Thursday, September 29, 2016

I hope all our members have had a look at our new club website, which looks really modern and attractive. Hopefully you can all work the new indoor court booking system. If members have any ideas they think would add to the site please contact Stuart Colligon or any committee member and discuss it. The committee is really grateful to Andy Murray, who looked after our original website, for all his efforts in keeping members up to date with club news. Thanks Andy.

The Isle of Man LTA Annual Dinner & Prize Presentation will be held at the Douglas Golf Club on Friday 21 October starting at 7.30pm. The two course meal is £16.25pp. If you want to attend please let me know by 6 October with your payment (chqs payable to IOMLTA) which can be left in the white box.

Our 50 years at Ballaughton Celebration Dinner at The Empress Hotel on Friday 7 October looks like being a real success with currently 90 members and friends attending. If you haven't ordered your tickets yet you had better hurry as the room only holds 120. Contact Jan Gaskill by e-mail or phone 862144. Final reminder to those who haven't returned  the tombola tickets, sold or unsold, to me please do so by this weekend if possible. I'll be at the club on Friday morning for the Macmillan Coffee Morning and Saturday 11.30 to 2.30pm to collect them or you can leave them in the white box. Also if anyone thinks they can sell another book please contact me by e-mail We have 20 excellent prizes so it's well worth having at least one ticket.



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