TENNIS NEWS by Pat Sharp

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Isle of Man LTA Annual Dinner and Awards Night will be held on Friday 16 October from 7pm. It is hoped that Albany members, especially those who played in any of the club’s league teams will support this event and if they wish to reserve tickets (£16.25pp – 2 course meal) will they please ring the club secretary–861497 or e-mail I need names before October 3rd with payment chqs payable to IOMLTA.

The Albany Closed Club Championships has been re-arranged and will now be held 3 – 11 October. Entries close 6pm on 29 September. There is no entry fee. The committee is hoping the entry will be even bigger than last year. In the men’s/women’s singles a ratings format will be used if the entry is big enough. This puts players of similar standard in a progressive draw with finalists progressing to the main draw. Entry forms are in the club house and have been sent to all members by e-mail. Entries can be posted in the club’s white post box or e-mailed to the referee Ian Watson – Holders of perpetual trophies are asked to return them to the office, engraved, asap.

The Albany committee are planning a work party for jobs that need doing on the clubhouse and grounds ie painting & decorating, clearing leaves (now that Autumn is here) de-cluttering the store etc. Probably the 1st weekend of half-term We have two volunteers so far but need more. Phone Bryan 861497 or e-mail

 All junior coaching has re-started and there are six places available on the Saturday 12 – 1pm session indoor sessions for beginners. Children must be over 4yrs. Rackets provided but suitable footwear must be worn. New pupils can attend 3 free sessions as a taster then if they wish to continue they must take Mini Tennis membership.

Whilst the mini tennis players are having their one hour lesson their parents who wish to take up tennis may use the outside courts.



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