A reminder to all Mini Tennis red ball players that coaching re-starts this Saturday from 12noon. There is room for 3 or 4 new children who want to try playing tennis.
You have to be at least 4 yrs old. Just come along at 11.45am and ask for Pat Sharp (Club Secretary) or Ian Watson (Club Coach) and we'll see you have some fun hitting a ball. Initially there is no charge - children can have 3 free lessons but if they wish to continue we need you to become a member - for club rules and insurance.
The club's Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 29 November in the club lounge starting at……….. Our current Social Secretary, Kirsten Hall, is relinquishing that role so we are looking for a volunteer. Kirsten has done a brilliant job dealing with club social events and taking bookings by other people/groups for use of the club lounge. We need someone with IT skills, a bit of flair for making events attractive to members and non-members and keeping information up-to-date on the club website. If you fancy taking this on please contact our Chairman, Stuart Colligon - e-mail info'@albanyltc.co.uk and he'll give you details of what the role entails.
Some trees at the back of the indoor court are to be cut back so that they don't rub on the roof. This noisy work may effect players who have a booking in the court but we will inform members of the date/time as soon as we know when the work will be carried out. Sorry about this but it is necessary.