13 players entered the 8&Under red ball event including 9 Exmouth tennis players. It was 7 year old Oliver Batson’s first tournament and he had a great day winning 3 out of his 5 matches. Malena Kathi was the only girl in the event and gave the boys a run for their money by winning 3 out of her 5 matches.
Max Daniels and Oliver Sutton were the winners of the two boxes winning all 5 matches and closely behind winning 4 matches was Evan Morris.
Organiser Myles Fletcher said, “All the players took part in great spirit, acting as scorers for each other and being supportive so it was a friendly and welcoming event.”

In the 9&Under orange ball event, 10 players entered of which only 3 were from Exmouth. Myles said, "It was great to welcome so many players from outside the club and what was even more special was to have so many girls. It was also Asena and Daisy's first tournament outside of their home club."
In fact, so keen were some of the players that they stayed on afterwards to play some more matches!
James Dixon and Nathaniel Cross won their boxes and earned themselves 4 out of 4 wins.

The Flybe Mini Masters Circuit culminates in a Masters Final at the end of each season for the top 8 players on the Devon and the Cornwall leaderboards in each of the 3 age groups; 8&Under Red, 9&Under Orange, 10&Under Green.
This season's finals take place at the South Devon Tennis Centre, Ivybridge on Sunday 22 March.