollAmount; //if the number of boxes is the same as the scroll amount - then hide the 'next' arrow - it's not needed if ((__length + 1) <= __scrollAmount) { __$down.hide(); } //Make sure the scroller is at the start __$container.scrollTo('li:eq(0)', 200, __axis); // show/hide the prev buttons __$up.hide(); __$mUp.hide(); __$up.bind("click", function(e) {//Left scroller button if (FC.vars.currentT > 0) { __scrollIndex = __scrollIndex - __scrollAmount; FC.vars.currentT = __scrollIndex + __scrollAmount - 1; __$container.scrollTo('li:eq(' + __scrollIndex + ')', 500, __axis); __$; if ((FC.vars.currentT === 0) || (__scrollIndex == 0)) { __$up.hide(); } if (FC.vars.currentT < __length) { //__$; } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); __$down.bind("click", function(e) { //Right scroller button if (FC.vars.currentT < __max) { __scrollIndex = __scrollIndex + __scrollAmount; FC.vars.currentT = __scrollIndex; __$container.scrollTo('li:eq(' + __scrollIndex + ')', 500, __axis); __$; //__$; if ((FC.vars.currentT + __scrollAmount) >= __max) { __$down.hide(); } //calculate if main image previous button needs to show if (FC.vars.currentT == __length) { __$mDown.hide(); } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); __$mUp.bind("click", function(e) {//Main image Left button if (FC.vars.current > 0) { __previousItem = FC.vars.current; __previousItem--; __$previousEl = __$container.find('li:eq(' + __previousItem + ') a') __caption = $j("img", __$previousEl).attr('alt'); __imgPath = __$previousEl.attr('href'); __$mainImage.fadeOut(250, function() { __$mainImage .attr('src', __imgPath) .fadeIn(250, function() { $j(__$caption).text(__caption); }); }); //if FC.vars.current is a multiple of 6, then scroll //Work out which set of 6 to scroll to var __reset = FC.vars.current - 1; __reset = Math.floor(__reset / __scrollAmount) __reset = __reset * __scrollAmount; __scrollIndex = __reset; __$container.scrollTo('li:eq(' + __reset + ')', 500, __axis); __$; if (__reset < __lastScroll) { __$; } //if the previousItem is zero, hide the main image previous button if (__previousItem == 0) { __$mUp.hide(); } //if the first set of 6 thumbs is displayed, hide the previous button if (FC.vars.current <= __scrollAmount) { __$up.hide(); } } // remove selected class $j('li', $container).each(function() { if (this.className.indexOf(__STR.SELECTED) != -1) { this.className = ''; } }); // add new selected class __$previousEl[0].parentNode.className = __STR.SELECTED; FC.vars.current--; //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); __$mDown.bind("click", function(e) { //Main image right scroller button if (FC.vars.current < __length) { __nextItem = FC.vars.current; __nextItem++; __$nextEl = __$container.find('li:eq(' + __nextItem + ') a'); __caption = $j("img", __$nextEl).attr('alt'); __imgPath = __$nextEl.attr('href'); __$mainImage.fadeOut(250, function() { __$mainImage .attr('src', __imgPath) .fadeIn(250, function() { $j(__$caption).text(__caption); }); }); //calculate if scrolling is required //if __nextItem is a multiple of 6, then scroll if ((__nextItem % __scrollAmount == 0) && (FC.vars.current != 0)) { __scrollIndex = __scrollIndex + __scrollAmount; __$container.scrollTo('li:eq(' + __scrollIndex + ')', 500, __axis); FC.vars.currentT = __scrollIndex; __$; //calculate if scroll section is displayed. if so, hide the next button if ((__nextItem + __scrollAmount) >= __max) { __$down.hide(); } } else if (FC.vars.current < __scrollIndex) { __scrollIndex = __scrollIndex - __scrollAmount; FC.vars.currentT = __scrollIndex + __scrollAmount - 1; __$container.scrollTo('li:eq(' + __scrollIndex + ')', 500, __axis); __$; } //calculate if last item is displayed. if so, hide the next buttons if (__nextItem >= __length) { __$mDown.hide(); } //calculate if main image previous button needs to show if (__nextItem != 0) { __$; } FC.vars.scrollInitialised = true; } // remove selected class $j('li', $container).each(function() { if (this.className.indexOf(__STR.SELECTED) != -1) { this.className = ''; } }); // add new selected class __$nextEl[0].parentNode.className = __STR.SELECTED; FC.vars.current++; //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); } // Show image function for images on Photo Gallery page FC.showGalleryDetailImage = function($main) { var counter = 0, __image = [], __SEL = FC.vars.selectors, __PTH = FC.vars.paths, __STR = FC.vars.strings, __caption; var __$container = $j(__SEL.GALLERY_DETAIL_THUMB_CONTAINER); var __$mainImage = $j('img', $main[0]), __$anchors = $j("a", __$container[0]), __$caption = $j(__SEL.GALLERY_DETAIL_CAPTION); var __$mDown = $j("div.lta-m-nav.lta-next-image a"); var __$mUp = $j("div.lta-m-nav.lta-prev-image a"); __$anchors .each(function(i) { // preload images __image[i] = new Image(); __image[i].src = this.href; }); __$container .unbind() .bind("click", function(e) { var __tag =, __$a; if (__tag == "A") { __$a = $j(; } else if (__tag == "IMG") { __$a = $j(; } else if(__tag == "SPAN"){ __$a = $j(; } else { return } var __imgPath = __$a.attr('href'); if (__imgPath != '#') { //set the caption from the alt text __caption = $j("img", __$a[0]).attr('alt'); // cease all current animations __$caption.stop(true, true); __$mainImage.stop(true, true); __$mainImage.fadeOut(250, function() { __$mainImage .attr('src', __imgPath) .fadeIn(250, function() { $j(__$caption).text(__caption); FC.pngFix(__PTH.GIF, $j(__SEL.GALLERY)[0]); }); }); // remove selected class $j('li', this).each(function() { if (this.className.indexOf(__STR.SELECTED) != -1) { this.className = ''; } }); // add new selected class __$a[0].parentNode.className = __STR.SELECTED; var __par = __$a.parent(); var index = $j('li', __$container).index(__par); FC.vars.current = index; if (FC.vars.current != 0) { __$; } else { __$mUp.hide(); } //If it's the last image, hide the main image right button if(FC.vars.current == __$anchors.length-1){ __$mDown.hide(); } else { __$; } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); } // Show image function for images on About Us page FC.showImage = function($main){ var counter = 0, __image = [], __SEL = FC.vars.selectors, __PTH = FC.vars.paths, __STR = FC.vars.strings, __caption; var __$container = $j(__SEL.THUMB_CONTAINER); var __$mainImage = $j('img', $main[0]), __$anchors = $j("a", __$container[0]), __$caption = $j(__SEL.GALLERY_CAPTION); __$anchors .each(function(i) { // preload images __image[i] = new Image(); __image[i].src = this.href; }); __$container .unbind() .bind("click",function(e){ var __tag =, __$a; if (__tag == "A") { __$a = $j(; } else if (__tag == "IMG"){ __$a = $j(; } else { return } var __imgPath = __$a.attr('href'); if(__imgPath != '#'){ //set the caption from the alt text __caption = $j("img", __$a[0]).attr('alt'); // cease all current animations __$caption.stop(true, true); __$mainImage.stop(true, true); __$caption.slideUp(200, function(){ __$mainImage.fadeOut(250,function(){ __$mainImage .attr('src',__imgPath) .fadeIn(250, function(){ $j('p', __$caption[0]).text(__caption); __$caption.slideDown(400); FC.pngFix(__PTH.GIF, $j(__SEL.GALLERY)[0]); }); }); }); // remove selected class $j('li', this).each(function(){ if(this.className.indexOf(__STR.SELECTED) != -1){ this.className = ''; } }); // add new selected class __$a[0].parentNode.className = __STR.SELECTED; } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); FC.pngFix(__PTH.GIF, $j(__SEL.GALLERY)[0]); } FC.hospSlideshow = function($img) { var __i = 1, __images = [], __imageCount = 0, __src = $img[0].src; var __srcSplit = __src.substring(0, __src.length-5); //try to preload up to 10 images and count how many exist for(__j = 1; __j < 10; __j++){ __images[__j] = new Image(); __images[__j].onload = function(){ __imageCount++; } __images[__j].src = __srcSplit + __j + ".jpg"; } //fade between images setInterval(function () { $img.fadeOut(400,function(){ __i++; if(__i > __imageCount) { __i = 1; } this.onload = function(){ $img.fadeIn(400); } this.src = __srcSplit + __i + ".jpg"; }) },6000) } FC.setupToggle = function($par){ var __STR = FC.vars.strings, __par = $par[0]; var __$togSing = $j('a.lta-singles', __par), __$togDoub = $j('a.lta-doubles', __par), __$divSing = $j('div.lta-singles', __par), __$divDoub = $j('div.lta-doubles', __par); __$divDoub.hide(); __$togDoub.bind("click",function(e){ __$togSing.removeClass(__STR.SELECTED); __$togDoub.addClass(__STR.SELECTED); __$divSing.hide(); __$; //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); __$togSing.bind("click",function(e){ __$togDoub.removeClass(__STR.SELECTED); __$togSing.addClass(__STR.SELECTED); __$divDoub.hide(); __$; //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); FC.panelScroller(__$divSing); FC.panelScroller(__$divDoub); } var sponsorcounter = 1; var intervalID; FC.sponsorSlideshow = function(m) { var __sponsorImage = ".lta-sponsors-widget .lta-s" + sponsorcounter; $j(__sponsorImage).fadeOut(350,function(){ sponsorcounter++; if(sponsorcounter==(m + 1)){sponsorcounter=1;} __sponsorImage = ".lta-sponsors-widget .lta-s" + sponsorcounter; $j(__sponsorImage).fadeIn(350); }); } // count element c = class, e = element type FC.countElement = function(c, e){ var __elementNum = $j(c + " > " + e).size(); return __elementNum; } // f = function name to pause FC.pauseBtn = function(){ //Switch the "Open" and "Close" state per click $j(".lta-pausePlay a").toggle(function(e){ $j(this).addClass("lta-play"); clearInterval(intervalID); //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }, function () { $j(this).removeClass("lta-play"); FC.initSlideshow(sponsorcounter); //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); } // sc = sponsor counter FC.initSlideshow = function(sc) { var maxSponsors = FC.countElement('.lta-sponsors-widget', 'a'); //console.log(maxSponsors); //hide all for (i = 1; i < (maxSponsors + 1); i++) { var sponsorImage = ".lta-sponsors-widget .lta-s" + i; $j(sponsorImage).hide(); } // use the sponsorcounter to figure out what we're up to, and go show it var sponsorImage = ".lta-sponsors-widget .lta-s" + sc; $j(sponsorImage).show(); intervalID = setInterval("FC.sponsorSlideshow(" + maxSponsors + ")", 4000); return false; }, FC.countCharacters = function() { var _$textarea = $j(".lta-limitchar"); $j(".lta-char-count").html("You have " + "500" + " characters remaining"); var _$counter = $j(".lta-char-count strong"), _max = Number(500), _loadLength; var _textarea = _$textarea[0]; _loadLength = (_textarea.value.length) ? _max - _textarea.value.length : _max; if (_loadLength == 0) { _$counter.addClass(FC.vars.strings.LIMIT_REACHED); } _$counter.text(_loadLength); var _textCalc = function(e) { var __length = _textarea.value.length; if (e.keyCode != 46 && e.keyCode != 8) { if (__length >= _max) { // if too long...trim it! _$counter.addClass(FC.vars.strings.LIMIT_REACHED); _textarea.value = _textarea.value.substring(0, _max); _$counter.text(_max - __length); return false } else { _$counter.removeClass(FC.vars.strings.LIMIT_REACHED); _$counter.text(_max - __length); } } else { _$counter.removeClass(FC.vars.strings.LIMIT_REACHED); _$counter.text(_max - __length); } }; _$textarea .bind('keydown', _textCalc) .bind('keyup', _textCalc) .bind('change', _textCalc); }, FC.helpButton = function() { $j("a.lta-helpbutton").tooltip({ track: true, delay: 0, showURL: false, extraClass: "lta-tooltip", showBody: " - ", top: -40, left: 30 }); $j("a.lta-helpbutton").bind('click', function(e) { //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); } FC.Tabs = function() { $j(".lta-tabs").each(function(intIndex) { //add check for alltc var __alltc = $j(".lta-tab-content", this); var __tabs = $j(".lta-toggle-alt li a", this); if(__tabs.length == 0) { $j(".lta-tab-content-" + (intIndex + 1)).css({ "display": "block" }); } else { $j(__tabs).each(function(intIndex) { var __parTabs = $j(this).parents('.lta-tabs'); var selectedIndex = __parTabs.attr("rel"); if (intIndex == selectedIndex) { $j(".lta-tab-content-" + (intIndex + 1), __parTabs).css({ "display": "block" }); $j(this).addClass("lta-selected"); } $j(this).bind("click", function() { var __parTabs = $j(this).parents('.lta-tabs'); __alltc.css({ "display": "none" }); $j(__tabs).removeClass("lta-selected"); $j(".lta-tab-content-" + (intIndex + 1), __parTabs).css({ "display": "block" }); $j(this).addClass("lta-selected"); return false; }) }); } }) } FC.PhotoGalleryScroll = function() { $j('.lta-box').each(function() { var __this = $j(this); var __header = $j(".gallery-frame", __this).siblings(".lta-header"); var __navcontainer = $j(".lta-title-nav", __this); var __photonav = ("


