23 new Competition Organisers for Norfolk!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tennis for Life ran a Tennis competition organisers course on 12th January at the Norwich High School for Girls. 23 participants had a great session led by Kieran Crombie from Tennis East.

Donna Andrews from Tennis for Life said "the course was enthusiastically received from all the participants, who are looking forward to running competitions in the future. The organisational and communication skills that are required within tennis will be utilised really well in putting the course training into practice."

The participants are now prepared to confidently deliver their first competition and assist a club, coach or committee in planning competitions. If you are interested in running a course at your place to play please contact Tennis East on 01223 210111 or email us on tenniseast@lta.org.uk



Norfolk LTA
Easton College Tennis Centre
Norwich NR9 5DX