Once again Lincolnshire LTA is to hold the Lincolnshire Tennis Awards which are available in 8 different categories. These are in addition to the Aegon British Tennis Awards, also in 8 categories, where nominations may be made NOW via this link: www.lta.org.uk/britishtennisawards
Nominations close for both sets of awards at midnight on Sunday 18th December 2016. Here is a link to an editable info/nomination form in MS Word and PDF version for those who prefer to write and post.
Visits to clubs throughout the county show so much good work going on that these people merit formal recognition and thanks!
Don’t be shy to nominate your club (no matter how large or small), coach, teams and one or more of the many volunteers (young and old) that all clubs so much depend on. Come on you know they deserve it!
We look forward to receiving many nominations!
Good luck.
John Copsey – LLTA Awards Organiser & Executive Vice Chairman
Lincolnshire Awards Evening is on Saturday 25th March 2017 with Michael Downey, CEO of the Lawn Tennis Association in attendance so please note the date. Booking information to follow after 13th November 2016.