24 Hours Of Tennis For Children In Need

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

From the first time you’re reminded that the Children in Need appeal night isn’t far away it’s common to see donation buckets and the occasional fancy dress day at work, but it’s not often you hear of tennis playing played at 3 o’clock the morning.

Christchurch Tennis Facility got into the spirit of Children in Need this year by playing from 3pm on Friday 14th November to 3pm Saturday 15th November, through the night and with barely a wink of sleep between them, to raise money for the BBC charity.

With the help of their generous – and equally mad – members and the public, the club was able to raise over £1200 during the 24 hour event held at the venue on Barrack Road, Christchurch. Alongside the doubles match contest of Players vs. Coaches, there were plenty of activities put on by local companies and groups to support the fundraising efforts.

A fresh pancake breakfast was made by Wayne Batsford, owner of Red Cherry Catering, on the Saturday – who also ran some pancake flipping races and very generously donated all takings to the overall fundraising total , various fitness and health classes and clinics were run by Urban Health and Fitness, 2 Riversmeet Leisure Complex and Women’s Beach Fitness, cycle café Velo Domestique held a bike repair advice session, delicious hot food was provided throughout by Tony Baker Catering, Priory Sports, Pets At Home and the International Craft and Hobby Fair provided a prizes for three competitions, local cake shop Sheila’s donated some sweet treats for a cake sale, Parley Cross Tesco donated 200 Marshmallows for part of the evening activities, Darren Bellis is thanked for his help transporting various pieces of equipment to and from the club and  Dolphin Motorhomes supported the event by opening one of their stylish entertainment trailers, a bouncy castle as well as some of their staff dusting off their rackets to join in the action, before making a generous donation to the fundraising total.

In the tennis itself, to even up the odds for the Players team, they were allowed to choose the implement that the coaches would use for an hour, options ranging from normal tennis rackets to wooden rackets to even a table tennis bat and a frying pan at one stage!

The total of over £1200 was raised through a collective effort of the Christchurch Tennis Facility coaches and members, public visitors, the supporting companies and businesses and the generosity of all who visited and took part, after the event – and a well-earned rest – Rachel Lambon, Head Coach and Director at Christchurch Tennis Facility, said,

 “It was such an amazing 24 hours, full of entertainment and fun.  The toughest part however coming overnight, around 4am, to try to stay awake and active, but it was all worth it. Thank you to our members who stayed with us til the early hours and to those who came and joined us at 5am, you gave us a massive boost! It was extremely heart-warming to have so much support for the event and I’d like to thank every single person who came to support us!

There’s been no confirmation of what Christchurch Tennis Facility might be doing for Children in Need next year, but the next thing on the minds of the club’s six coaches will be a good, long rest.




C/o The West Hants Club
Roslin Road South
Dorset BH3 7EF
01202 519694