New February Half Term Tournament @ Hoole LTC

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Hoole LTC is hosting a grade 5 tournament with a number of junior events in February half term. 

The tournament will be held over the period of Saturday 11th Febuary to Saturday 18th Febuary with the follow events;

8&Under Boys/Girls - Saturday 11th February 2012, 10am - 12:30pm
9&Under Boys/Girls - Saturday 18th February 2012, 10am - 1pm
10&Under Boys/Girls - Saturday 11th February 2012, 1pm - 5pm
12&Under Boys/Girls - Monday 13th February 2012, 10am - 5pm
14&Under Boys/Girls - Tuesday 14th February 2012, 10am - 5pm
18&Under Boys/Girls - Wednesday 15th February 2012, 10am - 5pm

For further information please contact Berin ames on 01829 271300 / 07775 523250 or email





Cheshire County LTA
Hoole LTC
School Lane
Mickle Trafford CH2 4EF
01244 301531