Both boys and girls 14&U County Cup teams were in action on a damp, cold May bank holiday weekend, with boys playing at North Oxford and girls at Woodford Wells in Essex.
Both Captains knew that the task ahead for their teams was very difficult, both playing the much larger County of Middlesex and then Hampshire for the boys and Kent for the girls. Results went against Oxfordshire with the exception of a fine win by Alexis Canter at No. 1 singles against Middlesex.
The last day represented an opportunity for the teams to compete in matches which on paper they had realistic chances of winning. The Boys played Gloucestershire and despite some good performances were 3-1 down after the singles with Charlie Naylor winning his match. They were then defeated by torrential rain which meant the doubles were unplayable and Gloucestershire were awarded the match 4-2. The good news is that three of the team are under-age and can come back and learn from the experience for 2013.

On the last day, the girls were playing Buckinghamshire. After the singles, the score stood at 2-2. Ellie Vincent and Felicity Wilkins followed their singles wins by winning the second doubles in straight sets giving Oxfordshire a 3-2 advantage. It was left to Maria Karditsas and Taysie Gujral playing the top doubles to secure the win. They achieved it by winning the third set tie-break 10-8 with great encouragement from team and supporters thus finishing third in a tough group; a good performance.
The girls and boys teams 2012
Girls Team captain: Ed Isard Assistant: Liz Bamber
Girls 14&U Squad:
Asha Badiani, Taysie Gujral, Maria Karditsas, Evie Phillips, Ellie Vincent, Felicity Wilkins
Boys team Captain: Jon Maskens Assistant: Tom Francis
Boys 14&U Squad:
John Balshaw, Alexis Canter, Sam Heath, Cameron Price, Charlie Naylor, Harrison Ridge
Next AEGON Junior County Cup is the 10&U’s from 2nd to 3rd June 2012