Tennis World Inclusive Family Fun Day Is Smashing Success For The Community!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

On Saturday 15th March, Tennis World Middlesbrough saw families from across the Tees Valley take part in an Inclusive Family Fun Day!

 The event, organised by Rosie Pybus - Trainee Sport Development Officer working with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) Tennis Foundation (TF) and Tees Valley Sport (TVS) offered families the chance to try tennis for the first time and demonstrated the diverse range of activities tennis has to offer.

The Family Fun Day had a variety of fun activities including Tennis Factory lead by Barbara Borwell, which is a range of fun activities including learning how to rally, hitting over a mini net with a volunteer and aiming a ball through a target. Families were also invited to take part in mini tennis coaching sessions with Jo Cunliffe (LTA) and Iona Amos who were on hand to offer tips to help progress and develop skills whilst delivering fun family oriented sessions!

Special awards on the evening went to Caitlin Lloyd for her 'Fantastic Forehand', Vinitha Kandikonda for her 'Brilliant Backhand', Dolly French who had 'Fabulous Footwork', Ciara Johnson with her 'Super Serve' and the award for 'Top Teamwork' went to Sophie and Charlotte Howard. Families also had the chance to watch some truly inspirational individuals compete in a visually impaired competition on the adjacent court.

Steve Trewick, runner up of the Tees Valley Visually Impaired Tennis Competition, was narrowly beaten 8-10 by Steve Norcott, newcomer to visually impaired tennis and winner. The competition, umpired by James Firth and Helen Slater from York St. John University Tennis Club, showcased the high standard of adult competition and was the first in the UK to adopt the newly established International Tennis Federation (ITF) rules.

Rosie Pybus, event organiser said "I'm overwhelmed at how successful the day was! It was great to see so many people including children as young as three playing games alongside older siblings and parents! Events like this showcase communities coming together through sport and generate such an amazing atmosphere. It was a privilege to have so much support in planning and delivering the event and having so many keen and proactive partnerships definitely enhanced the overall experience!"

Representatives from the Lawn Tennis Association, Tees Valley Sport, North East Sport (CIC), North East Visually Impaired Tennis Club, York St. John University and Tennis World were on hand during the day to support the event and ensure a first class experience was enjoyed by all!



Durham & Cleveland LTA
Sunderland Tennis Centre
Silksworth Lane
Sunderland SR3 1PD
01915 225005