Over 220 Attend Historic Jesmond Tennis Club’s Free Family Fun Day

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Over 220 people picked up a racket and played tennis at the historic Jesmond Lawn Tennis Club’s free Family Fun Day at the weekend.

The Newcastle-based tennis club is the tenth oldest club in the world but the coaches proved they were very much looking towards the future as 150 juniors got on court and gave tennis a go whatever their ability.

The Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) provided a Tennis Factory for people knew to the game to practice their serve and ground strokes and even the visiting police officers tested out their skills in the Factory.

Cardio Tennis, a tennis-based fitness workout which can burn around 600 calories in an hour, and Touch Tennis were also on offer for those looking to try something a bit different to the traditional form.

Head coach Sean Damer said: “The day was a great success all round, both with attracting new membership and just seeing people having fun on court.

“We saw around 30 new junior players sign up as well as a number of adults and full family memberships which is really pleasing.

“The club has some fantastic facilities and we showed everyone the different ways there are to get involved in tennis even if you have never picked up a racket before.

“Hopefully lots more people will be playing tennis now and I’m sure a few of the juniors will have discovered a sport for life.”

The club has its own links to Wimbledon as former member Muriel Robb won The Championships, Wimbledon in 1902, adding to its rich history.

Everyone who registered on the day were given a free goodie bag while the Olympic Torch was also on site for people to have their pictures taken with it.



Northumberland LTA
County Ground
North Jesmond Avenue, Jesmond
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 3JU
0191 2815484