Summer Junior Team Tennis

Friday, March 28, 2014

Over the Winter period a new Junior Team Tennis event has been played out at Easton College Tennis Centre. Competitions at;

  • 8 & Under Mini Red
  • 9 & Under Mini Orange
  • 10 & Under Mini Green
  • 12 & Under
  • 14 & Under
  • 18 & under

ran over 16 dates had had 195 teams entered !

Entries for the Summer Norfolk Junior Team Tennis are now open. All details including fixture dates & info can be viewed here.  All events are free to clubs to enter and the children/players pay a fee on the day which is the same as a tournament enter fee. All the events are held at Easton College Tennis Centre so if the weather bad events still all take place and will not put undue pressure on club’s court time.

Please do not let the worry of the standard being too high put you off. Teams are put in leagues (1,2 or 3) depending on experience. We have had a lot of competition beginners take part over the Winter. As long as players can rally, serve and know the rules and how to scores they will be fine.

To enter all you have to do is email outlining what teams you would to enter. Then two weeks before each event Matt will request your team details(player’s names and an order 1st – 4th ).

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Matt on 01603731264 or via email as above.



Norfolk LTA
Easton College Tennis Centre
Norwich NR9 5DX