Well a lot of hard work went in to last Friday's Night at the Races and the result was another £1,000 for the club's heavy maintenance funds. Yes the indoor court is 24yrs old and the clubhouse 16yrs, so we have to expect some parts of our club will need work in the next few years. However a social evening like a Race Night is good fun and a pleasant way to fundraise.
Many thanks to David Bufton, Stuart Colligon, Jackie Chinn, Jan Gaskill, Jackie Russell and Robbie Orr for the various duties they took care off and Clare on lights! Also many thanks to John of Morrison's Photos Ltd for being MC, Auxesia Ltd, PPP, Edward Bryan Removals and several members for sponsoring the races. The Terrace Chippy provided our lovely chip suppers.
As this was a fund raising event it reminded me that over the 50yrs the club has been at Ballaughton we have raised money in so many different ways. This thought was prompted by a letter I found whilst sorting out club history info. It was from the LGB (Malcolm Watson) Planning officer and dated 17 February 1967. It thanked the club for it's offer of 200cubic yards of top soil at 17/6 per cu yard. YES we sold anything that we could and scrounged materials for building the courts ie the old Victorian red brick Sea Terminal is under court 1. The driver was taking all demolition rubble to Ballahot but a chat with our site supervisor diverted it to Ballaughton! Probably many of a newer and younger members have no idea that what went on at the "club" in the late 60s.. Hard work but great fun and so well worth it when we enjoy the facilities we have today.
Sad news - Our older members will be sad to learn of the sudden death of Harold Crellin - a stalwart at the Peel Town Cup years ago. I'm sure everyone who knew him and his wife, Pat will send her their condolences. As yet I don't know the funeral arrangements.
All junior/in club coaching will be suspended during half-term and re-start from Monday 19th February.
A reminder to members and non-members - we have used tennis balls for sale - a bag of 20 "lovely smelly ones" for £5. Contact Pat - 861497 or e-mail albanytennispr@manx.net
Article by Pat Sharp.