My word it's been a busy week for Albany the start of the "season" ie from April it's as though everyone wakes up and starts playing.
The first junior tournament of the season ended on Saturday with some very good tennis played by all age groups. It was good to see some of the under 8s playing in their first tournament. The last match of the day was a high quality 12 & under singles between Roch Mirski and Charlotte Clarke which Roch eventually won with a Champions tie-break 10-8. This match was watched by Chris Watterson of Nedgroup Investments (IOM) Ltd who then presented the prizes on behalf of the sponsors. Thank you to Jan and some parents who provided the usual Finals Day tea for a group of hungry juniors. Nedgroup have agreed to continue sponsoring this event for 2018. Thank you to Garreth Roome, Jim Travers who assisted Bryan Sharp as referee. Juniors please note that our weekly coaching session's stop during the Easter break and will restart on Monday 24 April. Results: Girls U8 - winner Sophie Christian, r/up Hannah Soliven; Boys U8 winner Ryan Colquitt, r/up Nicholas Wilson; Girls U9 winner Annelise Mellor, r/up Holly Roberts; Boys U9 winner Orry Farnworth, r/up Jared Shepherd; U10 Mixed - winner Orry Farnworth, r/up Henry Davies; U12 Mixed winner Roch Mirski, r/up Jayden Go; U18 Mixed winner Roch Mirski, r/up Jack Christian. Best performance award went to Roch Mirski. ( Photo of prize winners)
Last Friday evening the club ran a very successful Quiz Night with difficult, and fun questions set by Jackie Russell and Clare Skelcher. The eventual winners were "Totes Inappropes", r/u "Past, Present and Future" and with Del's Beauties winning the "Lemon" prize. Thanks to everyone who donated raffle prizes and Jan who organised the draw. Profit on the evening is just over £200 which will go towards the re-decorating and new carpet for the lounge. Anyone have any new ideas for fund raising please contact me - does anyone fancy running a car boot sale.
Congratulations to our Mixed Doubles A team on winning the Winter League Div 1. Their final win was a 6-0 win at Castletown. Well done to all players that have featured during a difficult season weather-wise. The summer league gets under way week beginning 17 April - Good Luck everyone.
Albany is again running a British Heart Foundation tournament - on Tuesday 16 May with a 9.30am start. It's £10 to enter and should finish by 1pm. Refreshments will be provided. Contact Bridget Stewart ( to enter) or just come and watch and support the event. Funds raised will go towards equipment for the IOM Cardiac Department at Nobles Hospital.
Forms will be available shortly for the Annual Chrystals Senior Open tournament - 6 - 14 May. This date was specifically fixed to enable the IOM tennis team to gain additional match practice before travelling to the beautiful island, Gotland. So we look forward to welcoming them at the club and will need a good entry to test them! Five Albany members are in the team and a presentation of the club's support for them will be made in late April or early May. Congratulations to Katie Harris who is just back from the USA having accepted a tennis scholarship at Arkansas Tech. Meanwhile brother Billy is playing Futures events in Portugal.