Funding Workshop 22nd October 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

This two hour evening event will be taking place at Bedford International Athletic Stadium on Monday 22nd October 2012 and will offer information about local funding and Sport England funding opportunities, up to a maximum of £10,000.

The event is not for anyone seeking funding for a major refurbishment project but looking for a smaller amount to make a project or scheme “happen” (We are hoping to run further workshops for those who wish to apply for larger projects at a later stage)

We are delighted that we will have speakers from the Harpur Trust, Bedford & Luton Community Foundation and Team Beds & Luton in attendance as well information about the small funding awards available from Sport Bedford itself.

It is important that all those wishing to attend register in advance. Please can you register your interest as soon as possible and pass on these details to anyone you feel may be interested

 Click Here to register your attendance for the event.

We will be sending out invitations to all those on our club database and advertising in local media / social media. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to support the development of your club / organisation. We look forward to seeing you there.



0208 487 7290