Competition Organiser Course at Sunderland TC

Monday, December 15, 2014

Eight coaches and volunteers completed the Competition Organisers course at Sunderland Tennis Centre.


The course gives basic knowledge of running a competition, from tournament structure, to creating it online, all the way through to submitting results. As well as covering ratings and ranking systems.


The North East Visually Impaired Tennis Club had two members on the course, NEVITC Treasurer, Steve Trewick said: “Before the course, I had very little idea of how tennis competitions are (or indeed, could or should be) structured. For me, this was the most useful part of the course.”


NEVITC member Rosie Pybus said: “I would recommend this course to people who want to become more involved in the game! This course could act as a great springboard for anybody thinking about developing themselves or their club.”


The course is the first step on the refereeing ladder.


The next refereeing course starts January 18 at Sunderland Tennis Centre, for more info or to book, go to:



Durham & Cleveland LTA
Sunderland Tennis Centre
Silksworth Lane
Sunderland SR3 1PD
01915 225005