1st4Sport Multi-Skills Level 2 coaching course

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Active Norfolk haev organised a 1st4Sport Multi-Skills Level 2 coaching course in March 2014 at Sportspark Norwich.

The course presents a real opportunity to coaches in terms of the delivery of multi-skills, in particular within primary schools.  Anyone with a UKCC Level 2 coaching qualification can jump straight onto the course without having to do a Level 1 course beforehand.

We are utilising funding we have from Norfolk County Council Adult Education to help provide funding to some candidates wanting to do the course.  Therefore anyone agreed 19+ and not in full time education will be reimbursed 75% of the £180.00 course fee upon successful completion of the course.

Please click here to open the booking form, this needs to be completed and emailed to Becky.McGrath@sportstructures.com.  If any coach fits the above funding criteria to enable their part course fee to be reimbursed please email me once you are booked so I can make a note my end.

There are some funding opportunities for those not able to access the Norfolk County Council Adult Education funding, and please contact me if you want to do the course but are unable to access funding and I will provide further information.

Full course information can be found by clicking on the following link:


If you have any questions please contact:

Ian Grange - Coaching Development Manager & Safeguarding Lead Active Norfolk Easton College Tennis Centre, Easton, Norwich, NR9 5DX Office 01603 731568, Mobile 07785724967



Norfolk LTA
Easton College Tennis Centre
Norwich NR9 5DX