LTA National Coaches' Conference 2016

Monday, June 13, 2016

LTA National Coaches' Conference 2016 - World class coaching at every level: participation to performance

The National Coaches' Conference is aimed at all levels of coaches and creates an opportunity to learn from some of the world’s best, develop new ideas, network with other coaches, and take practical ideas back with you to your coaching programmes.

The National Conference is a 2 day event held the weekend before Wimbledon on the 25th & 26th June 2016, at the National Tennis Centre, Roehampton. This year's theme is world class coaching at every level: participation to performance.

Last year saw Sven Groeneveld (coach of Sharapova) deliver a world-class presentation, and Beni Linder (Head of Conditioning, Swiss Tennis) produce an excellent on court session demonstrating how to ensure quality on-court delivery.

2016 Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

This year’s world class line-up includes:
• Allistair McCaw
• Leon Smith
• Nick Weal
• Louis Cayer 
• Kenneth Bastiaens.

You can find out more about these international speakers, as well as more information about the conference itself, by reading the 2016 National Coach Conference factsheet.

As well as the fantastic speaker line up, there will be an Expo centre, giving you the opportunity to see Coach Educational resources, companies and products come to life. The Expo centre also creates a great opportunity to make industry contacts and to showcase all support and development which is on offer to you as a coach.

The weekend pass not only entitles you to attend all of the presentations and workshops, but also includes tea, coffee, lunches and dinner over the weekend as well as a conference delegate pack to take away with you.

96% of last year's participants stated they would attend this year's conference based on their experience. So don't miss out on a fantastic opportunity to gain 12 licence credits too!

To find out more and secure your place please visit



Oxfordshire LTA
White Horse Leisure and Tennis Centre
Audlett Drive
Abingdon OX14 3PJ
01235 540700