Thursday, December 01, 2016

"A Night at the Races " held in the club lounge last Friday was another successful fund raiser producing at least £1,000 after expenses which will be used to repay our outstanding loans on the new courts.  The committee wish to thank all the companies  and individuals who sponsored the nine races and as well as the many members and friends who sponsored owners, trainers & jockeys. This is always a fun event so ably run by John Morrison of Morrison Photos Thanks also to those who helped on the night with the suppers (Port Jack Chippy), the raffle and generally clearing up afterwards. This is the last planned fund raiser for this year but the committee would like to hear from any members who might have suggestions for social, fund raising or competition events for next year. Maybe our juniors would like to organise an event - with the help of parents. Years ago we did sponsored walks, 24hr tennis, serving speed competitions, ladies football, cheese and wine parties etc. perhaps we can look back at our history and try some again. Also if club members have a company or work for a company that would like to display a banner in the indoor court please let me know. That's enough of money matters.

Mini and junior members - coaching will take a break during the Christmas/New Year period. The last session will be Friday 16 December. Coaching will recommence when schools re-open in January (dates to be advised later). There will however be the annual Christmas Junior/mini team competition and quiz.  This will be on Monday 19 December from 10am - 12noon, lunch break and then 1pm - 3pm. Entry fee for the day is £5 and players to take a packed lunch. You will be able to sign up for this on the board in the clubroom. This event is organised by club coach, Ian Watson and the emphasis is on fun.

Don't forget the Teddy Bears raffle for Mini members only - tickets (10p each) are in the club room and also there are a lot of packets of handmade Christmas gift labels for sale.

Don't forget that the club facilities will be available to members throughout the Christmas/New Year period. A good way to run off the festive food.



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