Coaches Breakfast 21st February

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Sports Coach UK are pleased to provide a new programme of Talent Coaches Breakfast Clubs, providing Talent Coaches throughout the UK with further access to exciting and relevant topics of discussion, expert speakers and the opportunity to share thoughts, challenges and solutions with other coaches working in the England Talent Pathway.

What is Talent Coaches Breakfast Club?

A series of targeted, regional, Talent Coach development opportunities, supporting coaches and Governing Bodies in creating a more knowledgeable and valued coaching workforce.

When will the next Talent Coaches Breakfast Club take place?

On Friday 21st February at Sportspark Norwich the next Talent Coaches Breakfast Club will take place.  The session will run from 8.30am - 11.00am with breakfast being served at 8.00am.  There is no cost to attend this session which will be delivered by Paul Miller (bio attached), and the session content is as follows:

Developing a high performing mindset

Workshop attendees will explore the key concepts of developing effective and high performing mindsets and discuss the implications to them and their athletes/players. This is an exciting opportunity to gain further insight and share knowledge with other coaches working in similar talent settings.  The Developing a high performing mindset learning outcomes include:

- Share current academic research regarding mindset and challenge coaches to apply it to their own contexts

- Explore the concepts of mindset and achievement, discuss why 'struggle' is critical to success and learn techniques to challenge and support athletes/players

- Check and challenge attendees to reflect on how they currently explore mindset within their coaching and share with other sports

What are the objectives of Talent Coaches Breakfast Club?

- To provide practical coach development for coaches with an interest in Talent Development, working with, or having a desire to work with emerging athletes within the England Talent Pathway

- To introduce coaches to critical themes in the Talent domain

- To encourage the development of a cross-sport Community of Practice for coaches, combining the delivery of targeted information, informed by current research, with facilitated discussion between coaches to provide further context and the conditions for further learning and development

- To provide a service to Governing Bodies by providing training and development for coaches in impactful subject areas that sit outside of common development and qualification offers

- To support Governing Bodies and National Organisations in identifying current and future coaching talent.

Who are the target audience?

Talent Coaches Breakfast Clubs are of particular interest to high-performing coaches with an interest in Talent Development, working with, or having a desire to work with emerging athletes within the England Talent Pathway. These coaches are expected to be working within Clubs, Regional and Age-group athletes and teams, depending on the structure of their sport.  Information and information sharing is pitched at coaches with at least a UKCC Level 3 qualification or equivalent, or those working towards this with significant experience of Talent Development environments which they can bring to the Breakfast Club discussions. Talent Coaches Breakfast Club is not broadly considered suitable for Level 2 UKCC qualified coaches or for those without experience working with talent identified athletes or player.

Talent Coaches Breakfast Clubs are an excellent way of supporting coaches who have been identified by their Governing Body for future development and investment.

How to book places

Coaches need to simply email in order to reserve their free place on the forthcoming Talent Coaches Breakfast Club taking place at Sportspark Norwich on 21st February 2014.



Norfolk LTA
Easton College Tennis Centre
Norwich NR9 5DX