1 of
"); var __pagecount = 0; __navcontainer.append(__photonav); if ($j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PANELS, __this).length == 1) { $j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES, __this).css({ 'display': 'none' }); } $j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PANELS + ":first", __this).css({ "display": "block" }); $j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PANELS, __this).each(function() { __pagecount = __pagecount + 1; $j(this).addClass("lta-latest-gallery-" + __pagecount); }); $j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES + ' .lta-total', __this).text(__pagecount); if ($j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PANELS, __this).length > 1) { AppendBack(); AppendNext(); } function AppendBack() { if (parseInt($j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES + ' .lta-current', __this).text()) == 1) { $j(".nav-back", __this).remove(); $j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES, __this).before("Back - disabled"); } else { $j(".nav-back", __this).remove(); $j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES, __this).before("Back"); $j("a.nav-back", __this).bind("click", function(e) { $j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PANELS, __this).css({ "display": "none" }); var currentEq = parseInt($j(this).siblings(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES).find('.lta-current').text()) - 1; var previousEq = currentEq - 1; $j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PANELS, __this).eq(previousEq).css({ "display": "block" }); $j(this).siblings(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES, __this).find('.lta-current').text(previousEq + 1); AppendBack(); AppendNext(); //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); } } function AppendNext() { if (parseInt($j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES + ' .lta-current', __this).text()) == parseInt($j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES + ' .lta-total', __this).text())) { $j(".nav-next", __this).remove(); $j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES, __this).after("Next - disabled"); } else { $j(".nav-next", __this).remove(); $j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES, __this).after("Next"); $j("a.nav-next", __this).bind("click", function(e) { $j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PANELS, __this).css({ "display": "none" }); var currentEq = parseInt($j(this).siblings(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES, __this).find('.lta-current').text()) - 1; var nextEq = currentEq + 1; $j(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PANELS, __this).eq(nextEq).css({ "display": "block" }); $j(this).siblings(FC.vars.selectors.LATEST_PHOTO_GALLERY_PAGES, __this).find('.lta-current').text(nextEq + 1); AppendBack(); AppendNext(); //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); } } }); } = function(el){ searchModule = function(el){ this.form = $j(el); this.basicSearch = this.form.find('.lta-search-basic'); this.advancedSearch = this.form.find('.lta-search-advanced'); ToggleSearchOptions(this.form.find('.lta-radio-location').children(1).is(':checked')); this.toggleBtn = this.form.find('.lta-btn-toggle'); this.buttonStatus = function(){ if (this.advancedSearch.css('display') == 'none') { this.toggleBtn.html('More options'); this.toggleBtn.removeClass('less').addClass('more'); } else { this.toggleBtn.html('Less options'); this.toggleBtn.removeClass('more').addClass('less'); } } var that = this; this.toggleBtn.bind('click', function(e){ that.advancedSearch.slideToggle(function(){ that.buttonStatus(); }); //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }) } $j('div.lta-search').each(function(){ new searchModule(this); }) } FC.listHover = function() { var __$lists = $j(FC.vars.selectors.LIST_HOVER); if (__$lists.length == 0) { return; } __$lists.bind('mouseenter', function() { //console.log('listhover over'); $j(this).addClass('hovering'); }); __$lists.bind('mouseleave', function() { $j(this).removeClass('hovering'); }); __$lists.bind('click', function() { __a = $j('a', this)[0];, ? : '_self'); return false; }); __$lists.find('a').bind('click', function() {, ? : '_self'); return false; }); } function loadXMLString(txt) { if (window.DOMParser){ parser = new DOMParser(); xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(txt, "text/xml"); } else{ // Internet Explorer xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async = "false"; xmlDoc.loadXML(txt); } return xmlDoc; } //scores and draws XML feed FC.liveFeed = function(x, tbl){ //tbl = FC.vars.selectors.TABLE_CONTAINER_SM; var __doublesMatch = false; var __lta_fin = false; var __i = 0; var __tableID = ""; var __lta_fin_all = 0; var __lta_fin = 0; var __matchID = []; //**************************************** new variable function openFeed(first){ $j.getJSON(liveScoresXmlFeedUrl + "?callback=?", function(data){ if(data.results[0]){ var xml = loadXMLString(data.results[0]); // for each court, run the functions // if it's the first run through, set up all the tables etc. Otherwise, just update the scores. if(first==1){ // **************************** RESET FOR SUBSEQUENT RUNS ************ __i = 0; // clear the DIV out $j(FC.vars.selectors.TABLE_CONTAINER).empty(); // ******************************************************************* //handleData($j(this)); $j("court", xml).each(function() { // Test for Match ID here if($j(this).find('match_id').text() != ""){ __tableID = getTableID(__i); createTable(); // create a table for the data to into init($j(this));//initialise the players updateScores($j(this));//get the scores //****************** ADDED ******************** // store the initial match ids - we'll test against this in iterations __matchID[__i] = $j(this).find('match_id').text(); //************************************** // test if the match is finished __lta_fin = $j(this).find('finished').text(); // if finished is true for this match, then announce winner if(__lta_fin == "1"){ announceWinner($j(this)); __lta_fin_all++; } __i++; // ********************** MOVED inside the frunction } }) // if all matches aren't finished, start the timer if (__lta_fin_all != __i){ var times = 0; $j(document).everyTime(15000, function(i) { openFeed(0); }, times); } }else{ __i = 0 $j("court", xml).each(function() { //****************** FUNCTION REWRITTEN ******************** var m1 = $j(this).find('match_id').text(); // Test for Match ID here if(m1 != ""){ __tableID = getTableID(__i); var hasMatch = 0; var x = 0; // check and see if the match id exists - if it doesn't, it's a new item for(x=0;x <__matchID.length;x++){ if (__matchID[x] == m1){ hasMatch++; } } // if it's a new item, stop the time and reopen the feed to refresh all the tables if (hasMatch == 0){ $j(document).stopTime(); openFeed(1); } //************************************************** // test if the match is finished __lta_fin = $j(this).find('finished').text(); if(__lta_fin == "1"){ announceWinner($j(this)); }else{ updateScores($j(this)); } __i++; // ********************** MOVED inside the frunction } }) } } } ); return false; } function getTableID(i){ // figure out what's calling the function and set the table id accordingly - this is because different formats go into the different types of tables var tabID; if(tbl == FC.vars.selectors.TABLE_CONTAINER_SM){ tabID = "#smlVer" + __i; smllVer = true; }else{ tabID = "#regVer" + __i; } return tabID; } function createTable(){ if(__tableID.indexOf("smlVer") != -1){ $j(FC.vars.selectors.TABLE_CONTAINER_SM).append('
 - Time on court:
'); }else{ $j(FC.vars.selectors.TABLE_CONTAINER).append('
 - Time on court:      Points 
'); } } function init(r){ //initial set up // COURT $j(__tableID + ' span.lta-court').append($j(r).find("court_name").text()); // check to see if doubles match names are in var fn1_2 = $j(r).find('firstname1_2').text(); var fn2_2 = $j(r).find('firstname2_2').text(); // check if it has a child node, and if it does, then use it if ((fn1_2 != "") && (fn2_2 != "")){__doublesMatch = true;} else {__doublesMatch = false;} //******************************************** // Check to see if the small version exists on the page // not sure if the small and big versions will ever be on the same page, but coded just in case they are if($j(FC.vars.selectors.TABLE_CONTAINER_SM).length){var smllVer = true} //Seeding var seed1 = $j(r).find("seed1").text(); var isSeed1 = (seed1 != ""); // TEAM ONE PLAYER ONE if(smllVer){ // display the shorter name if it's in the smaller side module var ln1_1sv = changeCase($j(r).find("name1_1").text()).substring(0, 3); if(isSeed1) ln1_1sv = ln1_1sv.toUpperCase(); $j(__tableID + " strong.lta-name-1_1").append(ln1_1sv); }else{ var ln1_1fv0 = $j(r).find("firstname1_1").text().charAt(0); var ln1_1fv1 = changeCase($j(r).find("name1_1").text()); if(isSeed1) ln1_1fv1 = ln1_1fv1.toUpperCase(); $j(__tableID + " strong.lta-name-1_1").append(ln1_1fv0 + " " + ln1_1fv1); } //nationality var nat1_1 = $j(r).find("nat1_1").text(); $j(__tableID + " span.lta-nat-1_1").append(nat1_1); //seeding if(isSeed1 && !__doublesMatch){ $j(__tableID + " span.lta-nat-1_1").append(" (" + seed1 + ")"); } // TEAM ONE PLAYER TWO if(__doublesMatch){ if(smllVer){ // display the shorter name if it's in the smaller side module var ln1_2sv = changeCase($j(r).find("name1_2").text()).substring(0, 3); if(isSeed1) ln1_2sv = ln1_2sv.toUpperCase(); $j(__tableID + " strong.lta-name-1_2").append("/ " + ln1_2sv); }else{ var ln1_2fv0 = $j(r).find("firstname1_2").text().charAt(0); var ln1_2fv1 = changeCase($j(r).find("name1_2").text()); if(isSeed1) ln1_2fv1 = ln1_2fv1.toUpperCase(); $j(__tableID + " strong.lta-name-1_2").append("/ " + ln1_2fv0 + " " + ln1_2fv1); } //nationality var nat1_2 = $j(r).find("nat1_2").text(); // add seeding info here $j(__tableID + " span.lta-nat-1_2").append(nat1_2); if(isSeed1){ $j(__tableID + " span.lta-nat-1_2").append(" (" + seed1 + ")"); } } //Seeding var seed2 = $j(r).find("seed2").text(); var isSeed2 = (seed2 != ""); // TEAM TWO PLAYER ONE if(smllVer){ // display the shorter name if it's in the smaller side module var ln2_1sv = changeCase($j(r).find("name2_1").text()).substring(0, 3); if(isSeed2) ln2_1sv = ln2_1sv.toUpperCase(); $j(__tableID + " strong.lta-name-2_1").append(ln2_1sv); }else{ var ln2_1fv0 = $j(r).find("firstname2_1").text().charAt(0); var ln2_1fv1 = changeCase($j(r).find("name2_1").text()); if(isSeed2) ln2_1fv1 = ln2_1fv1.toUpperCase(); $j(__tableID + " strong.lta-name-2_1").append(ln2_1fv0 + " " + ln2_1fv1); } //nationality var nat2_1 = $j(r).find("nat2_1").text(); $j(__tableID + " span.lta-nat-2_1").append(nat2_1); //seeding if(isSeed2 && !__doublesMatch){ $j(__tableID + " span.lta-nat-2_1").append(" (" + seed2 + ")"); } //TEAM TWO PLAYER TWO if(__doublesMatch){ if(smllVer){ // display the shorter name if it's in the smaller side module var ln2_2sv = changeCase($j(r).find("name2_2").text()).substring(0, 3); if(isSeed2) ln2_2sv = ln2_2sv.toUpperCase(); $j(__tableID + " strong.lta-name-2_2").append("/ " + ln2_2sv); }else{ var ln2_2fv0 = $j(r).find("firstname2_2").text().charAt(0); var ln2_2fv1 = changeCase($j(r).find("name2_2").text()); if(isSeed2) ln2_2fv1 = ln2_2fv1.toUpperCase(); $j(__tableID + " strong.lta-name-2_2").append("/ " + ln2_2fv0 + " " + ln2_2fv1); } //nationality var nat2_2 = $j(r).find("nat2_2").text(); // add seeding info here $j(__tableID + " span.lta-nat-2_2").append(nat2_2); if(isSeed2){ $j(__tableID + " span.lta-nat-2_2").append(" (" + seed2 + ")"); } } } function updateScores(r){ var smllVer = (tbl == FC.vars.selectors.TABLE_CONTAINER_SM); // MATCH TIME //.lta-matchTime var matchTime = $j(r).find("time").text(); $j(__tableID + ' span.lta-matchTime').text('').html(matchTime); // POINTS var pts1 = $j(r).find("pts1").text(); $j(__tableID + ' td.lta_points_1').text('').html(pts1); var pts2 = $j(r).find("pts2").text(); $j(__tableID + ' td.lta_points_2').text('').html(pts2); // FIGURE WHICH SET IS CURRENT var s1_1 = $j(r).find('set1_1').text(); var s1_2 = $j(r).find('set1_2').text(); var s2_1 = $j(r).find('set2_1').text(); var s2_2 = $j(r).find('set2_2').text(); var s3_1 = $j(r).find('set3_1').text(); var s3_2 = $j(r).find('set3_2').text(); var s4_1 = $j(r).find('set4_1').text(); var s4_2 = $j(r).find('set4_2').text(); var s5_1 = $j(r).find('set5_1').text(); var s5_2 = $j(r).find('set5_2').text(); var currentSet = 0; if(s1_1 != "" || s1_2 != ""){ // set 1 is current currentSet = 1 //set column header if(!smllVer)$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-1').text('').html('1').attr('width','17').removeClass('lta-inactive'); //set values s1_1!=""?$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-1_1').text('').html(s1_1).removeClass('lta-inactive'):''; s1_2!=""?$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-1_2').text('').html(s1_2).removeClass('lta-inactive'):''; } if(s2_1 != "" || s2_2 != ""){ // set 2 is current currentSet = 2; if(!smllVer)$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-2').text('').html('2').attr('width','17').removeClass('lta-inactive'); s2_1!=""?$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-2_1').text('').html(s2_1).removeClass('lta-inactive'):''; s2_2!=""?$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-2_2').text('').html(s2_2).removeClass('lta-inactive'):''; } if(s3_1 != "" || s3_2 != ""){ // set 3 is current currentSet = 3; if(!smllVer)$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-3').text('').html('3').attr('width','17').removeClass('lta-inactive'); s3_1!=""?$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-3_1').text('').html(s3_1).removeClass('lta-inactive'):''; s3_2!=""?$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-3_2').text('').html(s3_2).removeClass('lta-inactive'):''; } if(s4_1 != "" || s4_2 != ""){ // set 4 is current currentSet = 4; if(!smllVer)$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-4').text('').html('4').attr('width','17').removeClass('lta-inactive'); s4_1!=""?$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-4_1').text('').html(s4_1).removeClass('lta-inactive'):''; s4_2!=""?$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-4_2').text('').html(s4_2).removeClass('lta-inactive'):''; } if(s5_1 != "" || s5_2 != ""){ // set 5 is current currentSet = 5; if(!smllVer)$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-5').text('').html('5').attr('width','17').removeClass('lta-inactive'); s5_1!=""?$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-5_1').text('').html(s5_1).removeClass('lta-inactive'):''; s5_2!=""?$j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-5_2').text('').html(s5_2).removeClass('lta-inactive'):''; } //run through all .lta-set-score and remove class lta-currentSet $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-score').each(function(index) { $j(this).removeClass('lta-currentSet'); }); // mark up the current set switch (currentSet) { case 5: $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-5_1').addClass('lta-currentSet'); $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-5_2').addClass('lta-currentSet'); break; case 4: $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-4_1').addClass('lta-currentSet'); $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-4_2').addClass('lta-currentSet'); break; case 3: $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-3_1').addClass('lta-currentSet'); $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-3_2').addClass('lta-currentSet'); break; case 2: $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-2_1').addClass('lta-currentSet'); $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-2_2').addClass('lta-currentSet'); break; case 1: $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-1_1').addClass('lta-currentSet'); $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-set-1_2').addClass('lta-currentSet'); break; } // server //lta-serving-1_1 //
//run through all and clear the text $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-serving').each(function(index) { $j(this).html(''); }); //var lta-server-num = 1; var __currServer = $j(r).find('serv').text(); switch(__currServer){ case '1': $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-serving-1_1').html('
'); break; case '2': $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-serving-2_1').html('
'); break; case '3': $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-serving-1_1').html('
'); break; case '4': $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-serving-2_1').html('
'); break; } } function announceWinner(r){ // clear the server $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-serving').each(function(index) { $j(this).html(''); }); // show the winner var __winner = $j(r).find('winner').text(); switch(__winner){ case '1': $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-serving-1_1').html('
'); break; case '2': $j(__tableID + ' td.lta-serving-2_1').html('
'); break; } //stop the timer //$j(document).stopTime(); } function handleData(r){ } openFeed(1); } function changeCase(addrline) { var tmpStr = addrline.toLowerCase(); tmpStr = tmpStr.replace (/(\d+)([a-z]{3,})/gi, "$1 $2"); // add space after numbers when 3+ alphachars follow tmpStr = tmpStr.replace (/\,/g, " "); // delete commas - replace by space (essential!) tmpStr = tmpStr.replace (/(\d+)([.{2,}$])/gi, " $1$2"); // add 4 spaces before numbers not at end of string tmpStr = tmpStr.replace (/(\S*)\"(\D+)\"(\S*)/g, '$1 "$2" $3'); // put spaces around "string" (force uppercase) tmpStr = tmpStr.replace (/o\'/gi, "O' "); // change o' to O'+space (O' Reilly) (force uppercase) tmpStr = tmpStr.replace (/(\s|\.)(mc)([a-z])/g, "$1mc $3"); // add space after Mc (force uppercase) tmpStr = tmpStr.replace (/(\D)\./g, "$1. "); // add space after literal . (B. M. Smith > uppercase) tmpStr = tmpStr.replace (/\-([a-z])/g, " - $1"); // add spaces around hyphens (force uppercase) tmpStr = tmpStr.replace (/(^\s+)/, ""); // remove spaces at start of string tmpStr = tmpStr.replace (/\s{4,}/g, " "); // remove excessive spaces > 4 if ((/fpo\b/.test(tmpStr)) || (/fpo\d/.test(tmpStr))) { tmpStr = tmpStr.toUpperCase(); tmpStr = tmpStr.replace (/([A-Z])(\s{2,})/g, "$1 "); // remove spaces >1 between A-Z and A-Z/0-9 (not converse) } var SplitStuff = tmpStr.split(" "); var ArrLen = SplitStuff.length; for (var k=0; k B.M.Smith newline = newline.replace (/Mc\s/,"Mc"); // reformat McXxxx newline = newline.replace (" - ","-"); // reformat McXxxx addrline = newline; return addrline; } FC.LiveTicker = function() { try { var ticker_holder = $j(FC.vars.selectors.LIVETICKER).get(0); var ticker_pos = ticker_holder.parentNode.offsetWidth; var ticker_data = $j(ticker_holder).html(); $j(ticker_holder).html('' + ticker_data + ''); $j(ticker_holder).hover ( function() { $j('marquee', this).get(0).stop(); }, function() { $j('marquee', this).get(0).start(); } ); //finds the width of each item and creates and overall width for the UL var __li = $j(FC.vars.selectors.LIVETICKER).find("li"); var __width = 0; for(i=0;i<__li.length;i++){ __width = __width+$j(__li[i]).width(); __width = __width+30; } var __ul = $j(FC.vars.selectors.LIVETICKER).find("ul"); __ul.css({"width":__width+"px"}); } catch (o) { } } FC.matchTabs = function() { var __matchContent = $j("div.lta-match-content"); var __tabs = $j(FC.vars.selectors.MATCH_TABS).find("div.lta-toggle-alt ul li"); var __containers = $j(FC.vars.selectors.MATCH_TABS).find("div.order-container"); __matchContent.hide(); for(var i = 0; i < __containers.length; i++) $j(__containers[i]).addClass("lta-match-content-" + (i + 1)); $j(".lta-match-content-1").show(); __tabs.bind("click",function(e){ var __index =__tabs.index(this); __tabs.find("a").removeClass("lta-selected"); $j(__tabs[__index]).find("a").addClass("lta-selected"); __index = __index+1; __matchContent.hide(); $j(".lta-match-content-"+__index).show(); //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); } FC.rowHighlight = function() { var __$rows = $j('.ranking tr'), __a; if (__$rows.length == 0) { return; } __$rows.bind('mouseenter', function() { __a = $j('a', this)[0]; __a && $j(this).addClass('current'); }); __$rows.bind('mouseleave', function() { __a = $j('a', this)[0]; __a && $j(this).removeClass('current'); }); __$rows.bind('click keypress', function() { __a = $j('a', this)[0]; __a &&, ? : '_self'); return false; }); __$rows.find('a').bind('click keypress', function() {, ? : '_self'); return false; }); } FC.flyoutNavigation = function($els) { $els.each(function() { var _TIME = FC.vars.timeouts, _$this = $j(this), _$li = _$this.parent(), _$a = _$this.prev(), _$links = _$this.find('a'); _$li.addClass('has-flyout'); _$a.bind('focus', function() { _$a.addClass('hovered'); $els.hide(); _$; }); _$a.bind('blur', function() { _$a.removeClass('hovered'); }); _$links.bind('focus', function() { _$a.addClass('hovered'); }); _$links.bind('blur', function() { _$a.removeClass('hovered'); }); _$li.bind('mouseenter', function() { _showFlyout = function() { _$; } _$a.addClass('hovered'); _TIME.SHOW_FLYOUT_NAV = setTimeout("_showFlyout()", 400); }); _$li.bind('mouseleave', function() { _$a.removeClass('hovered'); clearTimeout(_TIME.SHOW_FLYOUT_NAV); _$this.hide(); }); }); $j('.lta-anon a, .lta-member a, li.lta-nav a').bind('focus', function() { $els.hide(); }) function Flyout(flyout) { this.root = flyout.parentNode; this.rootLink = $j(this.root).find('>a'); this.flyout = $j(flyout); } $j('.lta-navigation-flyout').each(function() { new Flyout(this); }); }; FC.placeholderText = function() { function PlaceholderText(root) { this.defaultText = root.value; this.root = root; this.$root = $j(root); this.$root.addClass('contains-default-text'); var placeholderText = this; this.root.onfocus = function() { placeholderText.remove(); } this.root.onblur = function() { placeholderText.replace(); } } PlaceholderText.prototype.remove = function() { if (this.root.value == this.defaultText) { this.root.value = ''; this.$root.removeClass('contains-default-text'); } } PlaceholderText.prototype.replace = function() { if (this.root.value == '') { this.root.value = this.defaultText; this.$root.addClass('contains-default-text'); } } $j(FC.vars.selectors.PLACEHOLDER_TEXT).each(function() { new PlaceholderText(this); }); } FC.placeholderTitleText = function() { var $placeholder = $j('.lta-placeholder-text'); $placeholder.each(function() { $j(this).val($j(this).attr('title')); }); $placeholder.focus(function() { if ($j(this).val() == $j(this).attr('title')) { $j(this).val(''); } }).blur(function() { if ($j(this).val() == "") { $j(this).val($j(this).attr('title')); } }); } //RANKING LISTING FC.rankingListing = function(listing) { var __listing = $j(listing); var __groups = $j(FC.vars.selectors.RANKING_GROUP); __groups.hide(); if (__groups.length) { __groups[0].style.display = "block"}; //Create drop down and insert before first group if(__groups.length > 1) { var __switcher = ""; if (__groups.length) { $j(__groups[0]).before(__switcher); } var __select = $j("#player-switcher"); __select.bind("change", function() { __groups.hide(); $j("#" + $j(this).val()).show(); }); } } //RANKING LISTING LEGACY FC.rankingListingLegacy = function(listing) { var __listing = $j(listing); var __groups = $j(FC.vars.selectors.RANKING_GROUP); __groups.hide(); __groups[0].style.display = "block"; var __select = $j(".player-switcher"); __select.bind("change", function() { __groups.hide(); $j("#" + $j(this).val()).show(); }); } // 12.0 HERO, 12.1 HERO WITH PANEL FC.heroSlideshow = function() { var $heros = $j('.lta-hero'); function HeroSlideshow(root) { var that = this; this.root = root; this.$root = $j(root); this.heroHeight = this.$root.innerHeight(); this.items = []; $heros.find('.lta-hero-item').each(function(index) { var item = new HeroSlideshowItem(that, this, index) that.items.push(item); index > 0 && item.hide(); }); this.currentItem = this.items[0];; this.$corners = this.$root.find('.lta-hero-corners'); this.setMouseoverAnimation(); if (this.items.length > 1) { this.SLIDEINTERVAL = 5000; this.PLAY_TEXT = 'Play' this.PAUSE_TEXT = 'Pause' this.NEXT_TEXT = 'Next' this.PREVIOUS_TEXT = 'Previous' this.playing = false; this.isGoingToPlay = false; this.setCornersLink(); this.addCountControls();; } } HeroSlideshow.prototype.addCountControls = function() { // Add controls container this.$countControls = $j('

