We hope to have a full list of events planned for the coming year, available to all members by next week. Meanwhile the first official competition will be a the Nedgroup Junior Open from 16 – 23 April. This event is open to ALL junior players on the island as well as visitors. Age groups U8 to U18 singles and U10 to U18 doubles.
However for an earlier one day event, the Committee is looking to hold A Sport Relief Day.
There is no coaching during half-term from Saturday 6 February – re-starting Monday 15 February. Junior members can still play but must be accompanied by an adult if they are under 13yrs.
It has come to the attention that some members are playing at the club with non-members, particularly in the indoor court. This is felt to be unfair to members who pay a full membership fee. Committee members may well ask to see your membership card so keep it in your tennis bag, purse or wallet.
Membership renewal forms will be available next week and those re-joining before 31st March can pay at the discounted price. There are various categories ie Mini, Junior, Under 27, member, couples, family and parent associate. Members are also urged to join the British Tennis Membership scheme which benefits the club as well as members. You need a BTM number to enter competitions, being a member offers various deals on UK tournaments, Davis Cup etc. and it’s free if you are a club member- just register on-line www.lta.org.uk/Britishtennismembership .
The club will be having a special celebration in the Autumn – to celebrate buying the one acre of land at Ballaughton for £485 and starting the fundraising/developing which has given us the excellent facilities we have today. We will also be running a Tombola with some very good prizes and if any member feels they could volunteer to be the official promoter please contact me on 861497 or e-mail albanytennispr@manx.net.. The committee will be collecting the prizes so the promoter will be responsible for issuing books of tickets to members, collecting sold ticket stubs and unsold tickets and completing report/results for the Gaming Supervision Commission.
At last we have been able to play 3 Winter League matches . The awful weather has made it impossible to play for several weeks but last week in Div 1 our A team beat Douglas B 8-0. The team was Andy Murray, Callum Watson, Alison King and Jackie Russell. The A team lost to Castletown A 0-8 and in Div 2 Douglas C beat Albany B 7-1.