Blofield Tennis Club GBTW 17th May

Friday, May 30, 2014

2014 is the 90th Anniversary of Blofield Tennis Club’s inauguration, and the Open Day held on 17th May was a special celebration event. 

Balloons in the club’s house colours and colourful pots of geraniums gave the clubhouse a festive air.  The grass courts looked fabulous, the newly-refurbished hard court was looking very smart and the weather was perfect for tennis. Club coach, Chris Stocker of Tennis Edge, ran activities for all age groups throughout the day, culminating in a session for seniors. All standards and ages of player were represented on the courts, with everyone joining in and enjoying a friendly set or two.

The event generated high attendance figures.   No sooner had the doors opened then a crowd of parents and children arrived for the first coaching session at 11.15am and club members were kept very busy throughout the morning welcoming the visitors.  People continued to arrive in a steady stream during the afternoon and it is estimated that about 130-140 people in total attended the Open Day.

Special membership offers were available and the take-up was enthusiastic, particularly in the Junior groups.   The Club took £610 in memberships fees on the day (two seniors and thirteen juniors) and with the promise of at least five additional members who signed the membership forms but did not have a cheque book with them.

Refreshments were popular as was face painting, both of which raised some extra funds for the club.  Committee members were unanimous that the day had been a huge success and it was great to see so many visitors enjoying the excellent facilities, particularly in this very special year for the club.



Norfolk LTA
Easton College Tennis Centre
Norwich NR9 5DX