Slideshow Controls

' + (this.currentItem.itemIndex + 1) + ' of ' + this.items.length + '

'); this.$controlsList = this.$countControls.find('ul'); this.$countCurrent = this.$countControls.find('.lta-current'); this.$root.append(this.$countControls); // Add controls this.previousControl = new HeroSlideshowNextPreviousControl(this, 'previous'); this.playPauseControl = new HeroSlideshowPlayPauseControl(this); this.nextControl = new HeroSlideshowNextPreviousControl(this, 'next'); this.$controlsList.append(this.previousControl.$html); this.$controlsList.append(this.playPauseControl.$html); this.$controlsList.append(this.nextControl.$html); } HeroSlideshow.prototype.setCornersLink = function() { var $cornersLink = this.$corners.find('a'); if ($cornersLink.length == 0) { this.$corners.append(''); var $cornersLink = this.$corners.find('a'); } $cornersLink.attr('href', this.currentItem.url); $cornersLink.attr('target',; $cornersLink.text(this.currentItem.linkText); } HeroSlideshow.prototype.setMouseoverAnimation = function() { for (var i in this.items) { if (!this.items[i].$panel.length || this.items[i].$panel.length > 0) { return; } } var that = this; this.$corners.mouseover(function() { var item = that.currentItem; if (item.$paragraph.text() != '') { item.$text.animate({ 'top': item.textOpenPosition + 'px' }); } }); this.$corners.mouseout(function() { var item = that.currentItem; item.$text.animate({ 'top': item.textClosedPosition + 'px' }); }); } = function() { if (this.currentItem.itemIndex == this.items.length - 1) { this.switchTo(this.items[0]); } else { this.switchTo(this.items[this.currentItem.itemIndex + 1]); } } HeroSlideshow.prototype.previous = function() { if (this.currentItem.itemIndex == 0) { this.switchTo(this.items[this.items.length - 1]); } else { this.switchTo(this.items[this.currentItem.itemIndex - 1]); } } HeroSlideshow.prototype.switchTo = function(item) { var that = this; var item = item; // Make the current item invisible this.currentItem.hide(); // Update the current item that.currentItem = item; that.setCornersLink(); // Make the current item visible; // Update pagination that.$countCurrent.text(that.currentItem.itemIndex + 1); } = function() { var that = this; var next = function() {; } this.playing = window.setInterval(next, this.SLIDEINTERVAL); } HeroSlideshow.prototype.pause = function() { window.clearInterval(this.playing); this.playing = false; } function HeroSlideshowItem(slideshow, root, index) { this.slideshow = slideshow; this.$root = $j(root); this.$text = this.$root.find('.lta-hero-item-text'); this.$paragraph = this.$root.find('.lta-hero-item-text p'); this.itemIndex = index; this.$panel = this.$root.find('.lta-hero-item-panel'); if (this.$panel.length > 0) { this.$button = this.$panel.find('a.lta-btn'); this.linkText = this.$button.find('span').text(); this.url = this.$button.attr('href'); = this.$button.attr('target'); } else { this.linkText = this.$root.find('h2').text(); this.url = this.$root.find('h2 a').attr('href'); = this.$root.find('h2 a').attr('target'); } this.configureMouseoverAnimation(); } HeroSlideshowItem.prototype.hide = function(callback) { var that = this; this.$root.fadeOut(function() { that.$root.css({ 'z-index': '0' }); that.$root.find('img').css({ 'visibility': 'hidden' }); if (callback) { callback(); } }); } = function() { this.$root.css({ 'z-index': '5' }); this.$root.find('img').css({ 'visibility': 'visible' }); this.$root.fadeIn(); } HeroSlideshowItem.prototype.configureMouseoverAnimation = function() { // Figure out the full height of
, and subtract that from the height of the hero to get the “open�? vertical position var heroHeight = this.slideshow.heroHeight; var textHeight = this.$text.innerHeight(); this.textOpenPosition = heroHeight - textHeight; // Figure out the height of the paragraph in
, subtract that from its full height, subtract the result from the height of the hero, then add 4 to get the “closed�? vertical position. (Adding 4 is a bit of an arbitrary tweak to get the paragraph to fully disappear.) var paragraphHeight = this.$text.find('p').innerHeight(); this.textClosedPosition = heroHeight - (textHeight - paragraphHeight) + 4; // Set the vertical position of
to the “closed�? vertical position this.$text.css('top', this.textClosedPosition + 'px'); } function HeroSlideshowPlayPauseControl(slideshow) { this.slideshow = slideshow; this.$link = $j('' + this.slideshow.PAUSE_TEXT + ''); this.$html = $j('
  • ').append(this.$link); var that = this; this.$link.bind('click', function(e) { that.playPause(); //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); } HeroSlideshowPlayPauseControl.prototype.playPause = function() { if (this.$link.hasClass('pause')) { this.slideshow.pause(); this.$link.removeClass('pause'); this.$link.addClass('play'); this.$link.attr('href', '#play'); this.$link.attr('title', 'play'); this.$link.text(this.slideshow.PLAY_TEXT); } else {; this.$link.removeClass('play'); this.$link.addClass('pause'); this.$link.attr('href', '#pause'); this.$link.attr('title', 'pause'); this.$link.text(this.slideshow.PAUSE_TEXT); } } function HeroSlideshowNextPreviousControl(slideshow, nextPrevious) { this.slideshow = slideshow; this.nextPrevious = nextPrevious; this.$link = $j('' + this.nextPrevious + ''); this.$html = $j('
  • ').append(this.$link); var that = this; this.$link.bind('click', function(e) { var wasPlaying = false; if (that.slideshow.playing) { var wasPlaying = true; that.slideshow.pause(); } that.slideshow[that.nextPrevious](); if (wasPlaying) {; } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); } $heros.each(function() { new HeroSlideshow(this); // $heros.find('.lta-hero-item').fadeOut('slow'); }); } // 18.0 SEARCH FC.siteSearch = function() { function SiteSearch() { this.PLACEHOLDER_TEXTS = { 'Competition': 'Enter a Postcode', 'Player': 'Enter a Players name', 'Court': 'Enter a Postcode', 'Coach': 'Enter a Postcode', 'Website': 'What are you looking for?' } this.ADVANCED_SEARCH_URLS = {}; this.$html = $j(FC.vars.selectors.SITE_SEARCH); this.$select = this.$html.find('select.lta-search-extent'); = this.$select.get(0); this.$options = this.$select.find('option'); this.$text = this.$html.find('.lta-search-text'); this.$advancedSearchLinks = this.$html.find('.lta-advanced-search-links'); this.$moreOptionsInner = this.$html.find('.lta-more-options-inner'); this.$moreOptionsLink = null; this.replaceSelect(); this.setAdvancedSearchUrls(); this.updatePlaceholderText(); var that = this; $j('body').bind('click', function(e) { var __isReturn = $, 'return'), __ul = that.$searchUL[0], rOpen = /\blta-open\b/; __ul.className = __ul.className.replace(rOpen, "") that.$selectedSearchText.css('display', 'inline'); if (__isReturn === false) { return false; } }) } SiteSearch.prototype.replaceSelect = function() { that = this; this.$select.after('
      '); this.$searchUL = this.$html.find('ul.lta-search-extent'); this.$searchUL.before('' + this.$options.get(0).text + ' click this to change the search context'); that.$selectedSearch = this.$html.find('a.lta-selected-search span.lta-selected-search-span'); that.$selectedSearchText = this.$html.find('a.lta-selected-search span.lta-selected-search-span span'); that.$selectedSearchHeight = that.$selectedSearch.height(); var onClickHandler = function(e) { var __ul = that.$searchUL[0], rOpen = /\blta-open\b/; if (!rOpen.test(__ul.className)) __ul.className += " lta-open"; else __ul.className = __ul.className.replace(rOpen, ""); //that.$selectedSearch.text(''); that.$selectedSearchText.css('display', 'none'); that.$selectedSearch.height(that.$selectedSearchHeight); return false; }; that.$selectedSearch.parent().bind('click', onClickHandler); for (i = 0, j = this.$options.length, arr = []; i < j; i++) { arr[i] = '
    • ' + this.$options.get(i).text + '
    • '; } this.$searchUL.append(arr.join("")); //set the width of the selected search item to the width of the UL minus 20px (the UL has 20px padding); that.$selectedSearch.width(this.$searchUL.width()) $allA = this.$searchUL.find('a'); $allA.bind('click', function(e) { var __ul = that.$searchUL[0], rOpen = /\blta-open\b/; that.$select[0].selectedIndex = $allA.index(this); that.$selectedSearchText[0].innerHTML = $j(this).text(); that.$selectedSearchText.css('display', 'inline'); __ul.className = __ul.className.replace(rOpen, "") that.updatePlaceholderText(); //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); } SiteSearch.prototype.setAdvancedSearchUrls = function() { var that = this; this.$advancedSearchLinks.find('a').each(function(i) { var optionText = that.$options.eq(i).text(); that.ADVANCED_SEARCH_URLS[optionText] = this.href; }); } SiteSearch.prototype.updatePlaceholderText = function() { this.$text.attr({ 'value': this.PLACEHOLDER_TEXTS[$j([]).text()] }); FC.placeholderText(); } new SiteSearch(); } FC.mapToggle = function(__par){ var __onClickKeypressHandler = function(e){ var $$this = $j(this); switch (e.keyCode) { case 13: // enter key case 32: // space bar case undefined: //mouse click case 0: //mouse click in IE if ($$this.hasClass('lta-showhide-hide')) { $j('a', $$this).html('Show map'); this.className = this.className.replace(/lta-showhide-hide/g, "lta-showhide-show"); __par.slideUp(); } else { $j('a', $$this).html('Hide map'); this.className = this.className.replace(/lta-showhide-show/g, "lta-showhide-hide"); __par.slideDown(); } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); default: return; } } if($j(__par).hasClass("lta-pre")){ $j(__par).prev().append(''); } else { $j(__par).after(''); } //this if should be removed once we decide if the controls go before or after the map $j('.lta-showhide-button').bind('click keydown', __onClickKeypressHandler); } FC.boxHover = function(__el){ __$el = $j(__el); __$el.bind('mouseover', function() { $j(this).removeClass('lta-box35').addClass('lta-box36'); }); __$el.bind('mouseout', function() { $j(this).removeClass('lta-box36').addClass('lta-box35'); }); } FC.boxLink = function() { $j('.lta-create-goal li').each(function() { var $href = $j('a', this).attr('href'); $j(this).click(function() { window.location = $href; }); }); } FC.goalExpander = function(__el){ // This is a modification of the lta-expander component // This version looks for an anchor with class "lta-btn-add" and binds a click event to it. __$buttons= $j(__el); __$buttons.bind('click', function(e) { var __$this= $j(this); var __$buttonContent= __$this.find('span'); var __$expandContent= $j(this).parent().next(), __$existingGoalIntro = __$'div.lta-goal-intro'); __$expandContent.toggleClass('lta-expander-open'); if(__$expandContent.hasClass('lta-expander-open')) { __$existingGoalIntro.css('position', 'static'); __$expandContent.slideDown('fast', function() { __$existingGoalIntro.css('position', 'relative'); }); if(!FC.hasIE) { __$this.animate({'opacity': 0}, 'fast', function() { __$this.addClass('lta-btn-hide'); __$buttonContent.text('Hide goals'); __$this.animate({'opacity': 1}, 'fast'); }); } else { __$this.hide(); __$this.addClass('lta-btn-hide'); __$buttonContent.text('Hide goals'); __$; } } else { __$existingGoalIntro.css('position', 'static'); __$expandContent.slideUp('fast', function() { __$existingGoalIntro.css('position', 'relative'); }); if(!FC.hasIE) { __$this.fadeOut('fast', function() { __$this.removeClass('lta-btn-hide'); __$buttonContent.text('Add new goal'); __$this.fadeIn('slow'); }); } else { __$this.hide(); __$this.removeClass('lta-btn-hide'); __$buttonContent.text('Add new goal'); __$; } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); //return false; }); }; FC.expander = function($expander){ //each expander item is made up of 2 elements // -the lta-expander-header which is clicked to expand/contract content // -the lta-expander-content $headings= $expander.find('div.lta-expander-header h3'); $headings.wrapInner(''); $headings.find('a').bind('click', function() { var $header= $j(this).parents('div.lta-expander-header'); $header.toggleClass('lta-expander-open'); if($header.hasClass('lta-expander-open')) { $'.lta-expander-content').slideDown('fast'); } else { $'.lta-expander-content').slideUp('fast'); } return false; }); }; FC.vertNavScroll = function(){ var __SEL = FC.vars.selectors; var __axis = {axis:'x'}; $j(__SEL.VERTICAL_NAV_SCROLL).each(function(){ var __$this = $j(this); var __scrollAmount=1, __$contentBoxes = $j(".lta-nav-item", __$this); var __$container = $j("div.lta-nav-container", __$this); //add controls __$container.before(''); var __$right = $j("div.lta-next", __$this), __$left = $j("div.lta-prev", __$this), __$heading= $j('h2', 'div.lta-head'); var __$achievedPeriods= $j('li.lta-achieved a', __$this); //var __max = __$contentBoxes.length*__scrollAmount; var __max = __$contentBoxes.length-1; if(typeof(navScrollPos) == "undefined") navScrollPos = 0; //Find the first h2, get its text, and set the heading to that. Make sure the scroller is at the start __$heading.text(__$container.find('h2:eq('+navScrollPos+')').text()); __$container.scrollTo('ul:eq('+navScrollPos+')', 200, __axis); if (navScrollPos == 0) { __$left.addClass('lta-prev-disabled'); __$left.empty(); __$left.append('Previous goal sheets'); } else if (navScrollPos == __max){ __$right.addClass('lta-next-disabled'); __$right.empty(); __$right.append('Next goal sheets'); } //Left scroller button __$left.bind("click", function(e){ if(__$left.hasClass('lta-prev-disabled')) { //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); } else { if(navScrollPos>0){ navScrollPos = navScrollPos-__scrollAmount; __$achievedPeriods.css('position','static'); __$achievedPeriods.find('span').css('display','none'); if(!FC.hasIE) { __$heading.fadeOut('fast', function() { __$container.scrollTo('.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')', 500, { axis:'x', onAfter:function(){ __$heading.text($j('.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')').find('h2').text()); __$heading.fadeIn(); $j('div.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')').find('li.lta-achieved a').css('position','relative'); $j('div.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')').find('li.lta-achieved span').css('display','block'); //__$achievedPeriods.css('position','relative'); } }); }); } else { __$heading.hide(1, function() { __$container.scrollTo('.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')', 500, { axis:'x', onAfter:function(){ __$heading.text($j('.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')').find('h2').text()); __$; $j('div.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')').find('li.lta-achieved a').css('position','relative'); $j('div.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')').find('li.lta-achieved span').css('display','block'); //__$achievedPeriods.css('position','relative'); } }); }); } //__$; __$right.removeClass('lta-next-disabled'); __$right.empty(); __$right.append('Next goal sheets'); if(navScrollPos == 0){ //__$left.hide(); __$left.addClass('lta-prev-disabled'); __$left.empty(); __$left.append('Previous goal sheets'); } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); } }); //Right scroller button __$right.bind("click", function(e){ if(__$right.hasClass('lta-next-disabled')) { //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); } else { if(navScrollPos<__max){ navScrollPos = navScrollPos+__scrollAmount; __$achievedPeriods.css('position','static'); __$achievedPeriods.find('span').css('display','none'); if(!FC.hasIE) { __$heading.fadeOut('fast', function() { __$container.scrollTo('.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')', 500, { axis:'x', onAfter:function(){ __$heading.text($j('.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')').find('h2').text()); __$heading.fadeIn(); //__$achievedPeriods.css('position','relative'); $j('div.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')').find('li.lta-achieved a').css('position','relative'); $j('div.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')').find('li.lta-achieved span').css('display','block'); } }); }); } else { __$heading.hide(1, function() { __$container.scrollTo('.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')', 500, { axis:'x', onAfter:function(){ __$heading.text($j('.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')').find('h2').text()); __$; //__$achievedPeriods.css('position','relative'); $j('div.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')').find('li.lta-achieved a').css('position','relative'); $j('div.lta-nav-item:eq('+navScrollPos+')').find('li.lta-achieved span').css('display','block'); } }); }); } //__$; __$left.removeClass('lta-prev-disabled'); __$left.empty(); __$left.append('Previous page'); if((__max - navScrollPos) <= __scrollAmount){ __$right.addClass('lta-next-disabled'); __$right.empty(); __$right.append('Next goal sheets'); } } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); } }); });// end 'each' statement } FC.goalTooltip= function(__el) { var __$el= $j(__el); __$el.each(function() { var __$that= $j(this); var __$anchorText= __$that.text(); __$that.empty(); __$that.append('

