To chat to people or not to chat to people . . .

Well bad news folks, it appears I am not over the jetlag as I was wide awake at 4am! So I watched some TV and finished off some Tennis Foundation work and kept on top of my emails.

Practice today was again good, Andy doing the early slot before heading off to the zoo, and Lucy doing the pm slot after having a lie in to rest and then a fitness session.

Both Andy and Lucy have their partners here so I majority of the time I am coach gooseberry! Last night for the first time in my life I ate in a restaurant on my own! Now the dilema was do I chat to people or not ...

So obviously I chatted. After a few random chats I thought that I would make things interesting and start taking on mysterious aliases. The waitress thought this was hilarious (I think she was humouring me) but she even joined in with some of my cover stories. The most memorable one being that I was the British National surfing champion here to make my fortune in winning surfing championships in Oz. The food was decent and I had a laugh so that passed the time. It's a tough life being a coach sometimes

The players are having an early night tonight in preparation for tomorrow's matches, so again it's dinner for one.

I may have to use my emergency phone call and see if our Chief Exec Geoff Newton has any plans ...

Andy Lapthorne