Debbie and Robbie win Heron’s Disability Tennis Awards

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

This past year has seen fantastic progress by all the players involved in Heron’s Disability Tennis Programme and this Sunday everyone came together to celebrate the fantastic successes and achievements of these players. It was also a great opportunity for all the players, their parents and other family members to all have a lovely Christmas meal together and build on all the friendships that are growing through this activity.

We all face challenges in our lives and a lot of the players in these groups face tougher ones than many of us, but seeing the way all the players have approached their tennis over the past year with such a positive and enthusiastic approach is a great example to us all and it was a pleasure to be able to award everyone with their medal and small prize for doing so well.

We then moved on to the two main awards.

The winner of our Wheelchair player of the year award was Debbie Austen. I can clearly remember my first conversation with Debbie, and her saying that she was keen to have a go, but really didn’t think she would be able to get around the court, let alone hit a tennis ball. Well since then she has discovered that she really can do it and has made amazing progress and was a really deserving winner of this year’s award.

Our final award was for The Heron Sportivate Player of the year and although everyone has done really well there was one player who has had an outstanding year and the winner for this year was Newquay’s Robbie Hampshaw.

Robbie always works incredibly hard in both his lessons and with his practice. He has also shown great improvement in his fitness and movement and has made great progress with his competing too. This reached a pinnacle with him competing in the National championships earlier in the year where he won a silver medal in the doubles. Seeing Robbie’s development both as a tennis player and as a young man is a treat for all of us and we were delighted to have him as our winner.

Many thanks also go to Steve Hillman, Cornwall’s inclusion officer for all the support, effort and time he puts into helping the programme and also to our helpers Beth, Mahala, Ian, Adrian, Dave and finally to all the players and parents for their support.

The disability programme at Heron, which also links very nicely into the regular programme, is open to players of all ages and levels and with all sorts of disabilities.

We are always looking to welcome new players who would like to come and try and the sessions are on Sundays from 10.30am-11.55am for all disabilities and on Thursdays from 12.00noon-1.15pm for wheelchair players. Please note you do not have to be a wheelchair user to play wheelchair tennis, anyone who might struggle to run after a tennis ball, but is happy to try in a chair is very welcome.

So if  Robbie or Debbie have inspired you to have a go, or you think you know someone who you think might like to try, please do get in touch with Paul Roberts at Heron on 01637 877 555.

Report by Paul Roberts

Heron Tennis Development Officer



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