      '+ __$anchorText +'

      '); __$that.bind('mouseenter', function() { $j('.lta-grid span.lta-tooltip').hide(); if(FC.hasIE) { $j(this).find('.lta-grid span.lta-tooltip').show(); } else { $j(this).find('.lta-grid span.lta-tooltip').fadeIn('fast').css('display','block'); } }); __$that.bind('mouseleave', function() { if(FC.hasIE) { $j(this).find('.lta-grid span.lta-tooltip').fadeOut('fast'); } else { $j(this).find('.lta-grid span.lta-tooltip').hide(); } }); }); } FC.goalDragDrop = function(__$els) { var __$innerBox = __$els.find('li div.lta-box-inner'), i= __$els.length, __result = []; __$els.prev().append('') $j('.lta-btn-container a').bind('click', function(e){ var __$this = $j(this), __$goals = __$this.parents('li').find('.lta-sortable-goal'), __goalArray = [], __goalString, __goalSheetId; __$goals.each(function(){ __goalArray.push( }) __goalSheetId = $j('#hdnGoalSheetId').val() __goalString = __goalArray.join('|'); //console.log(__goalString); //console.log($j('#hdnGoalSheetId').val()); $j.ajax({ type: "POST", url: FC.vars.paths.GOALS_AJAX, data: {"goals":__goalString, "goalSheetId": __goalSheetId }, success: function(){ var _i= __$els.length; __$this.parents('li').find('div.lta-btn-container').removeClass('lta-show'); while(_i--){ __result[_i]= $j(__$els[_i]).sortable('toArray'); } } }) //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }) $j('.lta-goal-intro a.lta-btn').bind('click', function(e) { var __$nextList= $j(this).parents('div.lta-goal-intro').next(); var __serialized= __$nextList.sortable('serialize'); //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }); __$els.sortable({ revert: true, update: function(){ var __currentList = __$els.index(this), __currentResult = $j(__$els[__currentList]).sortable('toArray'), __l = __currentResult.length, __hasChanged = false; while(__l--) { if(__currentResult[__l] != __result[__currentList][__l]) { __hasChanged = true; } } if(__hasChanged) { __$els.eq(__currentList).prev().find('div.lta-btn-container').addClass('lta-show') } else { __$els.eq(__currentList).prev().find('div.lta-btn-container').removeClass('lta-show') } }, start: function() { $j(this).find('div.lta-box-inner').css('cursor', 'move'); //user is dragging, so unbind the click function that takes you through to that goals page __$innerBox.unbind('click'); }, stop: function(event, ui) { if(FC.hasIE) { $j(ui.item).addClass('lta-zoom'); } $j(this).find('div.lta-box-inner').css('cursor', 'default'); //re-bind the function that takes you through to that goals page __$innerBox.bind('click', function() { clickHandler(this); }); } }); var clickHandler = function(el) { window.location= $j(el).find('h3 a').attr('href'); } //clicking anywhere inside the lta-box-inner div needs to take you through that goals page. __$innerBox.bind('click', function() { clickHandler(this); }); __$innerBox.bind('mouseover',function() {'pointer'; }); __$innerBox.bind('mouseout',function() {'default'; }); while(i--){ __result[i]= $j(__$els[i]).sortable('toArray'); } $j(__$els).disableSelection(); } $j('.lta-default-cursor').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }) FC.revealAdditionalInfo = function(__el){ var __$el = $j(__el); var __$elContent = __$el.text(); __$el.after('Show all'); __$el.addClass('lta-accessibility'); $j('p.lta-additional-info a').bind('click', function() { var __$text= $j(this).prev('span'); if(__$text.hasClass('lta-accessibility')) { __$text.removeClass('lta-accessibility'); $j(this).text('Hide additional text'); } else { __$text.addClass('lta-accessibility'); $j(this).text('Show all text'); } return false; }); } FC.goalStatusRadios = function(__$els) { var __length = __$els.length; __$els.bind('click keypress', function() { var __i = __length; while (__i--) { if (FC.vars.regEx.STATUS_SELECTED.test(__$els[__i].className)) __$els[__i].className = __$els[__i].className.replace(FC.vars.classNames.STATUS_SELECTED, ""); } $j(this).next().attr('checked', 'checked'); if (!FC.vars.regEx.STATUS_SELECTED.test(this.className)) this.className += FC.vars.classNames.STATUS_SELECTED; return false; }); __$els.each(function(index) { _checked = $j(this).next('input').attr('checked'); if (_checked) this.className += FC.vars.classNames.STATUS_SELECTED; }); } FC.goalPrinting = function(__el) { var __$el= $j(__el); __$el.append('
    • Print goals
    • '); __$el.find('.lta-print a').bind('click', function() { window.print(); }); } FC.fancySelects = function(__$els) { var __$body = $j('body'), __i = __$els.length, __a = document.createElement('A'), __spanOut = document.createElement('SPAN'), __spanIn = document.createElement('SPAN'), __onClickHandler = function(e) { var __$sels = $j('.lta-fancy-select'), __$values = $j('.lta-fancy-select-value'), __$uls = $j('.lta-fancy-select-ul'), __ulsLength = __$uls.length, __target = $j(, __par = __target.parents('.lta-fancy-select'), __$ul = $j('.lta-fancy-select-ul', __par), __$select = $j('select', __par), __$value = $j('.lta-fancy-select-value', __par), rOpen = /\blta-open\b/; while (__ulsLength--) { __$uls[__ulsLength].className = __$uls[__ulsLength].className.replace(rOpen, ""); } __$values.css('visibility', 'visible'); __$sels.css('z-index', '10'); switch ( { case 'lta-fancy-select-value': var _ulWidth = 0; if (!rOpen.test(__$ul[0].className)) { __$ul[0].className += " lta-open"; __par.css('z-index', '100'); $j('li', __$ul[0]).each(function() { if (this.offsetWidth > _ulWidth) _ulWidth = this.offsetWidth; }) __$ul[0].style.width = _ulWidth; } else { __$ul[0].className = __$ul[0].className.replace(rOpen, ""); } __$value.css('visibility', 'hidden'); break; case 'lta-fancy-select-option': __$select[0].selectedIndex = $j('li', __$ul).index(__target.parent()[0]); __$value[0].innerHTML =; __$value.css('visibility', 'visible'); __$ul[0].className = __$ul[0].className.replace(rOpen, "") if ($j(this).hasClass('lta-select-month')) { var __days, __daysSelect = $j('.lta-select-day').find('select')[0], __daysValue = $j('.lta-select-day').find('.lta-fancy-select-value')[0], __$daysLis = $j('span.lta-select-day li'), __$daysLength = __$daysLis.length, __date = new Date(), __year = __date.getFullYear(), __leapYear = false; //leap year is true if the year is divisible by 4 but not 100. If it's divisible by 4 & 100, then it must also be divisible by 400 if (__year % 4 == 0) { if (__year % 100 == 0) { if (__year % 400 == 0) { __leapYear = true; } } else if (__year % 100 > 1) { __leapYear = true; } } switch (__$value[0].innerHTML) { case 'February': if (__leapYear) { __days = 29 } else { __days = 28 } break; case 'April': __days = 30 break; case 'June': __days = 30 break; case 'September': __days = 30 break; case 'November': __days = 30 break; default: __days = 31 break; } switch (__days) { case 28: if (__$daysLength > __days) { __$daysLis.filter(':nth-child(1n+' + (__days + 1) + ')').remove(); } if (__daysSelect.selectedIndex > 27) { __daysSelect.selectedIndex = 27; __daysValue.innerHTML = 28; } break; case 29: if (__$daysLength > __days) { __$daysLis.filter(':nth-child(1n+' + (__days + 1) + ')').remove(); } if (__daysSelect.selectedIndex > 28) { __daysSelect.selectedIndex = 28; __daysValue.innerHTML = 29; } break; case 30: if (__$daysLength > __days) { __$daysLis.filter(':nth-child(1n+' + (__days + 1) + ')').remove(); } else if (__$daysLength == 28) { __$daysLis.parent().append('
    • 29
    • 30
    • ') } else if (__$daysLength == 29) { __$daysLis.parent().append('
    • 30
    • '); } if (__daysSelect.selectedIndex > 29) { __daysSelect.selectedIndex = 29; __daysValue.innerHTML = 30; } break; case 31: if (__$daysLength == 28) { __$daysLis.parent().append('
    • 29
    • 30
    • 31
    • ') } else if (__$daysLength == 29) { __$daysLis.parent().append('
    • 30
    • 31
    • '); } else if (__$daysLength == 30) { __$daysLis.parent().append('
    • 31
    • '); } break; default: break; } } default: } //Not firing select change on competitions this is done on option selection. if ($j('body').find('.lta-competition-header').length == 0) { __$select.change(); } //instead of return false - click bubbles up to body element and that handles the event $, 'return', false); }, __bodyClickHandler = function(e) { var __$ul = $j('.lta-fancy-select-ul'), __ulLength = __$ul.length, __$value = $j('.lta-fancy-select-value'), rOpen = /\blta-open\b/; switch ( { case 'lta-fancy-select-value': break; case 'lta-fancy-select-option': break default: while (__ulLength--) { __$ul[__ulLength].className = __$ul[__ulLength].className.replace(rOpen, ""); } __$value.css({ 'display': 'block', 'visibility': 'visible' }); } }; __spanOut.className = 'lta-fancy-select-inner'; __a.href = '#'; __spanIn.className = 'lta-fancy-select-value'; __a.appendChild(__spanIn); __spanOut.appendChild(__a); while (__i--) { var __docFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(), __$select = $j(__$els[__i]).find('select'), __$options = $j(__$els[__i]).find('option'), __length = __$options.length, __ul = document.createElement('UL'); __ul.className = 'lta-fancy-select-ul'; for (__j = 0; __j < __length; __j++) { var __a = document.createElement('A'), __li = document.createElement('LI'); __a.className = 'lta-fancy-select-option' __a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(__$options[__j].firstChild.nodeValue)) __li.appendChild(__a); __ul.appendChild(__li); } __spanOut.firstChild.firstChild.innerHTML = __$options[__$select[0].selectedIndex].firstChild.nodeValue; __docFrag.appendChild(__spanOut.cloneNode(true)); __docFrag.appendChild(__ul); __$els[__i].appendChild(__docFrag); } __$els.bind('click', __onClickHandler); __$body.bind('click', __bodyClickHandler); if (!$j('body').find('.lta-competitions-detail').length == 0) { var __$fancySelectOption = $j('.lta-fancy-select-ul a'); __fancySelectOptionChange = function(e) { __$select.change(); e.preventDefault(); }; __$fancySelectOption.bind('click', __fancySelectOptionChange); } } FC.fancySelectGroup = function(__$els) { var __SEL = FC.vars.selectors, __$items = $j(__SEL.FANCY_SELECT_GROUP_ITEM), __select = __$els.find('select'), __index = __select[0].selectedIndex, __updateGroup = function(_index) { __$items.hide(); $j(__$items[_index]).show(); } __select.bind('change', function() { var _index = this.selectedIndex; __updateGroup(_index); }) __updateGroup(__index); } function gsAgeGroups() { var $ageGroups = setTimeout("ulAgeGroups()", 1000); } function ulAgeGroups() { $j(".js .lta-mental-goals ul li:first-child a") .css({ 'cursor': 'default', 'font-weight': 'normal' }) .hover(function() { $j(this).css('background', 'none') }) .click(function() { return false; }); $j(".js .lta-mental-goals ul li:nth-child(6) a") .css({ 'cursor': 'default', 'font-weight': 'normal' }) .hover(function() { $j(this).css('background', 'none') }) .click(function() { return false; }); } gsAgeGroups(); /* Clubs functions - copied from functions-clubs.js FC.showHideHelp = function(){ $j('.js-helptext .inner .padding').append('

