Cardio Tennis Community Programme Launched in West Oxon

Monday, April 16, 2012

Windrush Leisure Centre in Witney played host to the Cardio Tennis Launch event on Friday 13 April where local people of all abilities had the chance to experience the new high energy workout which helps you get fit while having lots of fun!

Cardio Tennis is a series of tennis-based drills and activities played to up-tempo music on a tennis court or in a sports hall. It does not require tennis skills, but is all about keeping your heart rate up, burning calories and having fun. Whether the ball goes in or out is irrelevant as the main purpose is to get fit!

The Nexus Community Team in conjunction with the Active Women project are offering people throughout West Oxfordshire the opportunity to take part in a number of sessions at clubs throughout the area including Stonesfield, Witney, Woodstock, Cassington and Standlake. Sessions start the week commencing Monday 16 April and are open to everybody regardless of ability.

If you would like to find out more about the sessions please contact

To see Cardio Tennis session in full swing click on the link below



Oxfordshire LTA
White Horse Leisure and Tennis Centre
Audlett Drive
Abingdon OX14 3PJ
01235 540700