The 18 & Under girls brought off a fantastic weekend of tennis and won their group to achieve promotion to the next division for next year.

The team of Isabella Brown, Emma Hurst, Becky Ley, Mae Dartnell, Gabriella Hattersley, Lucy Gill, Emily Staddon, and Abi Skelley did not have an easy time but fought hard through some tight 3 set matches to pull off a great victory.
Captain Debbie Hale said, "Everyone was committed and really contributed. The tone was set from day 1 with Gabriella's unbelievable 3rd set come back from 5-2 down to take the match."
"The matches on the second day saw players 1 set down but coming back to take their matches in 3 sets. We backed up the great play tactically by stealing a win at no.3 and no.1. The final day saw a fantastic match from Lucy Gill who won 6-7 6-3 7-6 breaking back at 5-4 down to take the tiebreak."
"As always the key was down to the doubles and I feel the work done over the County training sessions really gave the girls confidence in their doubles play. The pairings really worked for us and gave us tactically the chance to take 2 matches out of 3 each day if not all 3."
"However, without the performances of all throughout the weekend and the great team atmosphere and support it could have been very different."
"It was a real pleasure to be the captain and I hope it was a great experience for all, an opportunity to learn, build relationships and develop the team for next year."
An especial thank you to Kendal Brown for her invaluable support and input."
To quote Issy Brown, "Woo Hoo!"

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