Used Tennis Balls Required

Thursday, October 01, 2015

As in previous years, Russell Lawrence, Head Coach of Cheadle Kingsway Tennis Club, is acting as a collection hub for used tennis balls to be donated to the Shoebox Appeal of Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child.

This is the project where a shoe box is filled with items for children in other countries where they rarely see a toy. A tennis ball is always an exciting present and is played with for months by the whole family.


“There are never enough!” says Russell, “I am hoping to pass on 2000 tennis balls again this year so if you have any spare used balls please get in touch and spread the word at your club.”


The balls can be collected or you can drop them off – please contact Russell Lawrence on 07958 251 559 or


To get things ready in time, please donate by 20th November.



Cheshire County LTA
Hoole LTC
School Lane
Mickle Trafford CH2 4EF
01244 301531