Notice of the 2018 Annual General Meeting of Gloucestershire LTA
The Annual General Meeting of Gloucestershire LTA will be held on Monday 3 December 2018 at Oxstalls Indoor Tennis Centre commencing at 7.30 pm. The purpose of the AGM is to receive a report for the year including the accounts to the end of September 2018, to elect Council officers and members, and to consider any resolutions submitted.
The GLTA Council cordially invites all LTA registered clubs/venues in the county and individual members of the Association to attend. Such clubs and members are entitled to put forward resolutions provided that written notice thereof is given to the Honorary Secretary by 22 October 2018 and that the proposal is supported by a second club or member.
Gloucestershire LTA Council currently has 2 Life Vice-Presidents and 13 elected members; these councillors are listed on the county pages of the LTA website ( “about us”). Nominations from clubs for councillors, supported in writing by a second club, should be submitted (post or email) to the undersigned by 31 October 2018; retiring councillors may be re-nominated. The President, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer retire annually and the posts are filled by nominations, and if necessary elections, at the meeting; the Chairman is elected by the Council members from amongst their number at their first meeting after the AGM, and together these 4 officers comprise the Council’s Executive.
Should you have any other business to raise at the AGM please can you notify me by 31 October 2018.
Don’t forget that that County Awards 2018 nominations is now open. Please visit to nominate your unsung heroes. The Annual Awards Evening to celebrate our 2018 success in Gloucestershire will take place on Monday 26 November at Brickhampton Court Complex. Places are limited so please book early, see attached for further details.
For your information there will be a LTA Coach Forum on 12 November at Oxstalls Indoor Tennis Centre. You may have seen some information on this event and other training courses. For more information contact the SW LTA Team at or 02380 738550 or 0117 962 6723.