      Hide help

      '); $j('.help a').bind('click', function(){ var boxToOpen = "#" + $j(this).attr('class'); $j(boxToOpen).slideDown(250); return false; }); $j('.helplink a').bind('click', function(){ var boxToOpen = "#" + $j(this).attr('class'); $j(boxToOpen).slideDown(250); return false; }); $j('.hidehelp').bind('click', function(){ $j(this).parents('.js-helptext').slideUp(250); return false; }); }*/ FC.ratingMouseOver = function(){ $j(FC.vars.el).find("label").each(function(){ $j(this).bind("mouseover", function(){ if($j(this).hasClass('open')){ $j(this).find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-over.gif" }) }; $j(this).parent().prevAll().each(function(){ if ($j(this).find("label").hasClass('open')) { $j(this).find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-over.gif" }); } }); }); }); } FC.ratingFocus = function(){ $j(FC.vars.el).find("input").each(function(){ $j(this).bind("focus", function(){ if($j(this).siblings("label").hasClass('open')){ $j(this).siblings("label").find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-over.gif" }) }; $j(this).parent().prevAll().each(function(){ if ($j(this).find("label").hasClass('open')) { $j(this).find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-over.gif" }); } }); }); }); }, FC.ratingMouseOut = function(){ $j(FC.vars.el).find("label").each(function(){ $j(this).bind("mouseout", function(){ if($j(this).hasClass('open')){ $j(this).find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-off.gif" }) }; $j(this).parent().prevAll().each(function(){ if ($j(this).find("label").hasClass('open')) { $j(this).find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-off.gif" }); } }); }); }); } FC.ratingBlur = function(){ $j(FC.vars.el).find("input").each(function(){ $j(this).bind("blur", function(){ if($j(this).siblings("label").hasClass('open')){ $j(this).siblings("label").find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-off.gif" }) }; $j(this).parent().prevAll().each(function(){ if ($j(this).find("label").hasClass('open')) { $j(this).find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-off.gif" }); } }); }); }); }, FC.addRating = function(){ // .club ul.rating li input{position:absolute;left:-9999px;top:-9999px;} $j(FC.vars.el).find('input').css('position', 'absolute').css('left', '-9999em'); // 1 star $j(FC.vars.el).find("label").each(function(intIndex){ $j(this).empty().append($j('' + (intIndex + 1) + ' star')) }) FC.ratingMouseOver(); FC.ratingFocus(); FC.ratingMouseOut(); FC.ratingBlur(); $j(FC.vars.el).find("label").bind("click", function(){ $j(this).removeClass('open'); $j(this).parent().prevAll().find("label").removeClass('open'); $j(this).parent().prevAll().find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-on.gif" }) $j(this).parent().nextAll().find("label").addClass('open'); $j(this).parent().nextAll().find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-off.gif" }) $j(this).find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-on.gif" }) $j(this).next().attr("checked", true); return false; }) $j(FC.vars.el).find("input").bind("change", function(){ $j(this).siblings("label").removeClass('open'); $j(this).parent().prevAll().find("label").removeClass('open'); $j(this).parent().prevAll().find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-on.gif" }) $j(this).parent().nextAll().find("label").addClass('open'); $j(this).parent().nextAll().find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-off.gif" }) $j(this).siblings("label").find('img').attr({ src: "/images/clubs/star-on.gif" }) return false; }) } FC.initMembersList = function(){ FC.membersList(); } FC.createMembersList = function() { var _$allRoles = $j('.roles').find('span'), _allRoles = ""; for (var i = 0; i < _$allRoles.length; i++) { if(_$allRoles[i].firstChild){ _allRoles += _$allRoles[i].firstChild.nodeValue + ', '; } } _allRoles = _allRoles.replace(/ /g, ''); for (var i = 0; i < FC.vars.roles.length; i++) { var _tempRoles = _allRoles; FC.vars.shortRole = FC.vars.roles[i].replace(/ /g, ''); var currentRoles = ',' + $j('.roleslist').parent().siblings('.roles').find('span').text().replace(/ /g, '') + ','; var hasRole = (currentRoles.indexOf(',' + FC.vars.shortRole + ',') > -1); var checker = "", disable = ""; var _rolesLimit = FC.vars.rolesLimits[i]; if (_rolesLimit > 0) { _roleCount = _tempRoles.match(FC.vars.rolesRegex[i]) ? _tempRoles.match(FC.vars.rolesRegex[i]).length : 0; if (_roleCount >= _rolesLimit && hasRole) { disable = 'disabled="disabled"'; }; } if (hasRole) { checker = 'checked="checked"'; } ($j('
      ').addClass('field').addClass('clear') .append($j('').attr('name', FC.vars.shortRole).attr('id', FC.vars.shortRole)) .append($j('').attr('for', FC.vars.shortRole).text(FC.vars.roles[i])) ) .insertBefore($j('.roleslist .lta-btn-save')); } } FC.updateMembersList = function() { FC.vars.currentRoles = $j('.roleslist').parent().siblings('.roles').find('span').text().replace(/ /g, '').toLowerCase(); $j('.roleslist input').each(function() { if (FC.vars.currentRoles.indexOf($j(this).attr('id')) > -1) { $j(this).attr('checked', 'checked'); } }) } FC.newRoles = function() { FC.vars.newRoles = '' $j('.roleslist input:checked').each(function() { FC.vars.newRoles = FC.vars.newRoles + $j(this).siblings('label').text() + ', ' }); if (FC.vars.newRoles == '') { FC.vars.newRoles = ' ' } else { FC.vars.newRoles = FC.vars.newRoles.substring(0, FC.vars.newRoles.length - 2) } $j('.roleslist').parent().siblings('.roles').find('span').text(FC.vars.newRoles); } FC.membersList = function() { $j('.memberslist').find('.update > a').bind('click', function() { $j(this).parents('tr').addClass('selected'); ($j('
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      ').addClass('roles-bottom')) ) .appendTo($j(this).parent()); $j('.memberslist').find('.update > a').removeAttr('href').unbind('click'); $j('.memberslist').find('.update > a > img').attr('src', '/images/clubs/btn-update-disabled.gif'); FC.createMembersList(); FC.updateMembersList(); $j(this).siblings('.roleslist').slideDown(250); $j(this).remove(); return false; }) } FC.resetMembersList = function(){ $j('.roleslist').slideUp(250, function(){ ($j('').attr('href', '#') .append($j('').attr('height', '20').attr('width', '63').attr('alt', 'Update').attr('src', '/images/clubs/btn-update.gif')) ).prependTo($j(this).parent()); $j(this).remove(); $j('.memberslist').find('tr').removeClass('selected'); $j('.memberslist').find('.update > a').attr('href', '#'); $j('.memberslist').find('.update > a > img').attr('src', '/images/clubs/btn-update.gif'); FC.membersList(); }); } FC.submitMembersList = function(){ = 'wait'; FC.vars.rolesObject.memberId = $j('.roleslist').siblings()[0].value; FC.vars.rolesObject.clubId = $j('.roleslist').siblings()[1].value; FC.vars.rolesObject.memberRoles = [] $j('.roleslist input:checked').each(function(){ FC.vars.rolesObject.memberRoles.push($j(this).attr('id')); }) //submit data here $ + FC.vars.rolesObject.clubId, { memberId: FC.vars.rolesObject.memberId, memberRole: FC.vars.rolesObject.memberRoles, clubId: FC.vars.rolesObject.clubId }, function(){ FC.newRoles(); FC.resetMembersList(); = 'auto'; }); } FC.imageViewer = function(){ $j('.imageviewer > li > a').bind('click', function(){ __url = $j(this).attr('href'); __img = new Image(); $j('.imageviewer > li.main > span').empty().addClass('loading'); $j(__img).load(function () { $j(this).css('display', 'none'); $j(this).hide(); $j('.imageviewer > li.main > span').removeClass('loading').append(this); $j(this).fadeIn(500); }).error(function () { $j('.imageviewer > li.main > span').text('The image could not be loaded') }).attr('src', __url); return false; }); } FC.confirm = function(){ $j("a.confirm").bind('click', function() { link = $j(this).attr('href'); text = $j(this).text().toLowerCase(); FC.confirmAction(text, link, function(r) { if(r){ window.location.href = link } else { //do nothing }; }); return false; }); } FC.confirmAction = function(text, link, callback){ try { if (typeof === "undefined") {//if IE 6 $j("body", "html").css({ height: "100%", width: "100%" }); $j("html").css("overflow", "hidden"); if ($j('.hideSelect').length == 0 ) {//iframe to hide select elements in ie6 $j("body").append("
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callback(false); return false; }); $j(".popup-yes").focus(); } catch (e) { } } FC.detectMacXFF = function() { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (userAgent.indexOf('mac') != -1 && userAgent.indexOf('firefox')!=-1) { return true; } } FC.courtsTooltip = function(){ $j('.courts img').each(function(){ var altAtt = $j(this).attr('alt'); $j(this).tooltip({ track: true, delay: 0, showURL: false, bodyHandler: function() { return altAtt; }, extraClass: "tool-tip", top: -55, left: -150 }) }) } //FC.countdown = function() { // var limit = $j('textarea.countdown').attr('limit'); // var currentLength = $j('textarea.countdown').val().length; // $j('textarea.countdown').parents('.field').find('.counttext').append($j(' - you have ' + (limit - currentLength) + ' characters left')); // $j('textarea.countdown').bind('keydown keypress keyup', function() { // if ($j(this).val().length > limit) { // $j(this).val($j(this).val().substring(0, limit)); // } else { // $j('.countvalue').text(limit - $j(this).val().length); // } // }) //} FC.countdown = function() { $j('textarea.countdown').each(function() { var limit = $j(this).attr('limit'), currentLength = $j(this).val().length; $j(this).parents('.field').find('.counttext') .append(' - you have ' + (limit - currentLength) + ' characters left'); $j(this).bind('keydown keypress keyup', function() { if ($j(this).val().length > limit) { $j(this).val($j(this).val().substring(0, limit)); } else { $j(this).parents('.field').find('.countvalue').text(limit - $j(this).val().length); } }) }); } FC.showMore = function($smLinks) { $smLinks.toggle(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.parent().parent().next('.lta-expandable').show(); //.animate({height: 'toggle'}, 500); $this.parent().parent().addClass("lta-expanded-par"); $this.children('span').attr('class', $this.children('span').text()); $this.children('span').text('Close'); }, function() { var $this = $(this); $this.parent().parent().next('.lta-expandable').hide(); //.animate({height: 'toggle'}, 500); $this.parent().parent().removeClass('lta-expanded-par'); $this.children('span').text($this.children('span').attr('class')); }); }; FC.connectSelect = function($selectOne) { var s = $j(".lta-connections-01"); //give up if no select 2 if(s.length === 0) { return false; } //bind events s.bind("change",changeHandler); //change handler function changeHandler(e) { var o = === s[0] ? s[1] : s[0]; //check which select o.selectedIndex = 4 - ; // set the value } } FC.confirmClick = function() { var _linkClickHandler = function(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 13: // enter key case undefined: //mouse click case 0: //mouse click in IE if ($j('tr.lta-added').length == 0 || $j(this).parents('.lta-ballot-table').length > 0 || $j(this).parents('.lta-search-extent-container').length > 0 || $j(this).parents('.lta-hero-slideshow-count-controls').length > 0) return; _link = this.href; $j('.lta-confirm').css('display', 'block'); $j('.lta-confirm-overlay').css({ 'height': document.body.clientHeight, 'width': document.body.clientWidth }); $j('.lta-confirm-stay').unbind('click').bind('click', function() { $j('.lta-confirm').css('display', 'none'); return false; }) $j('.lta-confirm-go').unbind('click').bind('click', function() { $j('.lta-confirm').css('display', 'none'); window.location.href = _link; return false; }) default: return false; } }, _inputClickHandler = function(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 13: // enter key case undefined: //mouse click case 0: //mouse click in IE if ($j(this).parents('.lta-ballot-table').length > 0) return; var _$target = $j(e.currentTarget); $j('.lta-confirm').css('display', 'block'); $j('.lta-confirm-overlay').css({ 'height': document.body.clientHeight, 'width': document.body.clientWidth }); $j('.lta-confirm-stay').unbind('click').bind('click', function() { $j('.lta-confirm').css('display', 'none'); return false; }) $j('.lta-confirm-go').unbind('click').bind('click', function() { _$target.unbind('click').trigger('click'); return false; }) default: return false; } }, _inputViewClickHandler = function(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 13: // enter key case undefined: //mouse click case 0: //mouse click in IE var _$target = $j(e.currentTarget); $j('.lta-confirm').css('display', 'block'); $j('.lta-confirm-overlay').css({ 'height': document.body.clientHeight, 'width': document.body.clientWidth }); $j('.lta-confirm-stay').unbind('click').bind('click', function() { $j('.lta-confirm').css('display', 'none'); return false; }) $j('.lta-confirm-go').unbind('click').bind('click', function() { _$target.unbind('click').trigger('click'); return false; }) default: return false; } }, _inputAutoSwitchClickHandler = function(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 13: // enter key case undefined: //mouse click case 0: //mouse click in IE var _$target = $j(e.currentTarget); $j('.lta-switch-to-auto').css('display', 'block'); $j('.lta-confirm-overlay').css({ 'height': document.body.clientHeight, 'width': document.body.clientWidth }); $j('.lta-confirm-cancel-auto').unbind('click').bind('click', function() { $j('.lta-switch-to-auto').css('display', 'none'); return false; }) $j('.lta-confirm-go-auto').unbind('click').bind('click', function() { _$target.unbind('click').trigger('click'); return false; }) default: return false; } } //$j('a').bind('click keypress', _linkClickHandler); $j('input[type=submit]').each(function() { if (!$j(this).hasClass('no-confirm') && $j('input[value^=Notify]').length > 0 && $j(this).hasClass('lta-view-btn')) { $j(this).bind('click keypress', _inputViewClickHandler); } else if (!$j(this).hasClass('no-confirm') && $j(this).hasClass('lta-confirm-switch-to-auto')) { $j(this).bind('click keypress', _inputAutoSwitchClickHandler); } else if (!$j(this).hasClass('no-confirm') && !$j(this).hasClass('.lta-view-btn')) { $j(this).bind('click keypress', _inputClickHandler); } }); } FC.siebelError = function() { var _$closeLink = $j('.lta-siebel-error-close'), _inputClickHandler = function(e) { $j('.lta-siebel-error').css('display', 'none'); return false; }; _$closeLink.bind('click', _inputClickHandler); } FC.confirmGiveUp = function() { var _$confirmInput = $j('input.lta-ballot-confirm-man'), _$goLink = $j('.lta-confirm-go'), _$closeLink = $j('.lta-confirm-stay'), _inputClickHandler = function(e) { var $elem =; _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); ; _$goLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis'); $j('.lta-confirm-check').unbind('change').bind('change', function() { if (this.checked) { _$goLink.css({ opacity: 1 }).removeClass('lta-confirm-dis') _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { //_$confirmInput.unbind('click').trigger('click'); $j($elem).unbind('click').trigger('click'); return false; }); } else { _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); _$goLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis') } }) return false; }; _$confirmInput.bind('click', _inputClickHandler); $j('.lta-confirm-stay span').click(function() { if ($j('.lta-confirm-check').is(':checked')) $j('.lta-confirm-check').removeAttr('checked'); }); } FC.confirmAuto = function() { var _$confirmInput = $j('input.lta-ballot-confirm-auto'), _$goLink = $j('.lta-confirm-go-auto'), _$closeLink = $j('.lta-confirm-cancel-auto'), _inputClickHandler = function(e) { $j('.lta-confirm-auto').css('display', 'block'); $j('.lta-confirm-overlay').css({ 'height': document.body.clientHeight, 'width': document.body.clientWidth }); _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); ; _$goLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis'); _$closeLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { $j('.lta-confirm-auto').css('display', 'none'); return false; }); $j('.lta-confirm-check').unbind('change').bind('change', function() { if (this.checked) { _$goLink.css({ opacity: 1 }).removeClass('lta-confirm-dis') _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { _$confirmInput.unbind('click').trigger('click'); return false; }); } else { _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); _$goLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis') } }) return false; }; _$confirmInput.bind('click', _inputClickHandler); $j('.lta-confirm-cancel-auto span').click(function() { if ($j('.lta-auto-check').is(':checked')) $j('.lta-auto-check').removeAttr('checked'); }); } FC.confirmSwitchToAuto = function() { var _$goLink = $j('.lta-confirm-go-switch'), _$closeLink = $j('.lta-confirm-cancel-switch'), _inputClickHandler = function(e) { if ($j(this).val() == 'random') { $j('.lta-confirm-switch').css('display', 'block'); $j('.lta-confirm-switch .lta-confirm-overlay').css({ 'height': document.body.clientHeight, 'width': document.body.clientWidth }); _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); _$goLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis'); _$closeLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { $j('.lta-confirm-switch').css('display', 'none'); return false; }); $j('.lta-confirm-switch .lta-confirm-check').unbind('change').bind('change', function() { if (this.checked) { _$goLink.css({ opacity: 1 }).removeClass('lta-confirm-dis'); _$goLink.unbind('click').trigger('click'); } else { _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); _$goLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis') } }) return false; } }; $j('.lta-allocate-tickets').change(_inputClickHandler); $j('.lta-confirm-cancel-switch span').click(function() { $j('.lta-allocate-tickets option:first').attr('selected', 'selected'); if ($j('.lta-switch-check').is(':checked')) $j('.lta-switch-check').removeAttr('checked'); }); } FC.confirmReturnToLta = function() { var _$goLink = $j('.lta-confirm-go-return'), _$closeLink = $j('.lta-confirm-cancel-return'), _inputClickHandler = function(e) { if ($j(this).val() == 'return') { $j('.lta-confirm-return').css('display', 'block'); $j('.lta-confirm-return .lta-confirm-overlay').css({ 'height': document.body.clientHeight, 'width': document.body.clientWidth }); _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); _$goLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis'); _$closeLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { $j('.lta-confirm-return').css('display', 'none'); return false; }); $j('.lta-confirm-return .lta-confirm-check').unbind('change').bind('change', function() { if (this.checked) { _$goLink.css({ opacity: 1 }).removeClass('lta-confirm-dis'); _$goLink.unbind('click').trigger('click'); } else { _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); _$goLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis') } }) return false; } }; $j('.lta-allocate-tickets').change(_inputClickHandler); $j('.lta-confirm-cancel-return span').click(function() { $j('.lta-allocate-tickets option:first').attr('selected', 'selected'); if ($j('.lta-return-check').is(':checked')) $j('.lta-return-check').removeAttr('checked'); }); } FC.needHelp = function(par) { $j(par).click(function() { $j('.lta-need-help-overlay').css('display', 'block'); $j('.lta-need-help-overlay .lta-confirm-overlay').css({ 'height': document.body.clientHeight, 'width': document.body.clientWidth }); $j('.lta-close-help').unbind('click').bind('click', function() { $j('.lta-need-help-overlay').css('display', 'none'); return false; }); return false; }); } FC.confirmWinner = function() { var _$confirmInput = $j('.lta-confirm-notify-winner'), _$goLink = $j('.lta-confirm-go-winner'), _$closeLink = $j('.lta-confirm-cancel-winner'), _inputClickHandler = function(e) { // Populate details var $thisWinner = $j('tr.lta-notify-winner'), $winnerCourt = $thisWinner.prev().find('td.lta-court').text(), $winnerDay = $thisWinner.prev().find('td .lta-ticket-day').text(), $winnerDate = $thisWinner.prev().find('td .lta-ticketdate').text(), $winnerDetails = $j('.lta-confirm-notify-winner-details').val().split("-"), //returns array 'member no, born, name(type)' $winnerName = $winnerDetails[2].split("("), //returns array with 'name, type)' $winnerType = $winnerName[1]; $j('.lta-ballot-winner-court').text($winnerCourt); $j('.lta-ballot-winner-day').text($winnerDay); $j('.lta-ballot-winner-date').text($winnerDate); $j('.lta-ballot-winner-name').text($winnerName[0]); $j('.lta-ballot-winner-type').text($winnerType.substring(0, $winnerType.length - 1)); $j('.lta-ballot-winner-born').text($winnerDetails[1]); $j('.lta-ballot-winner-number').text($winnerDetails[0]); $j('.lta-confirm-winner').css('display', 'block'); $j('.lta-confirm-winner .lta-confirm-overlay').css({ 'height': document.body.clientHeight, 'width': document.body.clientWidth }); _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); _$goLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis'); _$closeLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { $j('.lta-confirm-winner').css('display', 'none'); return false; }); $j('.lta-confirm-winner .lta-confirm-check').unbind('change').bind('change', function() { if (this.checked) { _$goLink.css({ opacity: 1 }).removeClass('lta-confirm-dis'); _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { // disable any further clicks _$goLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis'); _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); _$closeLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis'); _$closeLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); $j('.lta-confirm-winner .lta-confirm-check').attr('disabled', true); // trigger the click event _$confirmInput.unbind('click').trigger('click'); return false; }); } else { _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); _$goLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis') } }) return false; }; var _$errorMessageHTML = '
      Please enter a valid member name or LTA number
      '; $j('.lta-find-winner').append(_$errorMessageHTML); $j('.lta-winner-error').hide(); _$ { _$detailsInput = $j('.lta-confirm-notify-winner-details').val(); _$dropDownStatus = $j('.ac_results').css('display'); if (_$detailsInput === 'Name or LTA number' || _$detailsInput === '') { $j('.lta-winner-error').fadeIn('fast'); return false; } else if (_$dropDownStatus === 'block') { return false; } else { $j('div.lta-winner-error').hide(); _inputClickHandler(); return false; } }); $j('.lta-confirm-cancel-winner span').click(function() { if ($j('.lta-winner-check').is(':checked')) $j('.lta-winner-check').removeAttr('checked'); }); } FC.confirmMan = function() { var _$confirmInput = $j('input.lta-ballot-confirm-man'), _$goLink = $j('.lta-confirm-go-man'), _$closeLink = $j('.lta-confirm-cancel-man'), _inputClickHandler = function(e) { $j('.lta-confirm-man').css('display', 'block'); $j('.lta-confirm-overlay').css({ 'height': document.body.clientHeight, 'width': document.body.clientWidth }); _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); _$goLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis'); _$closeLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { $j('.lta-confirm-man').css('display', 'none'); return false; }); $j('.lta-confirm-check').unbind('change').bind('change', function() { if (this.checked) { _$goLink.css({ opacity: 1 }).removeClass('lta-confirm-dis') _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { _$confirmInput.unbind('click').trigger('click'); return false; }); } else { _$goLink.unbind('click').bind('click', function() { return false; }); _$goLink.css({ opacity: 0.4 }).addClass('lta-confirm-dis') } }) return false; }; _$confirmInput.bind('click', _inputClickHandler); $j('.lta-confirm-cancel-man span').click(function() { if ($j('.lta-manual-check').is(':checked')) $j('.lta-manual-check').removeAttr('checked'); }); } /* MAP FUNCTIONS: */ // Gets populated with each new info window var infowindow, friendSearch; /* Search timer: * Calculates the difference in milliseconds between * the time the user performs a search and the time the * user drags for results. If 15 minutes elapses, a new * search is initiated */ FC.timeElapsed = function() { var n = new Date(), s = n.getTime(), diff = s -; return diff; } /* URL parser: * Accepts a param name a search string; * returns the value if param exists, otherwise * returns an empty string */ FC.parseURL = function(param, searchStr) { param = param.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]" + param + "=([^&#]*)", regex = new RegExp(regexS), searchStr = searchStr, results = (searchStr) ? regex.exec(searchStr) : regex.exec(window.location.href); if (results == null) { return ""; } else { return results[1]; } } /* Create map: * If a map doesn't exist, we create one here */ FC.createMap = function(latlng) { var MAP =, $form = $j(FC.vars.selectors.VENUE_SEARCH), $submit = $form.find("input[type=submit]"); // Strings / paths var MAP =, queryStr =, venueParam = FC.parseURL("v", MAP.searchStr), latlng = latlng; var zoomLevel = (MAP.countyMode ? null : 12); // Basic map setup var myOptions = { zoom: zoomLevel, minZoom: zoomLevel, streetViewControl: false, panControl: false, scrollwheel: false, center: new google.maps.LatLng(latlng[0], latlng[1]), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }; // Instantiate map var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), myOptions); // Show map $j(FC.vars.selectors.GOOGLE_MAP).removeClass("lta-reader"); // Create an info window infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ maxWidth: MAP.overlayWidth }); // Determine feed type (single or multiple venues) if (venueParam != "") { MAP.queryStr = queryStr + venueParam; } else { MAP.queryStr = queryStr + MAP.searchStr + MAP.searchOpts; } // closes other open info windows google.maps.event.addListener(map, "click", function() { infowindow.close(); }); //No dragging if this is a tennis counties search if (!MAP.countyMode) { // When user finished dragging the map, repaint using the position of the dragend google.maps.event.addListener(map, "dragend", function() { // Get center of map after drag & create an array from the result var newCenter = map.getCenter(), elapsedTime; MAP.searchStr = "?la=" + + "&ln=" + newCenter.lng(); MAP.queryStr = queryStr + MAP.searchStr + MAP.searchOpts; elapsedTime = FC.timeElapsed(); if (elapsedTime < 900000) { MAP.drag = 0; FC.getVenues(map); } else { $; } }); } // Go get venues from json handler FC.getVenues(map); } /* Create map markers: * Accepts args from "FC.getVenues()" * Creates markers, giving them content and * click events to display them */ FC.createMarkers = function(content, pos, map, name, clubmark) { var MAP =; var pin = clubmark ? :; // Define marker var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pos, map: map, icon: pin, title: name }); // Add click event to pins to open overlays google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function() { infowindow.setContent(content);, marker); }); } /* Get locations: * Uses GeoCode wrapper * Queries handler which returns * multiple results based on query */ FC.getLocations = function(loc) { var STR = FC.vars.strings, MAP =, $target = $j(FC.vars.selectors.LOCATIONS), loc = loc.replace(/ /g, "+"), distance = FC.parseURL("d", loc), multiple = false, nomatch = false, oItems = "", oLink = document.createElement("A"), latlng, url = window.location.href, url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("?")); if (distance) { loc = FC.parseURL("l", loc); } //Check to see if this is a tennis county var place = loc.split(",")[0].replace(/\+/g, ' '); MAP.countyMode = ($j.inArray(place.toLowerCase(), FC.vars.tennisCounties) > -1); if (MAP.countyMode) { $target.removeClass(STR.ACTIVE).html(""); MAP.searchStr = "?tc=" + encodeURI(place).replace("&", "%26"); if (MAP.searchOpts != "") { FC.createMap([0, 0]); } return; } $j.ajax({ contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", url: + "?location=" + loc + "&flags=J", error: function(data, textStatus) { //var oError = "Oh no! Your search returned no results. Please try again..."; //$target.addClass(STR.ACTIVE).html("

      " + oError + "

      "); }, success: function(data) { // Clear any error output or prior results $target.removeClass(STR.ACTIVE).html(""); if ((data.results && data.status != 'OK') || (data.ResultSet && data.ResultSet.Results[0].latitude == '55.008390' && data.ResultSet.Results[0].longitude == '-5.822485')) { nomatch = true; } else { var google = (data.status == 'OK'); // Loop through data $j.each(google ? data.results : data.ResultSet.Results, function(i, value) { if (google) { la =; ln = value.geometry.location.lng; } else { la = value.latitude; ln = value.longitude; } // If we only have one result, create our string immediately if ((data.results && data.results.length < 2) || (data.ResultSet && data.ResultSet.Found < 2)) { multiple = false; MAP.searchStr = "?la=" + la + "&ln=" + ln + ""; latlng = [la, ln]; if (MAP.searchOpts == "" && friendSearch) { window.location.href = url + "?l=" + loc.replace(",+UK", "") + "&d=" + distance; } } // If not, create a list of alternatives and append below the form else { multiple = true; var line2 = google ? value.formatted_address.replace(', UK', '') : value.line2; // Append list of options below search bar if (MAP.searchOpts != "") { oItems += "
    • " + line2 + ""; //oItems += "
    • " + line2 + ""; } else { var urlString = line2.replace(/ /g, "+"); oItems += "
    • " + line2 + ""; } } }); } }, complete: function() { if (nomatch) { $target.addClass(STR.ACTIVE).html("

      Sorry, we do not recognise this location. Please try again.

