Cheshire East Tennis Activator Course

Monday, July 28, 2014

Everybody Sport & Recreation and Cheshire LTA are working in partnership to encourage more people to play tennis across Cheshire East.

10 members of staff from five leisure centres recently attended a three-hour LTA Tennis Activators course hosted by Holmes Chapel Leisure Centre.

In addition to support the tennis courts at five key sites the LTA has provided an equipment bag which contains rackets and balls which can be hired to the public and Everybody will be looking at ways to encourage more tennis opportunities within the centres.

Chris Greenhalgh, Sport and Play Development Officer at Everybody Sport and Recreation commented,

“Hopefully the partnership with the LTA will encourage more usage within the centres by reminding the public the courts are there and offering equipment to allow everyone to participate. The course will mean we have staff trained to provide basic coaching tips.

This training and equipment will complement the community tennis programme currently being offered by Everything Tennis in Alsager, Holmes Chapel, Knutsford, Nantwich and Sandbach.”

More photos from the course can be found here 

For more information about the facilities offered at the Everybody Leisure centres please visit: 

Details of the sessions from Everything Tennis can be found by visiting



Cheshire County LTA
Hoole LTC
School Lane
Mickle Trafford CH2 4EF
01244 301531