Our men's team held on to their place in division 5B much to the credit of the relatively young team. Close matches were lost on the turn of the infamous match deciding championship tie-break! Having lost to Durham & Cleveland and Cambridgeshire 4-5 it was great to secure a win against Wiltshire on the last day to retain their place in the division.

Team Captain Justin Kraushar said, "This year I have been pleased with the amount of younger players that are beginning to show promise in the senior ranks. This was shown with the nominated team of 2015 including 2 Under 16 players. I would also like to highlight the fact that the team, as usual showed great team spirit and were always cheering each other on from the sidelines".
The squad was: Lewie Parker, Oskar Wynne, Patrick Daykin, Alfie Flatters, Rhys Dunford, Pierce Widdecombe, Andy Higham, Buzzy Avis, Archie Dudman and Steve Wood.
Justin and the team were also delighted that a group of players from TennisMAD at the South Devon Tennis Centre had travelled up to support the team, coach Ben Knight having taken up the opportunity for his players to come and see the senior team in action and support the team which include players and coach from the Centre. Perhaps future team members in the making!

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