      "); } else if (multiple) { $target.addClass(STR.ACTIVE).html("
        " + oItems + "
      "); if (MAP.searchOpts != "") { $target .find("a") .bind("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var la = FC.parseURL("la",; var ln = FC.parseURL("ln",; MAP.searchStr =\?.*)/)[1]; latlng = [la, ln]; $j(".lta-result-name").html(; $j(".lta-map-search input[type=text]").val(; FC.createMap(latlng); }); } } else { $target.removeClass(STR.ACTIVE).html(""); if (MAP.searchOpts != "") { FC.createMap(latlng); } } } }); } /* Get venues: * Queries handler for venue results * creates marker content in loop */ FC.getVenues = function(map) { // Map, bounds setup var MAP =, STR = FC.vars.strings, SEL = FC.vars.selectors, $target = $j(SEL.LOCATIONS), map = map, bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(), markers, zoom; if (typeof (pageTracker) != "undefined") { if (MAP.trackPageview) { pageTracker._trackPageview(window.location.pathname + + MAP.searchOpts); } else { MAP.trackPageview = true; } } if (typeof (sessionKey) == "undefined") sessionKey = ""; $j.ajax({ contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", url: MAP.queryStr + "&ns=" + MAP.drag + "&sk=" + sessionKey, error: function(venue, textStatus) { //var oError = "Oh no! Your search returned no results. Please try again..."; //$target.addClass(STR.ACTIVE).html("

      " + oError + "

      "); }, success: function(venue) { // Clear locations output $target.removeClass(STR.ACTIVE).html(""); // Loop through data $j.each(venue, function(i) { // Store values to iterate through var latitude = venue[i].la, longitude = venue[i].ln, pos = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude), id = venue[i].id, external = venue[i].ex, name = venue[i].na, address = venue[i].ad, phone = venue[i].ph, players = venue[i].pl, matches = venue[i].ma, features = venue[i].fe, clubmark = ($j.inArray("cl", features) > -1); var url = + external;; var playersMatches = ''; // Complete content string for info window var content = '
      ' + '' + name + '' + '

      ' + address + '
      ' + phone + '

