Tennis Development at West Anglia College

Friday, July 06, 2012

The development of tennis at the College of West Anglia has received national praise. It has come from Christine Sprowell, further education manager at the National Tennis Centre, which recently hosted a visit from a group of students and staff at the Lynn base. Sprowell said: “The development of tennis at The College of West Anglia is a great example of what we’re trying to develop at colleges across the country.”

The students could be forgiven for having music on their mind when they visited the National Tennis Centre in London. For hitting loads of balls to high-tempo music, burning lots of calories and having lots of fun was part of the programme lined up for the students and staff.

They visited the centre to take part in the Tennis Foundation’s first further education tennis ambassadors’ experience day.

The seven students involved are all currently on sports courses at the College of West Anglia’s Sports campus and were invited to attend following on from the tennis leaders training they have recently taken part in at the college.

The college has been working with its local LTA tennis development manager and the Tennis Foundation to develop opportunities for students and to help grow the number participating and volunteering in tennis.

A number of students have also attended the Level One coaching award, as the college have promoted the opportunities for their students to get involved in local community tennis programmes.



Norfolk LTA
Easton College Tennis Centre
Norwich NR9 5DX