ENTER Norfolk Inter Club Winter Team League

Thursday, August 29, 2013

After the success of the Summer Aegon Team Tennis, Easton College, supported by Norfolk LTA, have set up the same team opportunities for players and clubs this winter.

The events will be run in exactly the same way as the summer, as event style competitions with teams and players playing multiple matches/fixtures on each of the dates, both singles & doubles (red will only be singles). Please click here to view the format of the league.

As with the Summer version, we will split teams in to two divisions to ensure we get appropriate matches and similar standard players compete against each other. There will be promotion and relegation at each age group ensuring the teams in the second division get a chance to be promoted.

There is no commitment to enter all events, just enter the events you feel you are able to. There is no entry fee to the club/coach as with the summer league. The only fees are to the players on the day. These amounts are the same they would pay for the same level of tournament.

The Mini Red & Orange are every half term from September to Easter, resulting in there being four events. For the 10 & under Green 12’s, 14’s & 18’s there is one event each term, one before Christmas and one after.

If when you enter please tell us if you want your team to be considered for League 1 or League 2. If you are unsure & wish to discuss this please do not hesitate to contact me.

To enter either complete the application form or simply email me with the teams you would to enter and the contact details of the organiser if it is anyone else other than yourself. At some time before the event I will need the names of the players in your teams but this will not be at much closer to the dates themselves. Feel free to enter multiple teams at the same age group. There are a maximum number of teams we can except in all age groups due to court time so please do not leave it until the last minute to enter or you may be disappointed.

If you have any queries on this please do not hesitate to contact me:

Matt Breese

Sports & Tennis Manager


Easton, Norwich, Norfolk, NR9 5DX

Tel: 01603731302

Email: Matt.Breese@eastonotley.ac.uk



Norfolk LTA
Easton College Tennis Centre
Norwich NR9 5DX