Hale LTC hosts DS Active event

Friday, August 01, 2014

On 12 July 2014 Hale Lawn Tennis Club held its inaugural tennis session for kids with Down’s Syndrome. The event was organised as part of the DS Active programme which is the only bespoke football and tennis programme for people with Down’s syndrome in the UK, administered and run by the Down’s Syndrome Association.

Created in 2006, DSActive has grown from one recreational football session to 40 football and tennis teams training on a regular basis across England and Wales.

The event was a great success with kids coming from all over Manchester and even from as far away as Derbyshire. Hale provided three professional tennis coaches led by Head Coach Mark Furness supported by a number of junior volunteers. The feedback from participants and parents was outstanding and it is hoped that there will be regular sessions in the future.



Cheshire County LTA
Hoole LTC
School Lane
Mickle Trafford CH2 4EF
01244 301531