Durham & Cleveland County Closed - Day 3

Friday, August 30, 2013

DAY 3 - Another scintillating event completed!

Today was a great, stress-free day - the players were brilliant today as all ages continued and the tournament progresses to the final stages.

Today was the turn of the 9&U Mini Orange's - 16 players competed and we must give a special mention to the 2 girls, Anna Fergie and Cheri Darley, that battled with the 14 boys.  Again a brilliant event, all players got 6 matches with some very long battles. A remark on one the sheets from the vounteers scoring was "wow what a rally - seemed like it was never going to end."

The eventual final was between Harry Tweed and Joseph Farmer, with Joseph coming out on top. Well done to all of the players!



Durham & Cleveland LTA
Sunderland Tennis Centre
Silksworth Lane
Sunderland SR3 1PD
01915 225005