Fantastic Road To Wimbledon event at Tennis For Life!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Fantastic Road To Wimbledon event at Tennis For Life!

The weather tried to put a holt to both Road to Wimbledon events, but the players fought hard against the elements to make them both successful events. With 7 girls and 5 boys in the Tennis for Life event, we had some very good matches played in tremendous good spirits between friends and new friends. We even finished with some doubles for everyone.

Eventual winners being Cade Emerson and Rosie Gomez. For the Norwich High School event, the weather again threatened to put a stop to it, but the girls bravely played through the rain, which stopped in time for the semi and finals. Dione Camberman eventually beating Emily Waller. All the girls put in a lot of effort, especially as for many it was their first tournament.

A really big thank you to the Tennis Leaders who also helped.



Norfolk LTA
Easton College Tennis Centre
Norwich NR9 5DX