VACANCY: Norfolk LTA Communications Officer

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Norfolk LTA – Role Description for Communications Officer


Norfolk LTA wishes to improve the breadth and depth of its communications to the tennis community and the general public through all appropriate media channels.   In order to do this we wish to engage a part-time person to become communications officer for the County. 


The role of this person will be as follows:

  • To establish and implement a comprehensive communication plan for the County, making full use of websites, social media and traditional media.
  • To establish and utilise a network of volunteer contributors across the County to keep media releases current and relevant to all types of tennis activity (people, places, performance, social, etc).
  • To establish links with the tennis community to ensure that events and stories are placed in the public domain promptly.
  • To ensure that social media channels are regularly updated.
  • To produce an annual summary of Tennis in Norfolk for distribution in hard copy and electronic form.
  • To establish close working links with local press and broadcast media and promote local tennis stories to them.
  • To develop and promote public events
  • To work in conjunction with LTA Field Team to make the most of opportunities in the LTA managed media streams.
  • To report weekly to the County Hon Secretary on work done.

Brief Conditions

The position will commence in December 2013, be recompensed on the basis of 6 hours per week over 48 weeks at the rate of £15 per hour, and will be on the understanding that the successful applicant is self-employed.   The initial contract will be for a period of 12 months.  Payment will be made monthly against invoices for work done.  Very limited expenses may be payable on prior approval by the Hon Secretary.  15 mins per week to be used for reporting on work done.

Person Specification

Excellent writing, IT and communication skills

Demonstrable passion for sport in general and tennis in particular

Good understanding of different media streams and where they are effective.

Good working knowledge of social media and how to use it effectively

Ability to network effectively with other tennis people and media organisations

Willing and able to generate own ideas and work as part of a team.

Conscientious and prompt.

Application Process

If you are interested in the position please submit a CV together with a covering letter indicating why you are interested in the position and how you believe you meet the person specification.

Your submission should be received no later than 15th November 2013 and sent either by email to the Norfolk LTA Hon Secretary at or post to

Mr R Palmer, 22 Cotman Road, Norwich NR1 4AF.  

These contacts may also be used for any queries prior to submitting your application.

Applicants may be requested to attend an interview.

Applications will be considered by the Norfolk LTA Committee, who will make a selection for endorsement by the Norfolk LTA Council.



Norfolk LTA
Easton College Tennis Centre
Norwich NR9 5DX