      ' + playersMatches + '
        ' + FC.getFeatureIconListItems(features) + '
      ' + '
      '; // If there's no map: set map, create markers, extend bounds... if (map == null) { var myOptions = { zoom: 12, minZoom: 12, streetViewControl: false, panControl: false, scrollwheel: false, center: new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), myOptions); $j(SEL.GOOGLE_MAP).removeClass("lta-reader"); infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ maxWidth: MAP.overlayWidth }); FC.createMarkers(content, pos, map, name, clubmark); } // ...otherwise, just create markers and extend bounds else { FC.createMarkers(content, pos, map, name, clubmark); if (MAP.countyMode) { bounds.extend(pos); map.fitBounds(bounds); if (map.getZoom() > 12) map.setZoom(12); } } markers = i; }); }, complete: function() { // Prevent missing tiles google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize"); var venuesFound = 0; if (markers >= 0) { venuesFound = markers + 1; } // Update count to show number of venues if (MAP.drag == 1) { $j(".lta-result-count").text(venuesFound + " venue" + (venuesFound == 1 ? "" : "s") + " found" + (MAP.countyMode ? "" : " nearby")); $j(".lta-venues-found").css("visibility", "visible"); } if (MAP.countyMode && venuesFound == 0) { //Use all clubs in specified county to get centre of map $j.ajax({ contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", url: MAP.queryStr.substring(0, MAP.queryStr.indexOf("&")) + "&ns=1", error: function(venue, textStatus) { }, success: function(venue) { var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); // Loop through data $j.each(venue, function(i) { bounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(venue[i].la, venue[i].ln)); map.fitBounds(bounds); }); } }); } var center = map.getCenter(), $mcTarget = $j("#lta-map-content"), cQuery = MAP.searchStr + MAP.searchOpts; if ($j("#ProfileTabs_Div ul li.lta-selected a").length > 0) { href = $j("#ProfileTabs_Div ul li.lta-selected a").attr("href"); cQuery += href.substring(href.indexOf("&t=")); } // $mcTarget.html('
      '); $mcTarget.load("ajax/" + cQuery + " div#lta-map-content", function() { $mcTarget.find(SEL.TOOLTIP_CONTAINER).each(function() { FC.tooltip(this); }); $mcTarget.find(SEL.AJAX_TABS).each(function() { FC.ajaxTabs(this); }); $mcTarget.find(SEL.AJAX_DATA_PAGER).each(function() { FC.ajaxTabs(this); }); }); } }); } // Google maps implementation FC.venueSearch = function($el) { // Elements var SEL = FC.vars.selectors, MAP =, queryStr =, $form = $j(SEL.VENUE_SEARCH), $search = $form.find("input[type=text]"), $submit = $form.find("input[type=submit]"), $checkList = $j(".lta-map-opts li"), venueParam = FC.parseURL("v",, loc = ""; // Replace submit with link $submit .attr("disabled", "disabled") .parent().css("display", "none") .after("Search again"); // submit is now a link $submit = $form.find("a.lta-btn"); function getOpts() { var $option = $j(this).children("input"), rel = $option.attr("rel"); if ($":checked")) { MAP.searchOpts += "&" + rel + "=1"; } else { MAP.searchOpts += "&" + rel + "=0"; } } if (MAP.searchOpts == "") { $checkList.each(getOpts); } // Get locations/venues $submit.bind("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); MAP.searchOpts = ""; $checkList.each(getOpts); // add sometimes free if always free has been chosen MAP.searchOpts = MAP.searchOpts.replace("&af=1", "&af=1&sf=1"); MAP.drag = 1; loc = $search.val() + ",+UK"; = new Date(); MAP.timer.start =; FC.getLocations(loc); var searchTerm = $search.val(); var searchText; if (MAP.countyMode) { searchText = "in " + (searchTerm.toLowerCase() == "channel islands" || searchTerm.toLowerCase() == "isle of man" ? " the " : "") + searchTerm; } else { searchText = "near " + searchTerm; } $j(".lta-result-name").html(searchText); }); // Disable input field's "enter" key event $search.bind("keypress", function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { e.preventDefault(); $; } }); // If the search field is there with a value, trigger a "submit" if ($search.val()) { $; } // if (venueParam != "") { MAP.queryStr = + MAP.queryStr + "?v=" + venueParam; FC.getVenues(null); } } FC.getFeatureIconListItems = function(features) { var text = "", cssClass = "", iconList = ""; for (var item in features) { if(features[item] != "cl") { switch (features[item]) { case "pp": text = "Pay & Play"; cssClass = "payandplay"; break; case "me": text = "Membership"; cssClass = "membership"; break; case "af": text = "Always Free"; cssClass = "alwaysfree"; break; case "sf": text = "Sometimes Free"; cssClass = "sometimesfree"; break; case "in": text = "Indoor Courts"; cssClass = "indoor"; break; case "ins": text = "Short Tennis - Indoor"; cssClass = "indoorshort"; break; case "ou": text = "Outdoor Courts (not Floodlit)"; cssClass = "outdoor"; break; case "fl": text = "Floodlit Courts"; cssClass = "floodlit"; break; case "ct": text = "Cardio Tennis"; cssClass = "cardiotennis"; break; case "dt": text = "Disability Tennis"; cssClass = "disabilitytennis"; break; case "mt": text = "Mini Tennis"; cssClass = "minitennis"; break; case "te": text = "Tennis Express"; cssClass = "tennisexpress"; break; case "cl": text = "Clubmark"; cssClass = "clubmark"; } iconList += '
    • ' + text + '
    • '; } } return iconList; } // Toggles the value of text fields FC.toggleValue = function($els) { // Vars var outStyle = { color: '#999' }, inStyle = { color: '#333' }; // Toggle function function toggleIt() { var $this = $j(this), dVal = this.defaultValue; // Set style $this.css(outStyle); // Set focus (clear) and blur (restore) events $this.bind("focus", function() { if (this.value == dVal) { $this.val("").css(inStyle); } }).bind("blur", function() { if (this.value == "") { $this.val(dVal).css(outStyle); } }); } // Attach function to any form element that matches $els $els.each(toggleIt); } FC.resourceReader = function(par) { par.each(function() { var $resource = $j(this), $doctype = $resource.attr('class'); switch ($doctype) { case 'lta-pdf': $resource.prepend('PDF - '); break; case 'lta-doc': $resource.prepend('Word Document - '); break; case 'lta-xls': $resource.prepend('Excel Spreadsheet - '); break; case 'lta-ppt': $resource.prepend('Power point presentation - '); break; } }); } FC.ajaxTabs = function(par) { var SEL = FC.vars.selectors, STR = FC.vars.strings, $par = $j(par), $tab = $par.find("a"), $target = $j(SEL.AJAX_TABS_TARGET), url = window.location.href; $j('.lta-venue-information').addClass('clear'); $tab.bind("click", function(e) { if ($j(this).attr("disabled") != "disabled") { e.preventDefault(); var $parent = $j(this).parent(), height = $target.height(), path; url = window.location.href; url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("?")); if ( == "SPAN") { path =; } else { path =; } if (!$ { $parent.addClass(STR.SELECTED).siblings().removeClass(STR.SELECTED); } if ($j(this).parent().parent().is(".lta-data-pager") && $j(".lta-ajax-scrollto").length > 0) { $j.scrollTo(".lta-ajax-scrollto"); } $target.html('
      '); $target.load(path + " div#" + SEL.AJAX_TABS_TARGET, function() { $target.find(SEL.TOOLTIP_CONTAINER).each(function() { FC.tooltip(this); }); $target.find(SEL.OVERLAY_LINK).each(function() { FC.overlay(this); }); $target.find(SEL.AJAX_TABS).each(function() { FC.ajaxTabs(this); }); $target.find(SEL.AJAX_DATA_PAGER).each(function() { FC.ajaxTabs(this); }); }); } }); } // Tooltip function FC.tooltip = function(el) { var $this = $j(el), $tooltip = $j("#lta-tooltip"), $tipTopRight = $tooltip.find(".lta-tip-tr"), $tipInner = $tooltip.find(".lta-tip-inner"), $tipArrow = $tooltip.find(".lta-tip-bl"), timeout = FC.vars.timeouts.TOOLTIP_DELAY, inProgress, content, type; // Hide tooltip when hovered (prevent sticking when moving mouse quickly) $tooltip.bind("mouseover mouseenter mouseout mouseleave", function() { $j(this).css("display", "none"); }); // Mouseover handler for displaying tooltip $this.bind("mouseenter focus", function(e) { var $el = $j(, cName =, path = $el.attr("href"), rel = $el.attr("rel"), userID, lastID; // Remove existing classes $tooltip.removeClass("lta-tooltip-small"); $tooltip.removeClass("lta-tooltip-large"); // For positioning tooltip function displayTip() { var tipWidth = $tooltip.width(), tipHeight = $tooltip.height(), tipOffset, difference, elWidth = $el.width(), offset = $el.offset(), wWidth = $j(window).width(), topPos = - tipHeight, leftPos = offset.left + (elWidth / 2) - (tipWidth / 2); // Display the tooltip and adjust the width of the arrow div $tooltip.css({ "top": topPos - "145", "left": leftPos - "135", "display": "block" }); if ($j('.lta-search-listview').length !== 0 && $j('.allplay').length === 0) { $tooltip.css({ 'left': $el.position().left - $tooltip.width()/2.5, 'top': topPos - "175" }); } if (document.all && !document.querySelector) { $tooltip.css({ "top": topPos - "190", "left": leftPos - "133" }); $j('.lta-tip-b').removeClass('lta-clear'); } if (FC.hasIE) { $tipArrow.css("width", $tipInner.width() + 17); $tipTopRight.css("width", $tooltip.width() - 8); } else { $tipArrow.css("width", $tipInner.width() + 19); } // After tooltip displays, grab its position tipOffset = $tooltip.offset(); // If tooltip overruns screen, push it left and class it to move the arrow if ((tipOffset.left + tipWidth) > wWidth) { difference = leftPos + (wWidth - (tipOffset.left + tipWidth)); $tooltip.css("left", difference).addClass("lta-tip-push-left"); } else { $tooltip.removeClass("lta-tip-push-left"); } } // Switch test the "rel" attribute of the tooltip container switch (rel) { case "image-tip": content = $el.attr("alt"); if ($tipInner.html() != "") { $tipInner.html("").append(content); } else { $tipInner.append(content); } $tooltip.addClass("lta-tooltip-small"); type = "image"; displayTip(); break; case "inline-tip": content = $el.find(".lta-reader"); content.find("span").addClass(cName.replace(" lta-tooltip", "")); content = content.html(); if ($tipInner.html() != "") { $tipInner.html("").append(content); } else { $tipInner.append(content); } $tooltip.addClass("lta-tooltip-small"); type = "inline"; displayTip(); break; case "profile-tip": userID = path.substring((path.indexOf("?")) + 3); $tooltip.addClass("lta-tooltip-large"); function getProfileInfo() { inProgress = true; $j.ajax({ contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", url: FC.vars.paths.tooltip.USERS + userID, error: function(user, textStatus) { //console.log(user); //console.log(textStatus); }, success: function(user) { content = '' + $el.text() + '' + '' + '
      ' + user[0].abilityText + '
      ' + '
      ' + user[0].points + 'pts
      '; $tipInner.empty().append(content); }, complete: function() { displayTip() } }); lastID = userID; } if (!inProgress) { if (lastID != userID) { // Delay tooltip to prevent sticking when user drags mouse quickly timeout = setTimeout(getProfileInfo, 250); } else { displayTip(); } } type = "profile"; break; default: } }) // Mouseout handler for hiding and clearing the tooltip .bind("mouseout mouseleave blur", function(e) { $tooltip.css("display", "none"); $tipArrow.css("width", "0"); if (FC.hasIE) { $tipTopRight.css("width", "0"); } if (type == "image" || type == "inline") $tipInner.html(""); clearTimeout(timeout); inProgress = false; }); } // jQuery Colorbox plugin - used for inline content displays FC.overlay = function(el) { var $el = $j(el), SEL = FC.vars.selectors, tag = el.tagName, $overlay = $j("#lta-overlay-content"), $link = $overlay.find(".lta-btn"), closeStr = "Close "; $el.bind("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // If the element is a label, we're removing a profile photo if ( == "LABEL") { $link.unbind().bind("click", function(e) { // Trigger photo removal script & close colorbox FC.removeProfilePhoto(SEL.REMOVE_PHOTO, true); $j.colorbox.close(); }); } // otherwise it's a link so we grab the href else { $link.attr("href",; } $j.colorbox({ inline: true, href: "#lta-overlay-content", opacity: .55, close: closeStr }); }); } // javascript commands for keyboard accessibility with jwPlayer var $toggle, $currentVolume = 80; FC.mediaPlayer = function(par) { $j(par).each(function() { var $setmute = 0, $playback = 0; $j('.playback', this).click(function() { if ($playback == 0) { $toggle = true; $playback = 1; $j(this).attr('title', 'Pause video').text('Pause'); } else { $toggle = false; $playback = 0; $j(this).attr('title', 'Play video').text('Play'); } }); $j('.mute', this).click(function() { if ($setmute == 0) { $toggle = true; $setmute = 1; $j(this).attr('title', 'Unmute video').text('Unmute'); } else { $toggle = false; $setmute = 0; $j(this).attr('title', 'Mute video').text('Mute'); } }); $j('.volume', this).click(function() { if ($currentVolume > 100) $currentVolume = 100 if ($currentVolume < 0) $currentVolume = 0 }); }); $j('.lta-jwcontrols a').focus(function() { $j(this).parent().removeClass('lta-reader'); }).blur(function() { $j(this).parent().addClass('lta-reader'); }); } // Toggle function for player ability level FC.levelTabs = function(el) { var STR = FC.vars.strings, $el = $j(el), $radio = $el.parent().find('input[type=radio]'), $content = $j(".lta-level-content").find("div"); function showAbility(e) { var $this = $j(this), $par = $this.parent(), i = $par.index(), $active; if (!