Our 9 & Under county team travelled to Taunton to take on Dorset, Somerset, Cornwall and the Channel Islands in the Aegon 9 & Under County Cup.
Playing singles, doubles and mixed doubles against each County, our boys and girls did a great job only losing one match and that to the eventual overall winners Dorset. The results were lost to Dorset (2-7) beat Cornwall (5-4), Somerset (5-4) and the Chanel Islands(7-2).
Coach Ollie Sharp said, "The team did absolutely brilliantly and were a credit to their families and their coaches in their attitude and fair play. All players worked really hard but ultimately had a huge amount of fun as one big happy and friendly team (coaches included!)."
Well done Adelaide Hitt, Maya Ichim, Evie Norris-Bishop, Sophie Ryland, Jacob Amohia, Joshua Craze, Ben Mason, Evan Morris.