Due to the work being done at the club this week, the committee being extra busy for the forthcoming Dinner, Tombola etc and a working party needed at the club on Sunday 2nd Oct, the committee has decided to postpone the Presidents Day Junior/Senior annual competition and the Club Junior Championships.
The junior championships will now run from Monday 10 - Sunday 16th October. Entries close Tuesday 4 October 6pm. Events will be Red ball (U8) - played Saturday 15th Oct 2pm, Orange ball (U9) , Green ball (U10), Singles U12, and U18 and doubles U10, U14 & U18. Entry forms will be available from the w/end. Entries by e-ail to ianwatsonpts@manx.net. There is no entry fee for club championships Entry forms can be placed in the club's white post box. A new date for the Junior/Senior will be announced shortly.
The club championships were a bit disappointing this year with the women's entries too low to run. I don't know what it is about the female tennis player - they don't like to compete. In my younger days the women's events were always eagerly contested but also good fun. Hopefully we can turn that trend around for next year. However the men's singles had enough entries to run a qualifier for the main draw and we had some good matches. Remaining results: Qualifying final Gareth Roome by Dean Morgan 7/6(4) 6/4. 6/1; Main Draw final Sean Drewry bt Oliver Broadhead 6/1 6/0 Men's Doubles: Sean Drewry/Jay Skelcher Maxwell bt Paul Reid/Rob Colquitt 6/1 6/1
The Albany Friday Ladies - World's Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan cancer support should have been held this Friday September 23rd. This has had to be cancelled due to the work going on in the clubroom and will now be held the following Friday 30th September. There will be tennis as usual for those that want to play. Please come along and support this event. There will be tea and coffee and homemade cakes. Donations of Homemade cakes welcome also for the sales table!