
Beach Tennis is fun and easy to play. It merges the worlds of tennis, badminton and beach volleyball into one sport. The sport is predominantly played as doubles on a court the same size as beach volleyball, with players using beach tennis rackets and a low compression ’orange’ tennis ball, which is not allowed to bounce during play.

If you like going to the beach as well as playing a bit of competitive sport - then Beach Tennis is for you, it combines the fun of sporting activity with sun, sea and sand. The sport can be played by all ages and all playing abilities - a perfect way to spend time with your friends and family.

The scoring uses the same system as for regular tennis, except with the permanent use of no-advantage, after deuce. Plus there is no second service and no service let. View the basic rules and an introductory video of beach tennis.


The Rules

  • Court: same as a beach volleyball court, 16m long x 8m wide; a sand surface
  • Net: lower than beach volleyball, the net is 1.7m high
  • Equipment: Beach Tennis Racquets (no strings) are used with a low compression ‘mini orange’ tennis ball
  • Scoring: exactly the same scoring system is used as for regular tennis, except with the permanent use of no-Advantage (after Deuce), no second service and no service let
  • Playing the game: the game is predominantly played between doubles teams, although singles can be played on a smaller court; under and over-arm serves are permitted and either member of the receiving team may receive the service; a point is won if the ball hits the ground in the opponents' court or if the opponents hit (or serve) the ball out or into the net