Bampton Charity Tournament in aid of the Lily Foundation

Friday, January 17, 2014

March 20th is officially the first day of Spring, and what better way to celebrate than spending the morning playing tennis, followed by a delicious lunch all for a good cause!

The Lily Foundation is a small charity which predominantly raises funds for research into mitochondrial disorders which are genetic and incurable.   

The tournament will take place on courts at Bampton Tennis Club and several in the village, (now of Downton fame!)  and will be run as an American tournament with each couple playing a ‘round robin’ against each of the others on their court. The couple winning the most games will then go through to the quarter finals which is hoped to be played before lunch. Play will start at 9am PROMPTLY but if you are unable to make it this early please state on the entry form. Otherwise, please be punctual as time is always at a premium. Everyone is invited to Bampton Pavilion from 1pm to enjoy a mouth-watering lunch, followed by the conclusion of the tournament.

The tournament will to break with tradition and allow gentlemen to participate but only if they find a lady to partner them!

If you would like to play, please find a partner, complete the entry form and return to Liz Bamber before Monday 3rd March . Full playing details will be with you by 18th March. 

For further information please contact Liz Bamber at




Oxfordshire LTA
White Horse Leisure and Tennis Centre
Audlett Drive
Abingdon OX14 3PJ
01235 540700