Awards Evening Raises Money For Charity!

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Durham & Cleveland LTA Awards evening that was held last month raised money for charity.

During the awards evening, a raffle was held with prizes including meals at the Stadium of Light which the stadium kindly donated for the event. This raffle was held in order to raise money for Grace House North East Children's Hospice, and everyone who attended made a huge effort to buy as many raffle tickets as they could. This had a huge effect and the total raised on the night was £170.

Durham & Cleveland LTA recently had a thank you letter from the charity to let us know how much the money meant to them and how grateful they were.

So thank you to everyone who donated their money on the night - it was much appreciated!



Durham & Cleveland LTA
Sunderland Tennis Centre
Silksworth Lane
Sunderland SR3 1PD
01915 225005