Thefts from Local Sports Changing Rooms

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Message on on behalf of Leicestershire Constabulary

Over the past few weeks a number of sports clubs have reported to us that their members have had valuables and cash stolen from changing rooms while they were unattended. In at least one case the stolen items included car keys, which resulted in the theft of a car parked outside the changing rooms.

In some cases the changing rooms were unlocked, and in others doors were forced. We take thefts like these very seriously, and will take whatever action we can to find those responsible.

We would like you to draw this trend to the attention of clubs and members in your association. We would also like you to pass on the following advice:

  • Don’t take unnecessary cash or valuables with you when you are going to take part in sport – only take what you need.
  • If possible, leave any valuables with a non-participant.
  • Where this is not possible, leave valuables in lockers – and ensure they are locked.
  • Lock changing room doors.
  • Challenge any strangers – often thieves will try to fit in as if they were spectators, make excuses about going to the toilet, and then go through valuables in the changing room.

If you would like advice about these or other measures you can take, please contact PC Steve Day, the South area Crime Reduction Officer, on 0116 222 2222 x 5532, or ask to speak to your Neighbourhood Policing Team on 0116 222 2222.




Dan Maskell Tennis Centre
Loughborough University
Epinal Way
Loughborough LE11 3TU
01509 606867