$ { $par.find('input[type=radio]').attr('checked', 'checked'); $par.addClass(STR.SELECTED).siblings().removeClass(STR.SELECTED); $active = $content.not(".lta-reader"); $active.addClass(STR.READER); $content.eq(i).removeClass(STR.READER); } } $radio = $radio.filter(":checked"); $radio.parents("li").addClass(STR.SELECTED); cIndex = $radio.parent().index(); $content.filter(":not(:eq(" + cIndex + "))").addClass(STR.READER); $el.bind("click", showAbility); } // START OF HIGH VISIBILITY CSS FC.highVisCss = function(elem) { if (window.location.href.indexOf('/Tennis-Foundation/') >= 1) { $j('.lta-alt-stylesheet').show(); } var $highVisFunctions = function() { // show or hide advanced searches $j('.lta-advanced-search-links h3').toggle(function() { $j('.lta-advanced-search-links ul').show(); }, function() { $j('.lta-advanced-search-links ul').hide(); }); $j('.lta-hero-slideshow-count-controls li a.pause').trigger('click'); //Pause hero slideshow $j('p').filter(function() { return $j.trim($j(this).text()) == '' }).remove(); var $btnToMove = $j('.lta-already-a-coach .lta-btn'); } if ($j(elem).is(':visible')) { $highVisFunctions(); } $j('.lta-alt-stylesheet').click(function() { $highVisFunctions() }); } var c = readCookie('style'); if (c) switchStylestyle(c); function switchStylestyle(styleName) { $j('link[rel*=style][title]').each(function(i) { this.disabled = true; if (this.getAttribute('title') == styleName) this.disabled = false; }); createCookie('style', styleName, 365); } function createCookie(name, value, days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/"; } function readCookie(name) { if (window.location.href.indexOf('/Tennis-Foundation/') >= 1) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length); } return null; } } function eraseCookie(name) { createCookie(name, "", -1); } // END OF VISIBILITY CSS FC.majorEvents = function() { $j('body').addClass('lta-major-event'); $j('body').addClass('hide-header'); $j('.lta-box3, .lta-box6, .lta-box9, .lta-box18, .lta-box7').addClass('lta-box1'); $j('.lta-event-box').removeClass('lta-box1'); $j('.lta-box1').each(function() { var $boxHeader = $j('.lta-header, h2', this); if ($boxHeader.html() != "") { $j('.lta-box-top-right', this).append('
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      '); $j('ul', $this).last().addClass('last-ul'); $j('ul', $this).first().addClass('first-ul') } }); $j('.lta-next-pane').each(function() { var $this = $j(this), $thisNav = $this.parents('.lta-page-nav'); $ { var galleries = $thisNav.prev(); galleries.animate({ marginLeft: '-=630px' }, 650, function() { if (parseInt(galleries.css('marginLeft')) == ((galleries.find('ul').length - 1) * -630)) { $this.addClass('hide'); } }); $j('.lta-prev-pane', $thisNav).removeClass('hide'); }); }); $j('.lta-prev-pane').each(function() { var $this = $j(this), $thisNav = $this.parents('.lta-page-nav'); $ { var galleries = $thisNav.prev(); galleries.animate({ marginLeft: '+=630px' }, 650, function() { if (parseInt(galleries.css('marginLeft')) == 0) { $this.addClass('hide'); } }); $j('.lta-next-pane', $thisNav).removeClass('hide'); }); }); } FC.p2pRegistration = function() { $j('.services input').focus(function() { $j('.contactinfo input').each(function() { if ($j(this).val() == '') { $j(this).addClass('text-error'); } else { $j(this).removeClass('text-error'); } }); }); $j('.courts-subscription input').focus(function() { $j('.services input[type=text]').each(function() { var $thisRad = $j(this).parents('tr').find('td.firstcol input[value=Yes]').is(':checked'); if ($thisRad) { if ($j(this).val() == '') { $j(this).addClass('text-error'); } else { $j(this).removeClass('text-error'); } } }); }); } FC.autoRefresh = function() { setInterval(function() { $j.get(window.location.href, function(data) { var oldContent = $j('.lta-auto-refresh').html(), newContent = $j('.lta-auto-refresh', data).html(); if (newContent != oldContent && newContent != null) { $j('.lta-auto-refresh').hide().html(newContent).fadeIn(1500); oldContent = newContent; } }); }, 60000) } FC.tennisXpress = function(elem) { $j('body').addClass('lta-tennis-xpress'); } FC.cardioTennis = function(elem) { $j('body').addClass('lta-cardio-tennis'); } $j(function() { var __SEL = FC.vars.selectors, __$tmp; (function(arg) { for (var __i = 0, __j = arg.length, __o; __i < __j; __i++) { __o = arg[__i]; (function() { __$tmp = $j(__o.test); return __$tmp.length })() ? __o.func(__$tmp, __o.args || null) : null; } })([{ func: FC.cookiePolicy, test: __SEL.COOKIE_POLICY }, { func: FC.heroPanel, test: __SEL.HERO_LIST }, { func: FC.recordsScroller, test: __SEL.RECORDS }, { func: FC.galleryScroller, test: __SEL.THUMB_CONTAINER }, { func: FC.showImage, test: __SEL.MAIN_IMG }, { func: FC.panelScroller, test: __SEL.SAMPLE_MENU }, { func: FC.panelScroller, test: __SEL.HOSPITALITY }, { func: FC.hospSlideshow, test: __SEL.HOSPITALITY_IMAGE }, { func: FC.setupToggle, test: '.lta-prev-winners' }, { func: FC.Tabs, test: '.lta-tabs' }, { func: FC.countCharacters, test: '.lta-limitchar' }, { func: FC.showGalleryDetailImage, test: __SEL.GALLERY_DETAIL_MAIN_IMG }, { func: FC.helpButton, test: __SEL.MEMBERS_HELP_BTN }, { func: FC.galleryDetailScroller, test: __SEL.GALLERY_DETAIL }, { func: FC.PhotoGalleryScroll, test: '.gallery-frame .latest-gallery' }, { func: FC.liveFeed, test: __SEL.TABLE_CONTAINER, args: __SEL.TABLE_CONTAINER }, { func: FC.liveFeed, test: __SEL.TABLE_CONTAINER_SM, args: __SEL.TABLE_CONTAINER_SM }, { func: FC.LiveTicker, test: '.live-scroller' }, { func: FC.rowHighlight, test: '.ranking' }, { func: FC.toggleValue, test: __SEL.TOGGLE_FIELDS }, { func: FC.matchTabs, test: __SEL.MATCH_TABS }, { func: FC.listHover, test: __SEL.LIST_HOVER }, { func: FC.verticalScroll, test: __SEL.VERTICAL_SCROLLER }, { func: FC.rankingListing, test: __SEL.RANKING_LISTING }, { func: FC.heroSlideshow, test: __SEL.HERO_SLIDESHOW }, { func: FC.siteSearch, test: __SEL.SITE_SEARCH }, { func: FC.flyoutNavigation, test: __SEL.FLYOUT_NAVIGATION }, { func: FC.tooltip, test: __SEL.TOOLTIP_CONTAINER }, { func: FC.overlay, test: __SEL.OVERLAY_LINK }, { func: FC.placeholderText, test: __SEL.PLACEHOLDER_TEXT }, { func: FC.placeholderTitleText, test: __SEL.PLACEHOLDER_TEXT }, { func: FC.subnav, test: __SEL.SUBNAV }, { func: FC.mapToggle, test: __SEL.MAP_HOLDER }, { func: FC.boxHover, test: __SEL.BOX_HOVER }, { func: FC.boxLink, test: __SEL.BOX_LINK }, { func: FC.goalExpander, test: __SEL.GOAL_EXPANDER }, { func: FC.vertNavScroll, test: __SEL.VERTICAL_NAV_SCROLL }, { func: FC.goalTooltip, test: __SEL.GOAL_TOOLTIP }, { func: FC.goalDragDrop, test: __SEL.GOAL_DRAG_DROP }, { func: FC.goalStatusRadios, test: __SEL.GOAL_STATUS_RADIOS }, { func: FC.fancySelects, test: __SEL.FANCY_SELECTS }, { func: FC.fancySelectGroup, test: __SEL.FANCY_SELECT_GROUP }, { func: FC.expander, test: __SEL.EXPANDER }, { func: FC.addRating, test: 'ul.rating' }, { func: FC.initMembersList, test: '.memberslist' }, //{ func: FC.showHideHelp, test: '.js-helptext' }, { func: FC.imageViewer, test: '.imageviewer' }, { func: FC.confirm, test: 'a.confirm' }, { func: FC.courtsTooltip, test: '.courts' }, { func: FC.countdown, test: 'textarea.countdown' }, { func: FC.showMore, test: __SEL.SHOW_MORE_LINK }, { func: FC.connectSelect, test: __SEL.CONNECTION_SELECT }, { func: FC.confirmAuto, test: __SEL.CONFIRM_AUTO }, { func: FC.confirmSwitchToAuto, test: __SEL.CONFIRM_SWITCH_AUTO }, { func: FC.confirmReturnToLta, test: __SEL.CONFIRM_RETURN_LTA }, { func: FC.confirmWinner, test: __SEL.CONFIRM_WINNER }, { func: FC.confirmMan, test: __SEL.CONFIRM_MAN }, { func: FC.confirmClick, test: __SEL.CONFIRM_CLICK }, { func: FC.confirmGiveUp, test: __SEL.CONFIRM_GIVE_UP }, { func: FC.venueSearch, test: __SEL.GOOGLE_MAP }, { func: FC.ajaxTabs, test: __SEL.AJAX_TABS }, { func: FC.ajaxTabs, test: __SEL.AJAX_DATA_PAGER }, { func: FC.resourceReader, test: __SEL.RESOURCE_READER }, { func: FC.siebelError, test: __SEL.SIEBEL_ERROR }, { func: FC.needHelp, test: __SEL.NEED_HELP }, { func: FC.mediaPlayer, test: __SEL.MEDIA_PLAYER }, { func: FC.levelTabs, test: __SEL.LEVEL_TABS }, { func: FC.highVisCss, test: __SEL.HIGH_VISIBILITY_STYLESHEET }, { func: FC.majorEvents, test: __SEL.MAJOR_EVENTS }, { func: FC.mediaScroller, test: __SEL.MEDIA_SCROLLER }, { func: FC.p2pRegistration, test: __SEL.P2P_REGISTRATION }, { func: FC.autoRefresh, test: __SEL.AUTO_REFRESH }, { func: FC.cardioTennis, test: __SEL.CARDIO_TENNIS }, { func: FC.tennisXpress, test: __SEL.TENNIS_XPRESS } ]); //if(FC.hasIE6); FC.fancyNav(); var output = (function(arr) { return arr[0].g })([{ g: 'stuff'}]) __$tmp = null; if ($j('div.lta-sponsors-widget img').length) { // initialise the slideshow FC.initSlideshow(sponsorcounter); // initialise the pause button FC.pauseBtn(intervalID); return false; } //for maps if ($j('#map_canvas').length) { try { initializeMap() } catch (e) { } } }); function CreatePlacesToPlaySearchMap() { var bounds = new GLatLngBounds(); for(var i = 0; i < venues.length; i++) { if(venues[i][1] != null && venues[i][2] != null) { var coordinates = new GLatLng(venues[i][1], venues[i][2]); map.addOverlay(CreateMarker(coordinates, document.getElementById(venues[i][0]))); bounds.extend(coordinates); } } var zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds); if(zoom > 14) zoom = 14; map.setCenter(bounds.getCenter(), zoom); } function ShowEventsOnMap() { // var bounds = new GLatLngBounds(); for(var i = 0; i < venues.length; i++) { if(venues[i][1] != null && venues[i][2] != null) { var coordinates = new GLatLng(venues[i][1], venues[i][2]); map.addOverlay(CreateMarkerForEvents(coordinates, document.getElementById(venues[i][0]))); // bounds.extend(coordinates); } } // var zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds); // if(zoom > 14) zoom = 14; map.setCenter(new GLatLng(centreLat, centreLng), zoomLevel); } function CreateMarker(coordinates, anchor) { var icon = new GIcon(); icon.image = $j(anchor).parents('li').find('img').attr('src'); icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(10, 15); icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(10, 36); var marker = new GMarker(coordinates, icon); var popupHtml = $j(anchor).parents('div.lta-courts-facilities').html(); GEvent.addListener(marker, 'click', function(){marker.openInfoWindowHtml(popupHtml);}); anchor.onmouseover = function(){marker.openInfoWindowHtml(popupHtml);}; return marker; } function CreateMarkerForEvents(coordinates, anchor) { var icon = new GIcon(); icon.image = '/images/icons/event-map-pin.png';; icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(10, 15); icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(10, 36); var marker = new GMarker(coordinates, icon); //var popupHtml = $j(anchor).parents('div.lta-courts-facilities').html(); var infoDiv = $j(anchor).parents('td.lta-event-info-on-map'); var infoHtml = infoDiv.html(); var dateHtml = infoDiv.siblings('.lta-event-date').html(); var popupHtml = infoHtml + dateHtml; GEvent.addListener(marker, 'click', function(){marker.openInfoWindowHtml(popupHtml);}); // anchor.onmouseover = function(){marker.openInfoWindowHtml(popupHtml);}; return marker; } function ToggleSearchOptions(enabled) { $j('.lta-search-checkboxes').find('input').attr("disabled", !enabled); $j('.lta-search-advanced-options').find('select').attr("disabled", !enabled); } function CRBCheckBoxRequired_ClientValidate(sender, e) { e.IsValid = jQuery(".AcceptedAgreement input:checkbox").is(':checked'); } function openLSWindowTandR(year, wkno, lang, tabno, eventid, ref_file, width, height, hasScrollBars) { var theWidth = width; var theHeight = height; var scrollBars = "scrollbars"; if (hasScrollBars == false) scrollBars = "scrollbars=0"; if ((theWidth == "")||(theWidth == null)) theWidth =500; if ((theHeight == "")||(theHeight == null)) theHeight =668; var theLeft = (screen.availWidth - theWidth)/2; var theTop = (screen.availHeight - theHeight)/2; var strCheckRef = escape(ref_file); var lsURL = ""+year+"&wkno="+wkno+"&lang="+lang+"&tabno="+tabno+"&eventid="+eventid+"&ref="+strCheckRef; var popupWin =, '_' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000),'top='+theTop+',left='+theLeft+',menubar=0,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,'+scrollBars+',width='+theWidth+', height='+theHeight); } function getUrlVars() { var vars = {}; var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m, key, value) { vars[key] = value; }); return vars; } var pageNumber = getUrlVars()["pageNumber"]; $j(function() { // Tennis foundation thumbnail listing heading manipulation $j('.tennis-foundation h3 a').each(function() { if ($j(this).attr('href') == '') { $j(this).css({ color: '#333', cursor: 'default' }); $j(this).hover(function() { $j(this).css('textDecoration', 'none'); }); } }); }); if (window.location.href.indexOf("Olympics") > -1) { $j('.lta-partner-logo').addClass('hide'); } // navigation for touch screen //function addMega() { // $j(this).addClass("hovering"); //} //function removeMega() { // $j(this).removeClass("hovering"); //} //var megaConfig = { // interval: 250, // sets speed in // sensitivity: 4, // over: addMega, // timeout: 250, // sets speed outs // out: removeMega //}; //$j("li.mega").hoverIntent(megaConfig)