Bedford Tennis League: Winners & next round!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Well done everyone for taking the plunge and making the first round of the Bedford Tennis League a real success! Three quarters of all possible matches were played which is brilliant for a first round, especially since the weather has hardly been kind!

The Bedford Tennis League is one of the newest in our family of local leagues, all designed to make it easier to play friendly, competitive tennis. While Laura Robson and Andy Murray do great things at the top of the game, your efforts are vital when it comes to re-energising the roots of the roots of the sport. So take a bow!

We are very grateful for the hard work you put in scheduling your matches and for your efforts on court.

We are slightly tweaking the start date of all the leagues we run. They will all now start on a Thursday and finish 8 weeks (10 weeks for the doubles) later on a Wednesday. This is to allow players to set up matches over the first weekend. It will not affect bonus points and free balls for completing 3 matches by the half way point. The details of groups will be sent on a Wednesday. 

The next round starts on Thursday July 11 and runs until Wednesday September 4.

Many thanks to all those who have already joined, and if you haven’t, but would like to, the deadline is Monday July 8. Players who have done well will be promoted (usually the winner of a group, but often the runner up too when it has been close). 

You can pay by paypal here or send a cheque for £12 to Sally Kinnes, 2 Highbury Place, London N5 1QZ.

And just before we go to our winners, the latest message from our guide to tennis rules and etiquette...

Racket Bag
Our guide to the rules, regs and etiquette of the tennis we play... 

The battle of the sexes
Andy Murray has thrown the gauntlet down (sort of) to Serena Williams and it would indeed be intriguing to see what happens if they were to meet on court in Vegas. Even Serena concedes she wouldn't have much of a chance of winning. At the very  top of the game, the men really are too powerful for the women. 

But the same doesn't apply lower down the game and as we know, women regularly beat men in our leagues! So is there anything to conclude about how to play a player of the opposite sex? Only perhaps take nothing for granted.

If you are a man don't even think about taming your serve because you may well be blown of the court. And if you are a woman, don't assume the guys will play with more power than you. Tennis isn't arm-wrestling, its the timing of the ball that allows you to hit those winners.  

And now, on to the groups...

Simon Thomas
Five wins out of five secured the title for Simon at the top of Group one - well done!  The champion notched up some pretty impressive stats en route to victory with 58 out of 71 games won (82%)!  Runner-up Jamie managed to take four games off the No.1 in their season opener and went on to win his next three matches.  Thomas finished his campaign honours-even with a win over Chris who also balanced his record with the final match of the round.  Ian earned a point for his set won against the No.2, and Cat bravely took on the top two in both her matches.  Richard save his best until last taking four games off Christopher.  Simon and Jamie have been the Federer and Nadal of the Bedford league this round, but Stakhovsky and Darcis have given plenty of inspiration for their future challengers!  Thanks to everyone who took part!

Kevin Jones
Kevin stated his promotion credentials with an emphatic round, winning six out of six of his matches with a staggering 72-8 games win-loss record (that's 90%) - well done indeed!  Runner-up Rich lost out to the champion but racked up four good wins of his own and provided a set of lyrical match reports worthy of publication in any respectable sports journal:

"Sun, beautiful architecture, the smell of fresh coffee in the air, the prospect of two tennis titans battling it out - you'd be forgiven for thinking this was Nadal vs Federer in the Italian Open final but NO!!  This was Donald vs Haddock in Round 1 of the Bedford tennis league and they sure gave those other two a run for their money in the entertainment stakes.  Donald brought his 'A" game to the court, passion, high % first serve, energy,  enthusiasm and great game plan.   All points were keenly fought and there was some great banter between points and each game.  Both players gave everything and every inch of the court was covered (and the courts to the left and the right were also encroached upon on the odd occasion).  In the end Haddock edged it and both are looking forward to a rematch," Rich

Bronze medal winner Sarah achieved four wins, including an incredible comeback in a three-set classic with Calogero, which she described as 'Great tennis'.  Calogero finished his campaign with a balanced record, winning two and surviving a stiff first set challenge from Paul who celebrated a win in his final match of the season.  Jim battled through Spring conditions varying from arctic to 100% humidity, taking plenty of games along the way and proving to be a very popular figure in the group according to comments from his fellow players.  Thanks to everyone for completing an impressive number of matches and keeping us informed on the action all the way along!

The winners will be receiving their £20 prizes and certificates, and we do hope to welcome you all back next time.

Remember, you can always keep up to date with scores and tables on the league page:



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