Active Women Project Oxfordshire

Monday, November 21, 2011

Active Women is a recently launched 3 year project co–ordinated by the Oxfordshire Sports Partnership which will encourage more women in Oxfordshire to take part in sport.

Oxfordshire Sports Partnership received total funding of £371,051 from Sport England as part of the GO ACTIVE (Get Oxfordshire Active) project which will help to get more women taking part in 6 targeted sports - Athletics, Badminton, Tennis, Netball, Football and Gymnastics by removing some of the barriers facing them such as lack of childcare, inconvenience, no ‘buddy’ to play with and expense.

Working in conjunction with local coaches the Active Women project aims to increase participation in tennis by providing a range of opportunities on public park courts such as Cardio Tennis and Tennis Xpress. With support from local clubs the participants will be signposted and encouraged to progress into sustainable programmes offered either at the club or continuing in the park.

For more information click here:



Oxfordshire LTA
White Horse Leisure and Tennis Centre
Audlett Drive
Abingdon OX14 3PJ
01235 540700