Maryport Provide Family Fun At Curry And Quiz Night!

Monday, April 07, 2014

Maryport Tennis Club held an amazingly successful Curry 'n' Quiz Night in aid of club funds.

81 players, parents and Maryport Tennis Club supporters turned up to Allonby Primary School Sports Hall on Saturday 5th April to pit their wits against the questions masters who were John Bailey, for the oldies, and Pat Taylor for the juniors. The bribe of a game of tennis offered to the junior quiz-master for help with a question was rapidly declined...she'd already seen them play...!

The club says many, many thanks to all who attended and hopes everyone had as much fun attending as the club did putting it on.

It was a great night and a goodly sum will be going towards the erection of coverings for two courts. The wind, the rain, the hail and the snow will not defeat us...TennIs..loving it!



Cumbria LTA
Chatsworth Tennis Club
St Aidan's Rd,
Carlisle CA1 1LS