Albany is again running a British Heart Foundation tournament - on Tuesday 16 May with a 9.30am start. It's £10 to enter and should finish by 1pm. Refreshments will be provided. Contact Bridget Stewart ( to enter) or just come and watch and support the event. There will also be a raffle so non-playing spectators can help raise a bigger total than last year. Funds raised will go towards equipment for the IOM Cardiac Department at Nobles Hospital.
The Mini Tennis and Junior coaching programmes are now in full swing with red, orange and green ball squads turning up in force on Tuesdays (see pic) . Now that the April up-grade has taken place and many children have moved to a higher group there are some places available at 12noon and 1pm on Saturdays for beginner Mini players. Aged from 4yrs upwards they can enjoy a variety of exercises, drills and start to gain the skills of tennis. It is surprising how quickly they learn and Club Coach, Ian Watson and his assistants make it a lot of fun. The players are regularlyassessed, moved to a higher group and start playing games. At the moment we have room for 5 or 6 new players, who can attend three times without charge, for taster sessions. If they like it they are invited to continue by joining as a mini member for £85 for the year which includes their Saturday coaching.. More details can be obtained from Ian (496293) or just turn up on Saturday at 12 and we will explain everything.
The next event at the club will be the IOMLTA Senior Closed Championships sponsored by Pokerstars from Sunday 11 to Sunday 18 June. Entry forms available by the weekend. Closing date Saturday 3 June at 6pm. Enter on-line, by entry form placed in the white post box or e-mailed to Events are men's/women's singles and men's, women's and mixed doubles.