ENTER WinSum Tennis Matchplay League 2012-2013

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

The 2012/2013 Winsum Junior Tennis League is open NOW for entries. It is aimed primarily at Norfolk-based players with an LTA rating and eligible to play with a yellow ball. Non-Norfolk players are also welcome, but matches must be played in Norfolk unless both players reside outside Norfolk and a mutually convenient venue is agreed.  The league will start Saturday 6th October and runs through to 31st August 2013.

The season will continue with the matchplay format for the WinSum League to accommodate the LTA’s new ratings system. For players in category 8.2 or better, the session will reflect the LTA's quarterly period, with Series 1 running from Saturday 6th October to Saturday 15th December and Series 2 beginning after the new ratings become live on 7th January.

You may join at any time but allocated matches must be played unless injured.  Entries for Series 1 should be sent in by Thursday 4th October 2012 at the latest.  Please read the rules (either attached or overleaf).

The cost is just £25 for the whole year. This compares favourably with typical £10 entry fees for external events as this is effectively a year-long opportunity to play as many matches as you can and reflects the extra administration on the part of the Organiser.  All information/communication will be by email, except for the initial entry form and cheque.

End of season prizes will be awarded for all age groups to players who have participated in all series.

Once you know your group details, it is up to you to arrange matches by telephone, email or text.  Matches are played on an home and away basis so you may have to play an away match anywhere in the County.

For more information and the entry form, please click here

Alternatively, contact Diane Bush (Tournament Organiser)

Email: dianevbush@gmail.com



Norfolk LTA
Easton College Tennis Centre
Norwich NR9 5DX