County Wide Great British Tennis Weekends 2015
With summer fast approaching, Tennis Clubs up and down the country are readying themselves to open their doors for free to welcome members of the local community in the hope of setting them on the road to playing and enjoying tennis and joining their club!
This year across three weekends, GBTW events will take place across Oxfordshire including mini tennis, cardio sessions, adult coaching and more!
Oxfordshire LTA are planning to help reduce much of the effort of promoting the day by proposing that all Oxfordshire clubs join together to run an Open Day on the same day. We can then combine our efforts with a joint marketing campaign centrally planned.
The day for 2014 is Sunday 29th June. This is the middle Sunday of Wimbledon, the traditional rest day of The Championships, when interest in tennis in the UK is at or near its peak.
There is a dedicated team who are working together now to encourage clubs to accept this day and to use all of our skills to promote the day as enthusiastically and professionally as possible in order to gain the largest possible audience and hopefully attract as many new players to tennis as is possible with a particular emphasis on the family and young people.
What do you need to do to make sure our club benefits from this initiative?
1. Complete the Open Day 2014 Application form (click here for a copy) and send to openday2014@oxfordshirelta.co.uk
2. Book 29th June 2014 for your club - and committee and members for help and support.
3. Plan the days activities - we will be providing a suggested list of "core" events.
4. Plan your follow up activities to maximise the Open Day - e.g. Summer Camps for youngsters, family days, discounted memberships and the like.
The County wide Open Day working party are working with other groups like the Thames Valley / Wilson League to ensure that for example there are no matches that clash with this date.
We will be keeping this site updated as we recruit sponsors and as clubs join the initiative.
We hope that you will be joining us in making the 29th June 2014 the most memorable day in Oxfordshire tennis history, by increasing tennis participation.
To take advantage of the national promotional campaign register your interest here
Don't delay complete and return the application form now!
Please bookmark this page for future reference