Eden Lawn Have Outstanding Open Day!

Friday, April 26, 2013

After years of saving and lots of hard fundraising work by members Eden Lawn Tennis Club opened two new astroturf courts last weekend. 

To celebrate this and to encourage as many children and young people as possible to join Eden Lawn and play tennis the Club held an open day on Saturday. This was an amazing success.

The new club coach, David Wise, and his assistant Robert Jefferson provided free coaching sessions. A ball machine tested the young players’ ability to adjust to speed and change of direction; mini nets were provided for younger children and the speed gun was in operation recording the fastest serves. Club members assisted with the coaching (several have coaching qualifications), manned the ball machine (safety first!), and provided refreshments.

More than 30 children of all ages and abilities took part and spent two active hours enjoying themselves and at the same time visibly getting better at hitting tennis balls. The most pleasing thing was seeing how these young people threw off their shyness and grew in confidence throughout the afternoon. No doubt some new friendships were made. The place was buzzing as parents came to support their children. Eden Lawn membership figures will rise as result.  For further information on the new and exciting junior coaching programme please contact David Wise on 07742547767 or 01697332988.



Cumbria LTA
Chatsworth Tennis Club
St Aidan's Rd,
Carlisle CA1 1LS
